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Your Eventual Enlightenment

An Article from Dave Oshana

I speak of enlightenment. That is all that I have the authority to speak about. I know very little else. This enlightenment has been my consistent experience for one year now.

Upon inspection, I see that my life is about your Awakening. I am constantly in communication with minds that are grasping in the dark for enlightenment, liberation, self-realisation, "It". I realise now that this is the God, Oneness, salvation, heaven, moksha, nirvana, Godhead, unity and Primordial Nature, that I sought on many spiritual paths.

I return, in this incarnation, as an enlightened brother, sharing the momentous journey to your eventual Awakening. I willingly act as a "neti-neti" ("not this, not that") teacher, exposing spiritual myths, and thereby setting you free to experience life as it truly is.

In this sense, there is no teaching, only pointings. As you lift your countenance up to that horizon where the sun always shines, and bask in its heat and light, there is no need for words or descriptions.

The extrication of your current perceptions from the mind's erroneous interpretations is a monumental task. Like the inhabitants of Plato's cave, you could talk forever about what the world might be like, but having not seen it, the chances of getting it right are remote, and will not compare with a single ecstatic moment of experiencing it. Only one who has seen it can assuredly describe it. But words are not enough. Unless you have the experience then the words are just stories.

It is now clear to me that enlightenment was not what I imagined, but that it did fit existing descriptions.

It was my destiny to seek. I could do nothing else, and now, having found, I am compelled to teach. Teaching happens twenty-four hours a day, even in my sleep. Teaching happens spontaneously. Your awareness and preoccupations fluctuate rapidly; I deal with them as they arise, and find the moment when your consciousness is shining brightly. I forget what I have said because it quickly becomes irrelevant to our moment-to-moment interaction. I often speak in parables and jokes, not realising that the stories frequently relate uniquely to the questioner's current situation, and provide great insights to others.

Before Awakening, you think you know, but have only stories. After Awakening, you know everything that there is to know about your true self.

I am commonly asked two questions by first time enquirers: "What can I do to get enlightened?" and "How can I maintain the bliss that I feel when I meet you?" The typical answer in Advaita Satsang circles is Nothing! You are that which you seek, which is a bit of a conversation stopper. In some cases, it may be the best advice that a seeker could hear, but the context needs to be explained.

Enlightenment seems to strike at the same time that all seeking activity stops. (Possibly, there is a causal sequence, but the whole thing is a bit of a mystery even to well-respected teachers). A seeker cannot easily choose to stop seeking. There have to be compelling reasons. Frustration, exhaustion and confusion act simply as spurs to goad the seeker to redouble his efforts. The only obvious reason to call off the search is having found enlightenment. Yet, paradoxically, enlightenment only exists in a condition of no seeking.

There is only one obvious route to enlightenment: keep the company of an enlightened individual, and hope for spiritual osmosis! Fortunately, there are quite a few enlightened ones around the U.K. Unfortunately, they are not teaching publicly.

They say the teacher turns up when the student is ready. But the truth is that enlightenment happens, in its own time, and whether you feel ready or not, is a subjective matter that destiny cares little about. If you find a teacher, then you are lucky. If they actually communicate with you, then your chances of waking up are statistically increased, which is a small consolation, if you believe in statistics.

Satsang, loosely translated as "hanging out with an enlightened person", is itself a paradox. The purpose of Satsang is to end your desire for Satsang, gurus and spiritual seeking.

There came a time when I stopped going to Satsang. Was it boring, less important, irrelevant to me? I am not sure. My interactions with my teachers had always been powerful, thought-stopping, speechless experiences. The meetings contrasted starkly with my everyday activities. I was transported to a sublime realm. Inevitably, I would return to a more mundane consciousness. One day, I never returned. I was no longer trapped inside the identity called "David". At that time, I was not seeing any teachers. I do not know how or why I got enlightened, especially as I had stopped believing in it's existence.

I had tried to find enlightenment for 30 years. I started doing yoga at the age of 5, and bought my first mantra at the age of 11. Nothing seemed to work, not even remotely. The best activity I did was Qigong and moving meditation. But I cannot say what, if anything, led to this enlightenment. Some people want to imitate my life, or model my way of dialoguing. They are welcome to try. However, I accept that something mysterious is at work, and am quite happy to just get on with it, without trying to understand it. I spend enough time studying computers, let alone the mind, the Self and the Creation.

Satsang brings relief via the release of all concerns, worries and desires. There is a place within you that knows only love. In Satsang you can contact that place and see life for what it is. The struggle is over.

Your next step, if you are drawn, is to contact me for a chat, or to attend a meeting.

Oshana Biography

Dave Oshana had been seeking for 30 years before he discovered enlightenment.
Dave discovered Hatha Yoga at the age of 5. At 9, he was reading about specific meditation techniques, such as dhyana, pranayama, and Raja Yoga. At 11, he spent his paper-round money to receive an initiation mantra. At 15, he travelled for four hours a night after school to attend an esoteric enlightenment group. At 17, he took time off from his studies to spend three months in an ashram. At 18, he tirelessly collected money for charity and did voluntary work.
At 19, he "manifested" a degree course in Cognitive Psychology and Artificial Intelligence, the first of its kind. He then graduated, and went to work as a I.T. Systems Analyst. He continued practising tai chi, bagua-chang, aikido, qigong, dynamic meditation and kundalini yoga. He volunteered as a therapist specialising in Thai massage, shiatsu and ear acupuncture.

Dave has met scores of teachers. He first met Andrew Cohen in about 1990, Neelam in about 1996, Satyananda in 1997 and John de Ruiter in about 1998. He had sincere, heart-rending and humorous conversations with all of them, some of which have been taped and are fondly remembered by each teachers' followers.

Dave became aware that he was Enlightened at 5am. on 17th June 2000. He had given up his search and doubted that enlightenment existed. He never wanted to be a teacher but could not see how he could keep this amazing discovery a secret.