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Poona's Answer To Eastenders…
Some Gossip


I heard many rumours about the Commune while I was in London last year. After being here in Poona for the last four months I would like to share a few observations.

Osho Pics. 'They' have taken all the Osho pictures down. This rumour does have 1-2% of truth in it. However, entering the Commune from the main gate you have to be pretty blind not to notice him. The guards have a little picture on their reception desk. In the morning you can hear his voice coming from Buddha Hall. The bookshop have around 150 books with Osho's picture on the cover. Work meditation have a large Osho quote hanging outside their office. All this Osho just in the few yards between the main gate and the entrance to Osho's samadhi. So it seems like he's around. He's everywhere.

The Chair. The chair has gone… true, it's definitely not there!

Sannyas Ceremony. This has changed in many ways. The format of giving the mala, wearing of the robes, etc., is optional- but for me the main thing is the energy is the same. It's beautiful, it's loud, it's touching, it's loving; and what touches me most is how so many people come just to have a look for a few days and continue their travels round India- but then I see them taking sannyas, doing groups, falling in love, working round the Commune, etc.

New Buddha Hall. First my rubbish; my projection is I will miss the old Buddha Hall, etc. etc. But every few weeks I pass by the new Buddha Hall and it's really awesome. After a year of constant drilling in the solid rock the main structures of the 60-room Dharmasala are finished as is the Buddha Hall and metal structure for the pyramid roof. The views from inside (there are large windows along two sides) are of the tree tops. It should be ready within 9 months.

We heard about the Poona 1 reunion in Santa Fe a few months back. Anurag got a list of Poona 1 residents who are here and we took loads of pictures as Anurag was on her way to Santa Fe. There's also a Poona 1 reunion here. I've noticed the last few years many people arriving who have not been here since Osho was in the body, or Poona 1. Last week a Swedish man walked into reception and when I asked him if he had been here before he replied, no, but I took sannyas in Bombay (pre-Poona 1). Amazing! There are also some Ko Hsuan kids here. A recent survey showed that approximately 65% of people coming to the Commune are here for the first time, and approximately 20% of them are from Israel. The average stay is a week, and the way people hear of the Commune is normally by word of mouth.
