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The Trademark/Copyright War around Osho's Name and Books.

Update from Sannyasnews.

There has been a war in sannyas since around 2000 about the Trademark "Osho" and the claim by Osho International Foundation, Zurich, to claim 13 trademarks for different products and services with the word "Osho" as part of the product or service. (By doing so Osho International Foundation therefore seek to control anyone who might want to set up an "Osho" Meditation Centre, amongst other things. It is the 'control' of centres that has given the most cause for concern)

Copyright also comes into this because Osho International Foundation support their case on Trademarks with the argument that they own the copyright to all of Osho's texts, an ownership opposed in any case by many, but in particular by those who dispute the "control" being exercised by Osho International Foundation in the 'Trademark' respect. A further counter-argument in this case has been that Osho International Zurich have made a specious connection between Trademarks and Copyright when there is no neccessary connection between the two.

This war is being played out within the United States jurisdiction and there is a very long proceeding going on before the US "Trademark Board of Appeals" which may have resolution by the end of 2006 or in 2007.

Because the US Trademark Board has jurisdiction that covers the whole of America there is no localised trial. Testimony from witnesses nation-wide is held in front of local court reporters. This partly accounts for the length of the proceedings in the case.

You can get full but not completely up to date information on this trademark dispute, click to: http://ttabvue.uspto.gov/ttabvue/v?pno=92031932&pty=CAN&eno=10