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The Death of Zenzorba

Our sources tell us that some six years ago the Ashram began to think of producing a so-called autobiography of Osho, although Osho himself had, in his life, advised against biographies and did not seem to like them. He once said from the time you wake up there is no biography. Researchers were recruited to scan all his published books and eventually produced a very well researched archive of 1,500 pages, some of it little known material from Osho's early life, and arguably of interest to many sannyasins.

From this a "selection" was made by those responsible for present publishing policy within the Inner Circle. This concentrated largely on Osho's later life, and those parts of his life in which they themselves figured, and was published, rather expensively, by St Martin's Press of New York last year, as the "Autobiography of a Spirtually Incorrect Mystic".

In an underground way, and mainly one suspects for the benefit of researchers, etc the 1,500 pages which are well organised and a bit of a Treasure Chest found their way into cyberspace, with a download facility, and this was passed by word of mouth, etc.

Noticing the endless requests for Osho books, text, from sannyasins impoverished in every way, in Eastern Europe, and other places, where Osho himself always wanted to reach, this material was put up publicly on another web-site called Zenzorba in January of this year. Sannyasnews has learnt however that the Ashram authorities acted very quickly on what they considered a breach of copyright and sent a high-powered solicitor's letter to the ISP concerned and had the site closed down... not only that they then also arranged for a similar thing to happen to the original research site also.

Osho's words seem a bit like Rumi's or Jesus' to us and speak from existence itself. They cannot be priced, and it seems futile to do so. Somehow Osho's work is happening in those far-flung places of the world still often cloaked in totalitarianism and sometimes barbarism, but it seems in spite of, not because of the policies of those who claim the copyright to his words.

So beloveds of the mountains of Transyvania and the plains of the Orient tapping away at your old laptops, Osho's words are again in cyberspace, but you'll have to find your way to them through the unofficial sannyas networks.
