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Narendra—Maitreya Correspondence

From: OshoOm Commune <oshoomcommune@hotmail.com> To: <deleted other recipients—vp> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 6:13 AM Subject: urgent attention for friends of osho

Dear friends please read the letter carefully

An open letter to beloved friends of osho

Love, Fast distortions in Osho’s vision, Osho’s work, Osho-Movement are happening by the inner circle of osho Commune International Pune, India It is the right movement for the friends, lovers, Sannyasins of Osho to unite and ask personally and collectively why the Inner circle is distorting following Osho’s vision or Osho’s work.

1) Distortion of Osho-sannyas by iniating new friends into Osho-sannyas in the civil dress. It was published in the Osho Times (Hindi), why He has choosen Maroon color for the sannyas, White Robe for the White Robe Brotherhood and black color for the group herapist and the 3-day Meditation Camp conductor.Osho says, all the members of the commune and those who are articipating in different meditations and groups will wear maroon robes in the commune to create meditative energy for meditative mileau.Osho says meditation and love are two different wings of sannyas. If there is distortion of sannyas, then automatically it is a distortion of Meditation and Love. And if there is distortion of sannyas, Meditation and Love, then automatically celebration and the purpose of commune is distorted. And in this way Osho’s vision and Osho’s work is being distorted systematically.

2) Removing Osho’s photographs from the commune, from the books in the name of cult. While Osho says, cult will never happen (refer cult and Jonestown) as He is non-consistent, non- commitent to any thing. Moreover He is contoversial and He is self- contradictory too. Osho also says, that through His eyes through His different gestures, He is working or provoking different kind of people. So it is unimaginable why the Inner Circle took this decision to remove His photographs knowing perfectly His vision and His way of working. Narendra was working in publication for almost 20 years. And Osho Himself was selecting photograph for the cover-jacket and photographs for the every discourse to begin with.

3) Not bringing Osho’s chair in the Buddha Hall during White Robe Brotherhood, while Osho says , when you bring my chair in the Buddha Hall my presence will be felt more intensely. Moreover, Osho’ chair is not available in any other commune around the world. So it is quite obvious to raise this question.

4) Sold out some property of Osho Commune International where bigger Osho Mandir and Dharmshala was proposed. Although construction work of new Osho Mandir is in progress but it’s completion is uncertain. It is said that property is sold out to Godrej because there is/was some financial crisis. Now again there is a question mark, what are/were the circumstances to sell Commune property and who is responsible for the financial crisis. And why all other members of the Inner circle were just spectators or were silent, or agreed on this move? And it is also heard that other properties ofthe Osho Commune International will be sold in the near future except the property of Rajneeshdham Trust by changing the name Osho Meditation Resorts. So again there is a question, why Osho Commune International (world Headquarter of Osho-Movement) where Osho’s living presence (Osho’ room, Osho’s Samadhi, Buddha Hall are still vibrating with His overflowing energy and attracting Osho’s friend around the world to go inside or to be meditative) is in the process of trimming. And what are the new plans of Commune/Communes alongwith new locations (countries) are agreed upon by the Inner Circle. Why there is so much secrecy?.

5) Almost several hundreds signature of Osho are removed from His books and given/sold out/preserved to Guinness Book of World Records. Why

6) Osho’s photographs is removed from the podium which was there all the time during all the meditations.

7) The name of Osho Commune International is changing into Osho Meditative Resorts. Why is it so? Could all the activities which are happening now or will happen in the future for the financial support happen only by changing the name?

8) On the issue of robes (your reference Aug. 1989, read out by Ma Anando), why all of you (wise man and woman of the inner circle ) were silent for almost 10 years? And what insight promoted you to change? Narendra can refer you many more quotations of Osho in favour of maroon. In/civil dress you are the part of the crowd and when you wear maroon you have an individuality, Integrity, sincerity towards your Master Osho. “Sannyas is to give you a sense of direction, a togetherness, a rootedness, an awareness of what you are and that you can be.”–Osho Recently you have conveyed to Ma Sangeeta of Osho Resorts that maroon and white robes are not compulsory during meditation camp. While Narendra’s experience is that maroon and white robes create energy field even during the meditation camp.

9) Swami Amrito declared on 19th January 1990 that he is going to give last message s of Osho, but except few quotations of Osho, nothing has been disclosed so far! Ma Anando (Medium of Osho & secretary of Osho) and Ma Neelam (secretary of Osho) has some NOTES DICTED BY Osho), but no one disclosed so far! If there is last mmessages of Osho and some Notes of Osho are there then when you (wise man & woman of the inner circle) are going to disclose to the disciples and sannyasins of Osho to go deep within.

Swami Narendra Bodhisatva and friends Osho Om Bodhisatva Commune, 108 Post Office Road, Clement Town DEHRADUN 248002 U.P. INDIA Phone +91-0135-640587 Fax: +91- 0135-640654 E-mail: Oshoom@nde.vsnl.net.in

*Please forward this letter to your Sannyasin friends and Osho Lovers

Beloved Narendra,

Love Remember that all human actions, thoughts and feelings are managed by the Whole. Consciousness is the only doer. Whatever happens is a deliberate creation of divine consciousness, to give the leela as much depth, intensity and potential for growth as possible. Obviously, the management of Osho Pune Meditation Resort are preparing for a big change. They have their reasons, which must be kept secret to avoid more trouble. Your ideas about the dress code are shared by many sannyasins. But meditation happens equally well in any style of clothes. Osho quotes are all over ten years old. Situations change. Osho’s work will flourish into a significant contribution to modern life only if it drops past-oriented orthodoxy. Indians are naturally orthodox. If Osho could hear this type of debate, he would laugh at the irony of his work being reduced to issues of the past. Sannyas is relevant only as LoveLifeLaughter herenow. Osho is history. And lives only in love in our hearts. A living Buddhafield based on Zorba the Buddha and advaita is destined to happen very soon. All this drama in needed as a preparation for letting go of the past. Enjoy the show.

Love Maitreya

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