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Premdip Replies to 'Things Fall Apart..."

Dear Sannyasnews Team

My name is Premdip. I took Sannyas in 1980 when London was about to start to boom in the sannyas movement history, thanks to Poonam the wife of Teertha and with the help of Somendra, Rajen, Veeresh, Gandha and many heartful Sannyasins.

Most of the Sannyasins who were part of it dropped out through the years. Gandha is still doing it in Poona and Veeresh is doing it in Holland and Sweden and Italy and England and Brazil and Canada. In every country he has helped to open a center and maintain it. It opened mainly because of his trainings. His work is special, intense, heartful and has always led lots of people to Osho, as this is where Veeresh's heart is. His work is Osho's work in his own style. You might appreciate it or you might miss the beauty in it. This is just a question of opinion and judgment.

The same way it is an opinion that you have that Osho Leela is not following Osho but following Veeresh. There I want to let you know that Veeresh is following Osho, so who makes the difference between this Sannyasin and this other Sannyasin, another Sannyasin - the Sannyasnews Team? I would think that it would be much more useful for the Sannyas movement to be a network rather than a judgment from the right Sannyas team to the left Veeresh's wing.

We are not Sannyasins to create a political movement. I know we are human and maybe trying to be better than the other one. Makes us feel good sometimes, makes us feel right but that is just an opinion, another judgment. Let's do things together and especially, let's spread Osho's work
together. Let's integrate not separate.

With love
Living at the Osho's Center of Veeresh in Holland - called the Humaniversity.

Sannyasnews Editor Replies

Beloved Premdip,

thanks for bothering to reply to our article. Our intention is not to divide sannyas, in fact, on the contrary, it is to re-invigorate it.

There is a difference between a community of individuals and what certainly used to pass for a commune, where unhappily the individual was sometimes suppressed, almost the contrary to what Osho would have intended. Osho himself once said that during his unenlightened days he would never have been drawn even to the Osho communes! as they could hold back as well as create growth, and in his case it would not have suited. It is this paradox which we wish to address and bring light to. A community of individuals is a real challenge to maturity to all its members, not an invitation to subtle and disguised forms of therapeutic child-parent relationships or reliance on leaders.

You mention some of the early therapists with some reverence. I also knew them and worked with most of them and do not share your reverence. Therapy is not enough, but many were encapsulated in the unconscious belief that it was. That is why over time they left sannyas and deserted, in my view meditation, which they had rarely visited. Oddly enough they often left when their own egos and their self-regard as therapists was under threat — just the point when a real personal brekathrough could have occurred. .

I personally respect Veeresh, Osho Leela and Dhyano. I am sure what they are doing is taking some of the best of Veeresh and Osho in Veeresh, so do not feel at Sannyasnews we are at all against what is happening there. You would be mistaken if that is what you took from the article. I would however doubt that they are at the cutting edge of the so-called paradox of a community of individuals, which I have tried to outline above.

In a way your response is limited to what is quite a small part of the article and we do wonder whether you or Veeresh had any response to its wider import.

Love, Parmartha (Editor, Sannyasnews.com)