Letting Go into Life and Death

I have always hated lies and secrets, and I think death has become the biggest secret in our society today.

It is a taboo subject, seen as a failure, a catastrophe, even avoidable!. I have, all my life, wanted to check it out— what is it? Why is it hidden, what are we afraid of, or, if we say we’re not afraid of it , why do we cover it up so much? 26 years ago this quest led me to India to Osho, who answered many of my questions -
‘Death is not the enemy. It appears so — because we cling too much to life. The fear of death arises out of the clinging, and because of this clinging we are unable to know what death is. Not only that, we are unable to know what life is too.’
I see now death as the canvas that life is written on, and, as an artist does, we need to choose and prepare our canvas carefully, so we can then create our lives as we really want them to be.

As a young nurse I specialised in cancer and spent several years on a terminal care ward at the Royal Marsden Hospital. Friends said, “don’t you find it depressing?”, but I loved it. I felt that I was in a totally privileged position to be with people in their last weeks, the pinnacle of their life. It became obvious to me, from being with some people nearing their death, that the way people lived was the way they died – people who were afraid of living were tense and fearful around their death which carried over to their friends and family too. Some held on to their fears, emotions and thoughts to protect themselves or their loved ones – hence a tension around an ‘untold secret’ arose. They approached their death in physical and spiritual isolation, not encouraged to open their hearts and mind to their loved ones. They found themselves unable to trust their own inner nature so removed from life itself, they entered, with painful insecurity, confusion and fear, into death. People who have such a fear often do not want to be conscious as they die and choose to have a lot of medication which can make their last days/moments just a haze. I found it rather sad to see patients and relatives unable to communicate in those last days. I don’t think there is anything wrong in this, but I would like to see people realise that they have more choice than this, and not to be so held by their fears, so that they can be more prepared for whatever might be next in their lives, be it death or sickness, grief or joy..

I also saw people who approached their impending death in a more open , accepting way – feelings expressed led to a relaxation – a letting-go, which is what death is, and also that which frightens us. There seemed to be much less suffering for those who had led life fully, in a wholeness that included death. These people seemed to have had some experience of themselves that had produced a confidence or realisation of who they were. This doesn’t mean that they were ‘religious’ or ‘spiritual’ in the obvious sense. I feel that no one can judge where anyone else is spiritually in this life. However there are people who have lived life so fully that they are not threatened by their imaginings of non-existence. Their deaths are an inspiration to all those around them.

To die, we have to ‘let-go’, but it happens anyway. We don’t have a choice, but we do have a choice between fighting it or dying uptight and unresolved or “going-with-it”, and dying in a relaxed wholeness. Few people die in wholeness. We mostly live confused and small lives, or at best, much less than our potential. We are conditioned to think we own our bodies and few recognise it as just a temporary borrowed “suit” which we must eventually give up… Those who can see themselves as a passenger in the body are more able to let go lightly. It seems to me that people who live life to the full, enjoying each precious moment, spontaneously, relishing the unknown and not just clinging to the side, trying to keep life safe and static(dead), are the ones who will accept death more easily when it comes. This doesn’t mean they will give up and just ‘go with it’, but they will approach their death as they approached their life, with honesty and awareness. They haven’t denied their lives and they won’t deny their deaths.

Death is happening each moment; to be in THIS moment, we have to let-go. Mini deaths/let-goes are happening all the time. Chance and impermanence are part of life, in fact what makes life. When we choose changes we usually like them, but are we so good at being with them when they come along unexpectedly ? This is where I think it helps to practise being more aware.

Everyone of us is on our own solitary path. We travel together for parts, make friends, lovers and maybe enemies, but we are on our own — when we come into this life, during it, and when we go out of it. No one can tell anyone “the truth” — it is there for each one to find their own… it is totally individual. This is one of the reasons why the workshops I run are “in silence” . There is hardly any sharing. Everyone gets to value and travel their own path, although the group energy is also very supportive. The workshops help create this reflective space, where it is safe to go as far as you want into the unknown, an exciting exploration, your own inner journey in this life.

Archa Kate Robinson RGN
Living and Dying Consciously Website
(first published on sannyasnews in 2002)

Sannyas news recently received the following piece about Archa’s “Death and Dying” workshops

One person’s journey into ‘Dying to Live’ – a truly wonder-full experience

Five years ago, I was at a Music Festival. As part of the festival, there were a series of workshops, one of which was run by a lady by the name of Archa. I was intrigued, the subject of her workshop was death and dying.

Though only short, the workshop gave me a glimpse of what the full experience of Archa’s weekend workshop could hold for me. I decided that, one day, I would go on the Death and Dying workshop.

In Nov 2010, that ‘one day’ finally arrived. I had booked on the workshop and found myself on an amazing journey into myself and my life.

The workshop had a sense of unfolding, which reflected the feeling of unfolding within myself. Each exercise that we did gently coaxed me along a fabulous exploration of what death is really about. Of course, as anyone who has looked at teachings about death will know, the exploration was also about life – the life that each one of us was living.

A part of me would love to say exactly what the exercises were, but that would be unfair to you if you choose to go on this workshop, as you would need to experience this unfolding in your own way. However, something I can say is that I met and had a direct conversation with Death – which was astonishing. I also came away with the reassurance that if I am with someone in their final moments on this planet, that I will be able to cope with this. Not only that, but that I will do whatever the person needs.

Many of us in our society are conditioned to fear death, as if by fearing it we might somehow avoid it. After experiencing Death and Dying, I found that many people who I spoke to about the workshop were clearly discomforted. My heart just went out to them, wanting to reassure them, knowing that if they could just experience the things that I had had the privilege to experience, they might find ease and comfort.

I have recommended this workshop to many people. For me, it was the ‘final piece’ in my quest to clear some of the stuff from my past, so that I could move forward in the way that I really want to in my life. As Anais Nin said, “People living deeply have no fear of death.” I am certainly living my own life more deeply, doing and being so much more.

The ripples from that weekend are always with me, gentle breath at the side of my path, easing my journey forward into exploration – moving onto the next exciting chapters of my life. This is happening, in no small measure, because of Archa and her wonderful team, and a workshop called, “Death and Dying.”

Archa’s presence is quite beautiful. She is at once welcoming, open, friendly, reassuring, at the same time as having an air of no nonsense, solidity and strength. Supported by her team of co-facilitators (including her husband Sans), they create a space of safety and open-ness. This is all achieved with a wonderful sense of balance, a lightness of touch which is at the same time respectful. Something that I can only call, “Reverent fun”.

Diane Kutz’s

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648 Responses to Letting Go into Life and Death

  1. prem martyn says:

    i had always looked forward to my old school headmaster dying…eric sherwin of highgate school…

    in fact i rang up my old school years ago..to ask about him and when they told me he’d had a heart attack i was really happy.. . i’d always promised myself to dance when he died and i have… even thinking that he’d had a heart attack makes me still smile…and there’s a few so called sannyassins who bring me the same pleasure when i hear of their misfortunes…
    yes death is really something to celebrate.. not often.. but when nature gets it right…

    that ariel sharon is still in a coma…
    fucking great…

  2. Alok john says:

    @Martin, unfortunately death would be far too generous a gift for some of the fuckers who taught me in British schools in the 50s and 60s.

    PS Who are the so-called sannyasins in question?

  3. prem martyn says:

    alok… im with doc amrito on that… its a secret…

    :) .

  4. shantam says:

    Life and death are taking place even before the earth was born. The new challange for the parents of I pod generation will be the subject of -
    Human logivity has increased multifold not because of the Yoga and meditation but through the efforts of medicial scinetists..
    Death is still left in the hands of priests and religious beliefs….I wish, hope and think that in few decades time there will be more “Dignitas”, not just the only one in Switzerland…

  5. shantam says:

    In the previous thread, Frank and Anand, the twin brothers joined by a single thread have written some nice and thought provoking stuff….

    I wonder when one of them will take the responsibilty to stand up and say..yes..here i am..as both these names are being operated by some shadowy figure…

    Hey..Frank, are you the dentist of Osho…???

  6. frank says:

    when you think about it,jihadi suicide bombers
    are just dying for a shag….

  7. prem bubbie says:

    Death and dying- I had several experiences with it.. to share.. once, working as a bike messenger in Manhattan back in the early ’80′s, I was riding my bike in the middle of the street and as i passed a cab a door swung open from the side- something i couldn’t avoid– got hit, fade to black- then back rising up screaming at the passenger… seems the brain has a “safety” mechanism… i could have landed on my head and killed and wouldn’t have known it- totally painless, too. Another, a near death experience from a bleeding ulcer, didn’t know i had one until… a very slow, slow faint out of existence, 5 days, I feel lucky for that experience, one of my few times i was a “watcher” during the entire time… won’t say anymore… best advice osho gave out.. be a watcher.. don’t get sucked into stupid head trips or other people’s shit… enough said…

  8. prem bubbie says:

    Just a many a way to “Die”…. Overdosing- no way…. coma, then death- no way…. bullet to the brain no… beheading- naaa…. cancer, a definite no- saw too many die a slow , very painful death… heart attack… too painful…. stroke, no…. burning at the stake— talk about torture!!! I think man-made death is totally off the table for me… Except getting hit by a bus when i’m not looking….

  9. prem martyn says:

    i really think we should draw up a death wish list

    death by listening to someone reading archives of sannyasnews

    death by discussing the power of now

    death by realising how little you know about anything actually useful

    death by looking for the awareness of the wonderment of the watchingfulness

    death by xmas dinner with the family

    death by wasting time listening to self realized individuals whose declarations on the self are as useful as death

    having a near death experience by excessive wanking..

    suicide by excessive reading of country life magazine in doctors surgeries

    suicide by giving your girlfriends address to an old flame of hers

    all these things require a new form of therapeutic investigation
    currently available only to holidaymakers stranded in Guantanamo Bay.

  10. prem bubbie says:

    “having a near death experience by excessive wanking”. Gotta try that… so many wanks, so little time…. “Time is on my side” & “What a drag it is getting old”… now, were the Stones also excessively wanking?

  11. Anand says:

    Shantam, keep on guessing. Frank is my overlord.

    I like your description ‘shadowy figure’. That fits me well.

  12. shantam says:

    Osho On Meditation Resort.
    .by OSHO on Saturday, 27 November 2010 at 19:30.”My Resort is a totally different phenomenon. It is neither an ashrama, modern or ancient, nor a monastery, Christian or Mohammedan. My Resort is, in the first place, non-ascetic.
    It basically tries to destroy all psychological sicknesses in you ― in which sado-masochist ideas are included. It teaches you to be healthy and not to feel guilty for being healthy. It teaches you to be human, because my experience is that people who have been trying to be divine have not become divine, but have fallen far lower than humans. They were trying to go up beyond humanity ― yes, they have gone beyond humanity, but below it.
    In the monasteries, people are almost animals, because the more you torture yourself, the more you start losing your intelligence; intelligence needs comfort. Intelligence is a very delicate flower. Don´t try to grow roses in the desert. Intelligence is a very delicate flower. It grows in luxury. It needs a luxurious ground, fertile, creative, full of juice; only then can it blossom. And without intelligence, what are you?

    My effort is first to help your intelligence become a flame, and to help that flame to consume all that is not your authentic self. You become a fire and you burn everything that is rubbish, thrown by others onto you.

    So first intelligence, and second meditation. Meditation comes out of intelligence ― burning all crap from your being. Then you are pure, alone, just the way existence wants you to be.”


    Osho, Excerpted from: From Personality to Individuality, chapter 5

  13. prem martyn says:

    i’ve always loved the Grateful Dead… here’s a bit of life at its sweetest …(before we die)

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

  14. Alok john says:


    Massive free Grateful Dead audio archive here…


  15. frank says:

    did anyone ever read
    “the last hippie” by oliver sacks,the neurologist?

    it was about a guy from california who was in the whole 60s thing thing took way too much acid,got heavy with his mum and dad etc…
    maybe contributed to a very rare form of brain tumour which stopped him from being able to form new memories..
    this was 69-70
    the guy was a hare krishna at the time.
    as his memory faded away,all the other krishnas just thought he was totally in the moment.
    he just sat there grinning.
    they thought he was very close to enlightenment,he just eat and slept and didnt seem to care about anything..
    eventually his family got dr sachs involved,and he started to try and work with the problem.
    he discovered that his memory had stopped accumulating new memories at a specific moment,at the end of the sixties.
    the guy`s mind was stuck inthe past the sixties,literally…..
    anyway the connection to this thread is that sacks found out that he could use music to communicate with the guy.dylan and the greatful dead,in particular..
    sacks went with the guy to a greatful dead concert,and
    the really strange thing was that the guy remembered and sang along to all the songs before his memory went,but when they played later stuff the guy was asking,who/what is this band?

    i think they are making it into a movie.

    i could suggest quite a few canditates for the lead role….

  16. frank says:

    makes you wonder about some of these “spiritual” states.
    did you know that in his youth,ramana maharshi was a keen amateur boxer…?
    once,when he was about 14/15 he fought some older kid and got knocked clean out.
    he was out for nearly 24 hours….
    that can be pretty serious..

    i wonder whether they guy just knocked him straight into samadhi…?

  17. frank says:

    i suppoese enlightenment is the ultimate sucker punch.
    you think you`re doing good,you fancy your chances on points,you`te hanging in for the bell….
    .its all over….

    he coulda been a contender….
    still,he got to spend the rest of his life walking around in his shorts…

    only losers can win in this game etc….

  18. prem martyn says:

    alok your spiritual guidance in the form of being gratefully dead is most welcome…


  19. prem bubbie says:

    A good chance Sacks had Alzheimer’s. Now for those millions now suffering from it, could it be these people were on the dl with acid use? It’s amazing to open a closet and see all the strange and interesting skeletons come tumbling out… Shantam, tell us what it’s like…..

  20. prem bubbie says:

    Could also be from drinking and eating toxic water and food- back then there weren’t any environmental laws and limited knowledge of the toxins being used by heavy industry…. could be also the Grateful Dead transmitted by sound waves, poisonous and negative mental thoughts– they were CIA agents btw… something
    Anand could vouch for….

  21. prem bubbie says:

    Last night I saw on the news some old Ranch days footage.. some I never seen before(where do they get these clips?) all in relation to that young punk Somali busted in Portland for trying to bomb a X-Mas tree lighting in downtown Portland… I thought the press forgot about the 25 th anniversary of the Ranch closing , they did… until.. this happened… the press wanted to find out “Why Portland”, “Why Oregon”? crap… so they did some history checking and started with “The Bhagwan, Rajneeshis”.. they couldn’t even get the spelling right…. It was nice seeing “Rajneeshis” waving American flags for a change… what say you America hating P.M… how do you like them rotten apples?

  22. prem bubbie says:

    “God bless america, land that i love, stand beside her, and guide her…..” P.M>- wasn’t Kate Smith your mama? Where did she go wrong? You’ve gotsta have some Karl Marx blood in ya boy!!! Know any Mother Russia tunes? Sing for me boy!!!

  23. shantam says:

    Osho On Meditation Resort.
    by OSHO on Saturday, 27 November 2010 at 19:30.”My Resort is a totally different phenomenon. It is neither an ashrama, modern or ancient, nor a monastery, Christian or Mohammedan. My Resort is, in the first place, non-ascetic.

    Beloved friends,

    Above wordings i have taken from the facebook page of Osho´s signature organisation..

    In the morning i was listening the first discourse from “Adhyatma Upnishid”..At a certain point Osho mentions something like, (In my own words) ” what i say and what you hear are totally two different things. Many times people come to me and mention about something i never said but they have unserstood it. It is not that they are trying to deceive. But..just a question of coma here and there and it can give the meaning which was not intended.”..

    From example when these guys give the caption, ” “Osho on Meditation Resort” and than Print the word resort insted of commune, it is a pure misleading tactic..
    As one can hear the original discourse of Osho,From Personality to Individuality, chapter 5, and it will be amazing to listen that Osho has never used the word Resort.

    In print one can make any kind of manipulation but how to impose the word Osho on His mouth.. And i am sure Osho has never ever uttered this bloody word Resort, in that case it would have been quite easy to doctored the spoken tapes too.

    So my humble suggestion to His disciples is, ” Never trust any Clergy or Osho Vatican speaking on His name, giving interpreation to Osho´s simple Hindi and English..Follow your own interpretation. Reliable persons seems to be in scarcity in the world of religious structures.”

    In Osho´s case it is even more hurtful because it shows the old kind of mind is still prevailing…

  24. prem martyn says:

    as gott fried de purucker said…

    i’m just having an ectoplasm ….
    about how great mark twain is.. and he is the archetypal american… not a big fan of your govts policies though…

    and here is an american song for you…. before the irish famine emigre and british descendant soldiers killed them all off…

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

    Ps i thought this post was about enjoying life whilst awaiting death.. come on you guys tell us all about someone you knew who died.. it’ll make great print..
    on second thoughts

    maybe someone could sing a song…

  25. prem bubbie says:

    “sing us a song you’re the piano man,; sing us a song tonight; well, we’re all in the mood for a melody; and you’ve got us feeling alright….” da da de dee da…. sorry but i ain’t that guy

  26. anugrah says:

    shantam, your comment on Nov 28, 2010 at 11:12 pm is very important for everyone to see and understand. I will re post it again in few days as second reminder for everyone
    you have good obersvation……

  27. prem martyn says:

    this see-saw of posts between different headers is causing me sufi whirling….

    of course osho meant his addams family discourses… I was in discourse when he said it in late poona…..really i know what he felt sounded looked like…

    (but my post to the islamic teenage boy here was a tease of his uninformedness
    so you have to get the thread before erroneously extrapolating my meaning universally to you…)

    and so is my strategy of saying 50% of people i dont like..
    its an extrapolation of lazy vote rigging industrial militarist cauterized thinkingand destruction….and perhaps i should have flagged the irony better so that you would have got it sooner…hence the afghani allusion…
    but im lazy like that…

    i always said that they should put laughing gas.. in the rubber shells…

    and thats not a joke .. i mean it….ok !!!

    im afraid you dont offer a highest common multiple in your equations…so your conclusions dont stick about ‘us or them-ism’ in flag licking…

    how many holes did you dig for the latrines….
    are you stuck in one now..?

    esoteric religion/theosophy is for those who dont have the power in the exoteric world to fake it in the next..
    but you seem schewed in your estimation of osho to go down a road where he doesnt live….

  28. shantam says:

    WIKILEAKS saga proves, ” How the world is moving for more and more transparacy..”

    World and its ethics are changing faster than the religious leadres can fathom..

    This resort in the name of Osho..can not hide its head in the sand…

    And it is true for all the institutions…
    Whether you beleive God is alive dead….be answerable to the PEOPLE concerned..

  29. shantam says:

    “I think someone should propagate that if you do certain medittaion regularly, as a woman you will not require to go through waxing, will be a big success..”

    Readers may take any side, sometime as a writer, one enjoys one´s own dialogues too..

    The sentence above, Lokesh may not be able to digest, may be the aging process, but it has a right dose of factual satire…

  30. Alok john says:

    I find it hard to believe the Grateful Dead were CIA agents but maybe they were active satanists….


    and search for Freemason Satanists

  31. shantam says:

    Two news from Pune-

    Kavita, one of the regulars at this site has been taken to her home city Mumbai, for psychiatrist observation..

    First time since 1987, Pune season is on the Nadir. Rooms are empty. The shops around Koregaon Park Area are missing the over sea customers…
    Even for “Jacuzzi” people are not going…

  32. prem martyn says:

    but maybe this article is about lies and secrets…with death as a cover job
    professor freud investigates……
    i have heard….

    did some ex sannyassins therapists take up hiv counselling back in the 90′s … because they had a captive audience…?

    i mean if the therapeutic counselling failed you couldnt come back and claim a refund…or at least you could be told it was a severe case of immune system paranoia…

    and near death experiences..
    and there was a case of a famous tooth specialist not a million miles from pune countering to objections from a fragilely ill colleague of mine in a ‘sharing’..that ‘what did he object to anyway about some new plans , he was going to be dead soon anyway, so shut up’ .

    another near death experience…

    ….how an elderly gardener, as old as the acropolis , with alleged alzheimers not a million miles from pune was/may still be being sued by the rest of her family including her children because a beau half her age has been given exclusivity in the family will, to their exclusion .

    note NB.
    the writer of this article wishes to point out that the above persons in these fairy stories are complete inventions without a shred of tooth in them and are without any resemblance to any person living or dead.Whatsoever.. at all.

    and 2 and 2 equals 5.. allegedly.

  33. prem martyn says:

    shantam .. the kavita story if true is no surprise..

    still she needs our best wishes.. so if yu have a hot line to her… send her some..

  34. prem martyn says:

    i like that one about death being the greatest orgasm….

    thing is.. everyone else apart from you gets to smoke a cigarette when you’re done..

  35. prem martyn says:

    alok about the GD
    timothy Leary is on file as having cut a deal with the FBI to stay out of jail… he was supposed to give regular info about members of the counter culture to them..
    turns out he supplied only trippy useless stuff..

    true story..

  36. Satya Deva says:

    Still, not a lot on Death in this thread, so far…

    Shantam and Anugrah seem to think the topic is the f-ing ashram again…

    Give it a rest, lads, it’ll do you – and everyone else – a power of good…Bloody fanatics….

  37. Satya Deva says:

    IE, ‘Die’ to it all for a while – give yourself a taste of…Death….

  38. shantam says:

    Death..the under covered frontier for the therapy business..
    What is there to speak about..??
    But yes…SD you can share some uncovered aspects, may be they can be a good rememberance for others….
    For example..Die’ to it all for a while – give yourself a taste of…Death….


  39. frank says:

    what does the “psychiatrist observation” that kavita is undergoing consist of?

  40. Lokesh says:

    Not surprised to hear that about Kavita. As the moon was getting fuller she was sending me weirder and weirder messages on Facebook…sometimes just a name that meant nothing to me. The last message she sent consisted of a solitary full stop….ehm…signifying perhaps that she had reached the end of something.
    From what I could pick up on this whole enlightenment thing went to her..ehm…head.

  41. prem martyn says:

    could have been the sandpaper…. always make me go nuts when used to excess…

  42. prem martyn says:

    im still not sure what this article really is about.. is it about hating…
    is it about secrets
    or is it about living
    or dying…

    please someone put me out of your misery..

    tell me the truth about death, hate and secrets…

    or the secret about truth, living and hate
    or the hate about living truth …and some secrets

  43. prem martyn says:

    or is it about the royal marsden hospital ???

    nice tea shop as I remember

  44. shantam says:

    As i have seen during 1987-90, almost every week someone was going “Cukoo”, it means getting feverish with enlighentnment syndrom..
    After wards, when Osho´s high energy was not in the air, people started mixing two three Masters together to fasten the process..to make it more intense..
    Like going for Vipassana at Goenkaji´s place and than mystic Rose…and than a retreat with ABC at Thiruvanthipuram etc…and than
    Psychiatrist treatment…
    KAvita has reached this stage 2nd time..
    Now she is induced into artifical sleep in a clinic..

    I will say..like this, many courageous souls get some slip on the ardous journey of Himalayan peaks..Nobody has pushed them to take this adventure, when millions are happy to see the documentary films about such things..

    But as i remember Osho´s energy..i can say..such adventureous souls are the salt of this earth…

    Kavita is one of them. Get well soon..

  45. Satya Deva says:

    Is she? Maybe she doesn’t know what the hell to do, as no one’s ever given her useful directions?

  46. frank says:

    cocktails of different enlightened masters and therapy…..?
    like mixing your drinks…

    i`ll have a ramana wallbanger
    a mind-eraser
    a spiritual highball
    an agent orange
    a meher baba on the beach
    and a bloody meera

    f**k me..

    no wonder some of these guys end up spending the rest of life wandering around in their chuddies,mumbling
    “who am i,who am i?”

  47. shantam says:

    When a serious problem comes in life…gurus themselves go to M.D.´s.
    But yes..as long as body and mind are healthy..no harm to sell consolation to others…

  48. Lokesh says:

    Ah yes….Shantam reflects….ho hum.

  49. shantam says:

    As far as numbers are concerned, Osho is a very modest master, There must be around 20,30 gurus in the league of Sai Baba and Radha Swami Baba with 10 to 30 million followers behind them..
    It means so many people look at their photos everyday, if success and happiness follows it is thought to be the grace of the master, if some mishap happens in life..it must be the collected past life debt…

    I sometime try to imagine what is in the store for these highly compassionate and successful figures, once they die..
    Are they really free from the wheels of life and death or they will be born to learn the life of just ordinary human beings…

  50. prem martyn says:

    the scene…
    the Shri Ram Forever Jung Institute for Findamental Cures

    kavita yes dear.. its alright…

    the doctor will be along in a minute…
    who is the doctor.?. oh let me see
    ah yes its a doctor Shantam. .. he’s very good..he has a website for just this erm situation.. you want to know about his treatment..
    oh you dont want to worry about that..
    he’s very good he’s cured many many people….you’ll see…
    well what he does is…. talk complete bollox and so you’ll be in good company.. no you wont feel a thing… in fact you’ll go fast asleep… and when you wake up…everything will look much better and with his treatment you wont remember a thing he said… all gone and fresh as a daisy….

    look here he comes now, .. oh you feel better already.. you dont want to listen to him .. of course you dont dear…… nobody does …dont worry

  51. bob says:

    the secret of the treatment is, of course,
    to remain
    jung and anna freud.

  52. prem bubbie says:

    Alok john, just kidding about the “dead”… they couldn’t read a “satanic verse” if they tried… it would have to be read TO them… so strung out on smack… Jerry Garcia’s life long hobby!!!

  53. prem bubbie says:

    for Kavita, a song– “trouble ahead, trouble behind…. just lost my mind”…. “Driving that train, high on cocaine….” Casey jones…. get well soon, baby cakes!!!

  54. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam… your woodpecker… I hope you didn’t let it loose and it found a new nesting place on Kavita… please do your mating call so it can find its way back home….. “Trouble ahead, trouble behind”.

  55. anugrah says:

    Satya deva,
    sorry i lost track of which topid to discuss and which one not….

    i will take care next time about that

  56. Lokesh says:

    Casey Jones indeed….the runaway train went over the hill …

    Shantam, ehm…wonders: I sometime try to imagine what is in the store for these highly compassionate and successful figures, once they die..
    Are they really free from the wheels of life and death or they will be born to learn the life of just ordinary human beings…

    People like Sai Baba are already ordinary human beings…you think pulling rabbits out of hats makes you special. Personalities don’t get reborn, so neither will yours, so you can stop wondering about it.

  57. prem martyn says:

    Im still bored to death here…. in the Vajric hell realms of sannyas news….

    i knew a hellish vag once … at least i went in and out of it and paid dearly for the experience….. french as i remember….

  58. shantam says:

    No-Thought for the Day ®Copyright © 2010 Osho International Foundation

    Have a goal, and sooner or later you will end up on the psychoanalyst´s couch. My vision is that of a goalless life. That is the vision of all the buddhas. Everything simply is, for no reason at all. Everything simply is utterly absurd. If this is understood, then where is the hurry, and for what?


  59. shantam says:

    Personlaites don´t get reborn….

    Sorry..i was thinking only bodies don´t get reborn again, as one sees in the funeral recycling fire..
    But those are lying in the grave..may think..one day after the judgement day…the life will be again pumped in..mud and stones will be taken away..and just life the way someone comes back alive from under the rubble of earthquake building!

    So lokesh, will you be kind enough to explain further on the basis of your “study”, what gets reborn again?

    The soul..?
    will it have some trace of the past life personality, some saved files in the archievs of the mind..?

    How it will be for a man who was once Sai Baba, and next life becomes the bus cunductor in Bangalore Transport Corporation.?
    (though he tells he will be born agian as a certain Amma..and that wil be the last life..
    Seems like..Life gives a choice )

    and The Amma of England…i mean the queen…will she ever have the taste of standing in the job centre´s lines..rearranging milk and butter in super market?
    Mr. Philips one can easily imagine being the supervisor in cold drinks department…

    It will be too painfully humiliating for the soul, i think…

  60. prem martyn says:

    Om Vajrasattva Hum currently available from Parten and Mettal records as a Xmas box set

    Sleigh bells in the Hell Realms

    Will it snow ( and melt into the space like void )this Xmas

    Silent Night Holy Shit

    Once in Royal Doc Amrito City

    Good King Bagwashlas looked out on the feast of Purnima

    No-(h)ell No-(h)ell Born is the king..

    We 21 Kings of Orient Are

    While Shepherds Watched (their thoughts at night )

    Away in a ( Nepali) Manger

    Deck the …Halls ..(and therapist with a strong left hook) fa la la la ..

    Ding Dong Merrily I’m High

    …..and the Tantric-Vajric Hit

    O Cum all ye Faithful….


  61. prem martyn says:


    complete with a pull out and pleasure yourself ..card selection

  62. shantam says:

    O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
    O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem.
    Come and behold Him, born the King of angels;


    O come, let us adore Him,
    O come, let us adore Him,
    O come, let us adore Him,
    Christ the Lord.

    True God of true God, Light from Light Eternal,
    Lo, He shuns not the Virgin’s womb;
    Son of the Father, begotten, not created…

    Be an anarchist, objectivist, individulist, atheist or Agnostic…..2000 years of Jesus flowing in the veins like mother´s milk….
    Let me see, will any of these will not look at the Xmas tree wit eyes of a child, will not stack presents for the loved ones…

  63. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, the personality does not survive while alive, therefore no chance after death.
    I mean to say, which personality will get reborn? Shantam in chuggies, Shantam who says it is naughty to use Osho quotes to get one’s point across, or perhaps today’s Shantam who posts an Osho quote (I am sure you will immediately come up with an excuse for your contradictory actions). So there you have it, Shantam. This is it. Personality is a very flimsy raft to identify with. Is that not what it is all about? To become grounded in something that neither comes or goes? Unfortunately for the ego, it will have to go for that to happen. If not death will bring it to the bardos where it will wander until the fires of disolution consume it. Gotta run, here comes a wrathful diety.

  64. shantam says:

    Wikileaks…what a power Internet is…
    Neither politicians, nor diplomates, bankers or managers..priests or the Osho resort managers…
    These guys are needed like the plumber, carpenter, bus driver…but not as a navel of the world…
    Learn the art of transparancy…cann´t hide your deeds behind Jesus or Osho..constitution or patriotism…

  65. shantam says:

    Lokesh..as a seeker you have created your own religious beliefs like everyone else through cut pieces from this and that fabric…
    It suits quite well..but does not make this creative spirituality in the league of Fashion designing as a science..
    It is more or less in the league of Mahatma gandhi…Let everyone wives his own shirt, cap and underwear..
    Let everyone digs his own water..let every one mixes His own medicine through the leaves and grass…

  66. Satya Deva says:

    Shantam, there’s plenty of literature around on the reality of Death, if you’re that interested.

    EG, for me, Barry Long’s cd, ‘May I Speak to You of Death’, is all I’ll ever need on the topic.

  67. prem martyn says:

    to which the answer is… er im busy taking the dog for a walk .. maybe another time Bazza..

  68. shantam says:

    SD, My esoteric literature life has ended with Osho´s books and similarly the need, longing and search for a personal trainer.
    So much so, whenever i die..it is a reuest to my friends and family, don´t use such kind of adjectives, ” He left his body on…., he left for his heavenly abode on… “

  69. shantam says:

    Whenever i die..i want to die..and without pleading, ” Be linient with me.”
    The whole cosmic system seems to be so perfectly fair and regulated, any idea of bribary or liniency is unethical, undignifed..against the very spirit..we call with any name..

  70. Satya Deva says:

    Then how come your questioning post of 8.09am?

  71. Lokesh says:

    Shantam you say: Lokesh..as a seeker you have created your own religious beliefs
    What I told you has nothing to do with religious beliefs..it has to do with common sense…something there seems to be a lack of in your murky psyche…don’t worry…that is normal these days.
    Have you always been such a clumsy bozzo or are you just going through a particularly vacant phase? I often feel that your responses lack any depth…like you have a book that you consult titled ‘Dumb answers to interesting questions.’ Och, never mind, Shantam, go back to sleep. The crown of stupidity remains firmly on your thick head. Some of the stuff you are coming away with is record-breaking and I quote::::Let everyone wives his own shirt, cap and underwear.. Absolutely fucking ridiculous. Bravo, champ!

  72. prem martyn says:

    A man died and went to The Judgment. St. Peter met him at the Gates of Heaven and said, “Before you meet with God, I thought I should tell you — we’ve looked at your life, and your really didn’t do anything particularly good or bad. We’re not at all sure what to do with you. Can you tell us anything you did that can help us make a decision?”

    The newly arrived soul thought for a moment and replied, “Yeah, once I was driving along and came upon a woman who was being harassed by a group of bikers. So I pulled over, got out my tire iron, and went up to the leader of the bikers. He was a big, muscular, hairy guy with tattoos all over his body and a ring pierced through his nose. Well, I tore the nose ring out of his nose, and told him he and his gang had better stop bothering the woman or they would have to deal with me!”

    “I’m impressed,” St. Peter responded, “When did this happen?”

    “About two minutes ago,” came the reply.

  73. Lokesh says:

    SD, you are wasting your time? Shantam is like a clock without hands…he runs on a timeline unique unto himself that bears no relevance whatsover to any kind of communal rational. He is the champ of chumps.

  74. Lokesh says:

    Martyn, good joke!

  75. shantam says:

    Yes..I write again Lokesh as per your wiritngs your spirtual common sense is more or less in the league of Mahatma gandhi…Let everyone makes his hand shirt, cap and underwear..
    Let everyone digs his own water..let every one mixes His own medicine through the leaves and grass…

    So i have not defamed you, on the contrary in the league of Mahatma Gandhi´s kind of self reliance…

    people who enjoys the fruits of collecitve endeveours, organised leagl and retail sector, and still piss on Organised religions, have someone thought from where they come from?

    from the jungles of Rawanda..from Dafur region..from Cuba or North Korea…
    No Sir, they are the children of Christian upbringing..may be were touched unappropriately by some priest in one of the life..(being so much rooted with Indian thinking..past life and future life they carry with.)

  76. shantam says:

    Now a confession…for the sake of writing and feeling through the words…in my software..
    Lokesh and Satya deva are the mental type images of Amrito and Jayesh..the big henchos of Osho´s movement..the sole custodians of keeping the Osho vision clean from all the perceived dust…

    SO whenever i hit on these two colleagues of mine..shot is directed towards the J&A…

    If you can not open the lock..break it..in case it is needed for wider good and a bigger cause…
    Uproot the Bonsai from a pot..and plant it on the earth…

  77. prem martyn says:

    how the hell do you manage to live in germany..the land of sheer pragmatic functionalism, .. i mean its not the land of metaphor is it…

    when you go shopping do you drown the request for goods in a long pre-amble..

    In the delicatessen
    … good day my friend .. If you are enveloped in a wrapping of my heart, like the knocwurst , then wonder that my passion can be in the bathroom of my apartment ,released after digestion…then just a small amount please, a snack of four kilos , to keep me light like the wings of Apollo.. Praise Osho


    Am Delikatessen …. guten Tag mein Freund .. Haben Sie ein knocwurst meines Herzens eingehüllt in die Umhüllung Wunder, dass meine Leidenschaft lässt sich auf der Toilette von meiner Wohnung nach der Verdauung freigesetzt werden..nur eine kleine Menge bitte, einen Snack von vier Kilo, um mich leicht wie die Flügel von Apollo…Heil Osho

  78. shantam says:

    Germany is not the land of my choice…but i have to be here, and slowly slowly i see the beauty and innocence too.

  79. Lokesh says:

    Just keep your eyes closed when crossing the autobhan. Let Osho be your guide and everything will be alright.

  80. prem martyn says:

    When people are laughing, they’re generally not killing each other. ~Alan Alda

    Laughter is the corrective force which prevents us from becoming cranks. ~Henri Bergson

    Laughter is the sensation of feeling good all over and showing it principally in one place. ~Josh Billings

    It was not a laugh but merely a loud smile. ~Author Unknown

    Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
    (okay thats not very funny .. but neither was nietsche.. i put it in for all the supermensch idolaters out there..)

    “The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.”

    Mark Twain

  81. prem martyn says:


    you mean germany or the planet..?

  82. shantam says:

    Martyn, this is a nice stroke..
    Germany or the planet…

    What is true for the Germany, is true for the planet too..
    And some where else..??

    No idea..

  83. shantam says:

    Martyn or Loeksh,
    Historically, what is your opinion about very loud laughters during Pune one period?
    When i came closer to Sannyasins in 1984, few were laughing really loud. Most were Indians, Italians and Germans..
    This continued in the declining order till 1990…After that, when the grip of a Canadian and British became stronger, it is not too loud laughter in the sannyas circles and somehow..in the premises of the ashram it is more used as a part of Mystic Rose Therapy than normal jokes.
    Now more or less..Life is very normal in the sannyas scene all over the world..
    Snakes are crowling…but everyone knows, posion is not there…

  84. prem martyn says:

    you cant have historical laughter
    .. but you can have hysterical giggling…
    like when i read your question…

    are you building a time machine in your mums kitchen shantam ?

  85. frank says:

    did you know that coyotes have a sense of humour..?
    there have been recorded cases where traps have been set for them and they have overturned the trap,and pissed and shat on it…..

  86. Lokesh says:

    Shantam you ask: Historically, what is your opinion about very loud laughters during Pune one period?
    I was too busy laughing to form an opinion.

  87. shantam says:

    Martyn, everybody knows, since the beginning of Osho Commune International Pune, its USP was the laughter in the air and white women with most gorgeous armpits in the sleeveless robes.

    Close your eyes..and recall..this is not the history from the past life…

    Some where The Gillette Company and the race behind it has killed the sense and simplicity all around the world…

  88. frank says:

    oh yes,mr fielding,she is having breasts like mangoes in mango season….
    also she is having armpits like mangrove swamps in rainy season…
    and skin colour like the fresh milk fresh from the milking…
    oh…mr fielding, banana is turning to banana lassi in the chuddies,sir…..

  89. prem martyn says:

    thats great.. shantam…

    and the punchline iis
    ‘ killed the sense and simplicity.. etc..’

    it must be a german joke that lose its effect via hindi into english..

    Gott und hiimmel das ist eine new age yoke Shree Siegfiried
    ja ja und achha mein schoenste Baba oberlieutenant..

  90. frank says:

    when germans listen to a joke,they start laughing in the middle..
    this saves valuable time that can be used at the end to explain the joke…

  91. Lokesh says:

    I find myself wondering; where would we be without Shantam. He has become part of my life. I feel blessed by the master.

  92. prem bubbie says:

    Lokesh” I feel that what happens to a person at the moment of death is a continuum of where your head/heart energy is at that moment… a “true” mad person(Kavita, maybe) would continue on as that in the afterlife(if there is such thing, Personally, I do , though not as the western religions see it). If one was attached to this life- this earthly physical existence, then their reincarnation as a human will come quickly… so on and so forth… but who the fuck knows…. we do make our own realities, that’s for sure…. I remembered reading the “Tibetan book of the Dead”, and one particular part stood out; the author(some so-called reincarnated enlightened fellow) tells people when in the afterlife you’ll come to a crossroads whether to take the path to the “gods” or take the path to reincarnation as a human. This jerk tells people not to be tempted into taking the path to the “gods” and instead take the path back to human incarnation.. After meditating on this for many a time, i came to the conclusion this guy just wants to keep the “godly” world for himself and the rest of the “gods”… a truly selfish bastard I think.. a game player… Over time I discovered that these so-called enlightened creatures, gods and angels and other “heavenly” beings are big game players, too. We have our games that we play and so do they… So… Don’t both taking these clowns’ advice… they are just looking out for themselves and want humans to stay ignorant, animal like… Just think, they’d be out of a job if there were no-one to be “saved”… My advice… take to path to the “gods” and screw the human reincarnation torture chamber…. and if you meet a “buddha” on the way, don’t kill him, give him a swift kick in the ass and tell him, “get out of my way”!!!

  93. prem bubbie says:

    P.M–”No laughing!!!”–(from “Charlie X”-Star Trek-1966) one of the best– great teleplay about humans!!

  94. prem bubbie says:

    P.M- great play about Shantam in germany,, i’m still in stitches!!!

  95. prem bubbie says:

    Some German pet store hired Shantam for his remarkable ability to propagate woodpeckers…. Shantam and his magic turban!!

  96. prem bubbie says:

    that was a funny one- frank.

  97. prem bubbie says:

    just playing catch up boys.

  98. shantam says:

    When Someone is interested to see a North Indian Guru Ma(Amma), please go through this video..
    See the disciples…directly connected with the hotline to GOD.

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

  99. Lokesh says:

    The Tibetan book of the Dead is a remarkable book. I think the ‘Psychedelic Experience’, a book based on the book of the dead to be used in controlled LSD sessions, is a must try for any serious seeker, but definitely not for the faint-hearted.
    As for the deva realms etc I think Chogyam Trumpa’s ‘The six lokas’ chapter in ‘Cutting through Spiritual materialism’ provides a great interpretation of how a human being experiences these realms whilst alive. As the saying goes: As above so below.

  100. shantam says:

    Bubbie´s 08.27 PM post…
    Once in while..his posts make sense in my non turbened head…
    Lokesh..(with humility which is my basic trait!!)..i wish to say..we all have become part of each others life..

    In a way..this is commune..differance of opinions does not make us enemy but a part of the bigger truth..

    I was thinking how poor “the resort” has become, where only one kind of thinking exist….Only one kind of Osho interpretaion is painting the whole raibow with
    two three colors.
    This is genetically modified OSHO.

    GM OSHO,
    God bless you..

  101. shantam says:

    Not the GM Osho but Osho was heard saying, ” make space for my people. many more are on the way…”
    Dear Readers,
    If you find this platform of sannyasnews with some shade of Osho energy, please take a plug and start writing too.
    Bring your heart out..what so ever is in there..

    Yesterday..My friend Krishna(guru) said on the phone, Mansoor or jesus were killed for their reality..but it is nothing compared to humiliation and the satires and the criticism Osho faced during his life tme and after His death.. Not just the world joked and satired about his self declared enlightenment, even His own disicples are not far to insult him and use derogatory language..
    Still..he responded with smiles on His face….
    A majority of a single man….

    I was touched to hear this…

    So..don´t bother what others will say..how critical and surgical others will treat your posts…Try to enjoy the taste of Osho..

    You are heartily invited..in this virtual commune…It is not controlled by the General Managers of Genetically Modifed Osho.

  102. prem martyn says:

    so there were these six lokas in a pub and one loke says to the other..

  103. Satya Deva says:

    I believe I might have ‘seen the Light’ at last …

    Shantam is a True Master, working in a MOST mysterious – but extraordinarily effective – way, by PRETENDING to be an absolutely air-headed simpleton!

    He thus – with infinite patience and supreme psycho-spiritual skill – lulls his audience (us) into a false sense of ‘security’ and feelings of ‘superiority’, for the wholly CONSCIOUS purpose of showing us the extent to which we are ‘run’ by our self-ish selves (oh, all right, ‘egos’ – but I’ve gone off that somewhat ambiguous term)…

    I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before the Great Man reveals Himself to the world, via this very Blog, and begins to ‘make His advance’ upon the Great Citadel of Ignorance that is now 17, Koregaon Park, Poona…

    Proud am I indeed, to be – apparently – the first non-Indian to recognise his Greatness. More are bound to follow….

  104. anugrah says:

    SD write
    Proud am I indeed, to be – apparently – the first non-Indian to recognise his Greatness. More are bound to follow….

    i have news for you , you are not the first non indian to recongnise . there are many who read shantam and agree with him, but have no guts to accept him on public plateform…..some of the them does not want to loose their gate pass. in 17 koregaon park…………even they read and admire him, but sheep in them stops them to come out it

  105. anugrah says:

    shantam truely loves 17 koregaon park and once who love 17 koregaon park half heartly see him diffrently.
    only man with so much love for place can contribute good posting with greaet concerned …….
    i can not say shantam good luck or all the best because he believes in himself and people who believe in themself , they do not go for luck

  106. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam, maybe you can understand this: Your friend Krishna(guru) is a genetically modified moron. He too can’t take a joke.

  107. prem bubbie says:

    Anugrah,, you must be joking or a complete idiot- Satya Deva was being sarcastic…. an idiot, is where I’ll put my money.

  108. prem bubbie says:

    17 koregaon park is only a place…. get over it– FOOL!!!

  109. anugrah says:

    sarcastic or not sarcastic satya deva told the turth

  110. anugrah says:

    prem bubbie said 17 koregaron is only a place…….yes true for you , not for me

  111. prem bubbie says:

    You’re living in a fantasy land… and what you think Satya Deva said is an opinion,NOT the truth…Now that’s the truth!!! You definitely are great difficulty in distinguishing the two. moron!!!

  112. prem bubbie says:

    Anugrah— please join Kavita in the institution, you’re just another wannabe sannyasin nut job!!!

  113. prem bubbie says:

    “So many nuts, it must be winter time… at the resort”!!!

  114. prem bubbie says:

    I wished Kavita a speedy recovery, but you … you need to take the banana boat over to Africa with Shantam and swing from tree to tree with the monkeys…. it’s a very “green” way to convalesce.

  115. anugrah says:

    prembubbie, you are so typical american…….very sad and still smiling
    you are missing love and women , i feel sorry for you ………….

  116. shantam says:

    17 koregaon park is only a place….
    Who will disagree with Bubbie´s statement..
    So are uncountable numbers of other places….

    A country like America must be an utter fool, every 4 years few billion Dollers are spend, so that one out of two can have an temprorary abode at White House..

    Just for a place…


  117. prem martyn says:

    bubbie thats so un-american .. being so rude and stomping over indians…
    on the other hand..
    waiter book me a reservation….

    .. a tiny corner of a couple of wind blown states and a visit to leonard peltier ..for supper

    bubbie ….i can hear kate smith now ..woody guthrie is giving her a damn unamerican twanging with his six string…in heaven

  118. shantam says:

    17, koregaon park is only a place….

    Therefore a British Doctor(not an Indian one, who may have become doctor by paying capitation fee to a Private institute, A dcotor from Royal school of medicine, London) and a Canadian financer( son of a retired Supreme court)..are giving their life´s best..to be the controlling authority-
    of only a place…


  119. shantam says:

    17, koregaon park is only a place….
    Not in millions but Few hundred thousand people definately have felt their heart and being getting dissolving..travelling all the way from Brazil or Taiwan…
    Few people can shed tears in any movie…at 17, koregaon park one could see the rocks crying…

    Only a place…

    i cann´´t write

  120. Lokesh says:

    Shantam says: Mansoor or jesus were killed for their reality..but it is nothing compared to humiliation and the satires and the criticism Osho faced during his life tme and after His death.
    You must be joking or completely dumb to believe this kind of shite.
    When Mansoor declared ‘I am that’ he paid very heavily for it. After eight years imprisonment he was dismembered and then hung up on a gibbet while still alive. As for Jesus, well, cruxifiction is an abominable torture and a slow way to die. Three days with the crows pecking out your eyes. Meanwhile poor Osho had to suffer what that was inflicted by others…bad press. He did not give a shit about any of that crap and if he did he only had himself to blame, because he asked for it. Osho died in the company of people he loved and how loved him greatly in return and yet idiots like you, Shantam, have to make out that he was some kind of martyr to the truth…he wasn’t.
    Why cannot you simply accept Osho in his entirety instead of trying to create a ficticious image to worship? I’ll tell you. You are an end product of thousands of years of programming, who is conditioned to feel the need for spiritual saviours. Wanting to create a christ-like figure out of Osho only signifies one thing. A dumb fucking ego trip.

  121. Lokesh says:

    Anugrah…you get my vote for being the most stupid fool on SN. Shantam, could lose his crown of ignorance to you quite easily, but he retains his position because of output. Write some more shite and the chumphood could be yours.
    Try drinking mercury…this will speed up the process of brain damage, which is obviously already well advanced in your case, but it can always get worse.

  122. shantam says:

    Why you get Mental Diarrhea my friend, when let us presume People want to create Jesus..out of Osho..

    Why yo want to crush their fundamental right, even if we take the the paranoid presumptions of few people..
    Even a dumb student of sprituality knows..Jesus or Buddha as we know now..are the products of the polishing done by the centuries…Their reality may be 120 degree different…

    Any way, The man has chosen himself the title for His book, ” The most dangerous man after Jesus Christ.”
    and Jesus Crucified again, this time in Ronald Reagen´s America”

    And no body in the ashram, specially the white skined with Indian names opposed these titles, the very people who are pissing in their pants now with the idea Indians will make Massiah out of Osho..
    A normal village guy who reads Osho is more intelligent than those Osho feet lickers of forgotten era, the people who were crowling like leprosy beggers on Indian streets for a Bakshish of Lightning…

    When in your head it will come, Osho was not a Mr. Punja…your kind of people´s adopted Papa, neither He was some Amma´s ex husband..nor he is The dad of Mr. Tolle or father in Law of Dr. Chopra..

    Have any of these ladies and gentlemen ever created the marrige kind of rituals leading to sannyas initiation..

    Feel free to divorce too..but don´t befool yourself or others that such things did not exist..and that too under the full patronage of Osho…

    All saints and sinners have their own identity, their own style, their own range of crimes and virtues..

  123. Chinmaya says:

    It is true that a man, called Jesus, was crucified because of truth but by his own people, his country men, and were not ready to accept the truth being propagated by Jesus.
    That was a different era. Time changes, jurisdiction changes with the addition of population and more enlightened Masters are sent by the Ultimate on this earth, with new innovations of the need of the hour, like Osho did in the name of Meditation, Awakening, Awareness and by inventing new methods of Meditations, needed for the new mind of the people of society, with so much IQ, Science and latest techniques. but fucking ego trip of the white skin to rule over the world once again is not getting a chance and they themselves are crying with cunnings to apply to their own people or dying in large number in mental asylum and begging sitting near Buckingham Palace, near Fort, in the passage of railways, public transportation, near Diamond stolen from India of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, and abusing the whole world, but for the sake of their Fucking Ego Trip and by not working hard to contribute for the welfare of the humanity, and are feeling jealousy in the name of Osho, who could give Society, far beyond Jesus.

    Gone are the days of Jesus and Budhha, world is living on Osho discourses, so are living Punja Ji, Amma, Ravi Kishan, Deepak etc.etc. by vomiting the crammed work and by remembering the lectures of Osho.
    There is a great need not to be fanatic but a need to be a realistic, otherwise, death is waiting for us all.

    Choiceless awareness is needed if we need to go inside, otherwise, this world itself is not less a hell. Befooling days by priests, clerics, pundits are over, body demands food, easy life, work and peace, not the stupid ideas to impose, which were correct two thousands years ago, for that society.
    The cunningness of white skin do not wish to allow that Osho should be at par or more than Jesus, that is why they used invisble poison in his food, tried to malign his name by allowing any country for his stay, by previous instructions by the powerful countries, with various tricks through their ladies and media.

    Ego trip has no end, because it has no surface, you go on pouring from above but it reaches no where, by the time, you pour it, it is vanished.

    With love to all……..Ameen

  124. Lokesh says:

    Just a few little scrapes and wankers like Shantam and Chinmaya soon show their true colours…ignorant racists, pure and simple.
    You guys might hide behind Osho’s name and con yourself into believing that you are spiritual people but you are not. A little push and you’ll be with the mob ready to lynch anyone who disagrees wth your warped version of reality. You chaps are actually the ant-thesis of what Osho spoke out about for his entire life. The hypocrites who hijack religion and turn it into an ugly affair.

  125. Chinmaya says:

    ACCEPTING YOURSELF is a much lower state of consciousness — better, of course, than rejecting yourself. It is a medicine; THE DISEASE IS REJECTION. And anything medicinal has no permanent or ultimate value; its value is only in curing the disease. Once the disease is cured, the medicine has to be thrown away.

    The idea of accepting yourself arose because of ALL THE RELIGIONS FOR CENTURIES TEACHING YOU NOT TO ACCEPT YOURSELF. They have created a certain conditioning in the mind which condemns you. It is the priest, the state, which have managed, BY CONTINUOUS REPETITION, TO CONVINCE YOU THAT FEW THINGS ARE UGLY IN YOU: you have to hide them, repress them. And they also give you the idea what is good — which is not in you, which you have to learn and practice.

    This point has to be noted: THE BAD IS IN YOU, BORN IN YOU, PART OF YOUR NATURE — obviously it has to be repressed, condemned, controlled, kept in order. The best thing is to destroy it completely. If it is not possible for you to destroy it, then at least don’t leave it uncontrolled; keep it in control. AND THE SOCIETY RESPECTS THE MAN MOST who has destroyed that bad part completely, burned it out.

    Such people are called SAINTS, SAGES, MAHATMAS.

    LOWER THAN THEM are those people who have not been able to destroy it completely, but have been successful in controlling the bad part; it is within boundaries. They have created a cage for it — it can go on roaming inside it, roaring inside it. IT IS TROUBLESOME TO THEM but it brings tremendous respectability outside in the world.

    These are the respectable citizens.

    THE MOST CONDEMNED are those who allow freedom to their natural parts which religions think are bad they go with them. These people are condemned as criminals by the law. And if they are not caught by the law, then religions have provided a god who is all-observing for twenty-four hours a day.

    HE NEVER SLEEPS FOR A SINGLE MOMENT, never takes his eyes off you, as if you are the only person in this whole infinite universe — and goes on noting in detail what you are doing; not only that, but what you are thinking, dreaming, fantasizing. And all this has to be accounted for one day; ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, you will have to answer for it.

    So those who are caught by the law, the law will punish, and those who are somehow not caught by law — and of course the law cannot catch you if you are thinking a bad thought, fantasizing something. Even if you are fantasizing a murder, it is not illegal, it is not a crime; the law cannot punish you. THE LAW CAN PUNISH YOU ONLY WHEN YOUR THOUGHT BECOMES AN ACTION.

    BUT RELIGIONS WERE NOT SATISFIED ONLY WITH THAT, they want to punish your thoughts too; so, “God will punish you…” AND THEY HAVE CREATED THEIR HELL for those who allow their unacceptable parts to go according to nature.

    In short, THE NATURAL BEING IN YOU IS NOT ACCEPTABLE IN ITS TOTALITY to these religions. Many fragments of it are absolutely condemned. Few fragments of it can be used, but in moderation, with control. AND THE REAL GOOD HAS TO BE LEARNED; you don’t bring it from nature: it has to be earned, deserved.

    Now, if for MILLIONS OF YEARS THIS KIND OF CONDITIONING GOES ON AND ON, naturally you start having a certain conscience — which is not consciousness. CONSCIENCE is a social by-product; CONSCIOUSNESS is your ultimate nature.

    FOR CONSCIOUSNESS THERE IS NOTHING WRONG IN YOU. Everything that nature has provided you can be used for the growth of consciousness. It is raw material.

    Have you seen when a building is being constructed and all the raw material is there? You cannot conceive that a beautiful building will come out of it, that a Taj Mahal will be created out of this mess. Your immediate idea will be, “WHAT IS THIS MESS ALL ABOUT? Clean ground is far better.” But you don’t know that all that is cluttering the ground can become part of an immensely beautiful building. It just needs the right architect, the right builders.

    There is a Sufi school whose name is simply “The Builders.” And they have chosen the name “The Builders” because of this fact: that man comes from nature as raw material. NATURE GIVES YOU EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED TO BECOME A GOD; but it gives you freedom; it does not impose it on you. Because if you are made a god, manufactured a god, your godliness will be worthless. Then you are assembled in a factory.

    No, SO MUCH FREEDOM IS GIVEN TO YOU that from the same raw material you can create a devil, you can create a god; you can create a hell for yourself, you can create a heaven. You can fall to the lowest and you can rise to the highest. BUT NOTHING IS UNNATURAL, neither the highest nor the lowest. BOTH ARE YOUR POSSIBILITIES, and you are free to choose.

    BUT RELIGIONS HAVE BEEN TELLING AN ABSOLUTE LIE. They have been saying that you are born in sin, that your nature is basically leading you towards more and more sin. YOU HAVE TO FIGHT WITH NATURE, so everything natural becomes in some way evil, and everything that you can do against nature becomes good. That is their definition.

    Just look at all the religions and their THEIR DEFINITIONS OF GOOD AND BAD. They may differ about certain things — whether they are good or not — but as far as their fundamentals are concerned, there is no difference.

    THIS IS THE BASIC FUNDAMENTAL: that all that has a natural pull on you is sick. You have to get out of the grip of nature — NATURE IS EVIL and you have to become something supernatural. Then this question of rejection naturally arises. Much has to be rejected in you; ALMOST EVERYTHING THAT IS NATURAL HAS TO BE REJECTED IN YOU.

    It means, in other words, life has to be denied, love has to be destroyed, laughter has to be crippled. YOU HAVE TO BE MADE ALMOST A ROBOT, functioning according to principles given by your pseudo-religious prophets, messiahs. [more]


  126. prem martyn says:

    actually osho was addictive to us …what he declared and the form it took was always meant to be infatuating….if we presume sannyas was an extension of his metier…, not only OUR dependency or love or insight aspirations etc etc..

    and just as much as i resent and resented being advised to attend discourse as part of the group programme in pune 2… i resent still the forms of orthodoxy that robes, ashrams, videos, center leaders sannyas speak softly spoken vibes group hugging partner swapping based on the jealousy-is-bad-endless-harangues etc etc

    you know that osho holy smoly crap about meditation being a substitute for spunk in your girls cunt.. for all of us good looking hormones from the west.. what a load of therapy supported shit that still is…

    osho was a fucking cunt (and piss on his grave) ..in the authority creating department of sannyas… and it was only by the reverse learning of that one that you could appreciate yourself… a long way round for any anti authoritarian like me…
    but i know he was trying to strip me of my laziness and go for something with a slower longer gaze… something which i laugh in the face of now….
    and thank fuck for that..
    so in conclusion…
    thanks osho
    drop dead (he did that one)
    now fuck off
    (i pretty much think ive nailed that one too)
    now i can enjoy … and laugh..
    without pointless useless expense for another swami or mas benefit
    and return to my mutual anarchist (or fuck off) its-a-fun-ride-roots

    thanks for the vibes osho but take the rest of new age man and stick it up your ashram…

    with love..
    im sure he would approve…

  127. frank says:

    the pale skin aryan godfathers of hinduism were persecuting,murdering and dominating the darker skinned races of the subcontinent centuries before the birth of jesus christ…

    this kind of colour of the skin-defines-enlightenment halitoxic outburst shows the type of nationalistic would-be holy pile of cowshit mixed with human shit that people like chinmaya are quietly sitting on when they “meditate”…

    what a stink!

  128. Chinmaya says:

    Lokesh dear

    Thx for your nice friendly compliments.
    About Shantam, I can not represent.


  129. Lokesh says:

    Chinmaya, you can shove your love up your racist yahoo. I actually find you so ignorant it is close to the level of being utterly disgusting.

  130. Chinmaya says:

    THAT’S HOW PEOPLE ARE LIVING, WITH MASKS. They are pretending everything. They pretend love, and they have not tasted anything of love. THEY PRETEND RELIGIOUSNESS: just by going to church every Sunday, they think they have become religious. It’s not so easy; this Sunday religion is not religiousness. They can even pray every night before going to bed and every morning; or like Mohammedans, they can pray five times a day. The same Mohammedans can kill, murder.

    The religion of the Mohammedans is called Islam; Islam means peace, AND MOHAMMEDANS HAVE DISTURBED THE PEACE OF THE WORLD more than anybody else. Strange!

    Christians believe in Jesus and go on repeating his words, that “God is love,” — but CHRISTIANS HAVE PROVED A CALAMITY TO THE WORLD. Just look at history, at what they have done. Thousands of people have been burned alive by them — and God is love! They have murdered millions of people. “Blessed are the meek for theirs is the kingdom of God” — AND THEY HAVE BEEN THE MOST ARROGANT PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. They have been trying to show to the world that the only right religion is Christianity — and, “Blessed are the meek, and blessed are the poor in spirit.”

    Poor in spirit means a man without ego — AND CHRISTIANS HAVE BEEN VERY EGOISTIC. Declaring that Jesus is the only begotten son of God is not humbleness. Then what is Buddha? Then what is Zarathustra? And what is Mohammed and what is Krishna? All are wrong, only Jesus is right; and those who follow Jesus will go to heaven; and those who don’t follow will suffer in hell, and will suffer for eternity. And these people say that to be humble, to be meek, to be poor in spirit is their religion, love is their religion.

    THE SO-CALLED RELIGIOUS ARE NOT RELIGIOUS. The Hindus go on talking about beautiful things — that God is in everyone, even in the rocks, in the trees — but God is not in the Christians, not in the Mohammedans, not in the Buddhists. In the rocks, they can allow God; in the trees, they can allow God; in the animals, they can allow God — but not in Christians, not in Mohammedans. THEY ARE SO INTOLERANT AND THEY PREACH TOLERANCE. They say all religions are basically one, and they go on arguing that their religion is higher, greater, the only true religion. This is the approach of all the so-called religious people.

    Our love is false, our religiousness is false, OUR SO-CALLED TRUTH IS FALSE — because we use it only when it helps us in attaining something. Whenever it does not help, we forget all about it and we start using lies. We preach honesty, and at the same time we say honesty is the best policy. So we make honesty also just a policy, just politics. This is how humanity has lived up to now — it has been a very pseudo kind of existence.



  131. Chinmaya says:

    Jesus’ statement to love thy neighbor as thyself is tremendously significant, but has been totally missed by his followers. Let me repeat it: Jesus says, “LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF.” The fundamental question is whether you love yourself or not. You can love the neighbor only if you love yourself.

    Christianity has been teaching you to love the neighbor, and the fundamental has been completely forgotten — not only forgotten, but just the opposite has been done. PEOPLE ARE TAUGHT TO CONDEMN THEMSELVES: how can they love themselves? They are taught that they are sinners: how can you love yourself if you feel you are a sinner?

    CHRISTIANITY CREATES GUILT IN PEOPLE, TREMENDOUS GUILT. And if you are guilty, you cannot love yourself; you will hate yourself, you would like to destroy yourself. That’s what the so-called Christian saints have been doing down the ages — destroying themselves. Out of guilt, only destruction can arise; OUT OF GUILT, ONLY SUICIDE. And they go on teaching, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” You have never loved yourself: it is impossible to love thy neighbor.

    Hence I don’t say: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” My teaching is simple: LOVE THYSELF! And my experience is this, that if you become capable of loving yourself, LOVE FOR THE NEIGHBOR WILL COME OF ITS OWN ACCORD; it does not have to be brought, it does not have to be practiced. ALL PRACTICED LOVE CREATES HYPOCRISY.

    So I completely drop the second part of the statement. Forget about the neighbor, simply love thyself. And you will be surprised: the day you bloom, you flower, the fragrance is BOUND to reach the neighbor. Where else will it go? WHEN YOU ARE FULL OF LOVE FOR YOURSELF, LOVE STARTS OVERFLOWING. It reaches the neighbor, it reaches the farthest star.

    And that happens of its own accord. You need not think about it, you need not create it, it is none of your concern. Just love yourself, be friendly to yourself, and you will be surprised: THE MAN WHO LOVES HIMSELF CANNOT HATE ANYBODY.

    IT IS REPORTED of a great woman mystic, Rabiya al-Adabiya, that when she was reading Koran she came across a statement that says, “Hate Satan.” She immediately crossed it out.

    Another Sufi mystic, Hassan, was present, he saw it being done. He could not believe his eyes: is Rabiya correcting the Koran? Dropping a statement from the Koran? This is sacrilegious! He said, “What are you doing, Rabiya? Have you really gone mad? This cannot be done; Koran cannot be corrected.”

    Rabiya said, “But what can I do? Love has happened to me: NOW, EVEN IF SATAN STANDS BEFORE ME, I CAN DO NOTHING BUT LOVE. No hate is left in me, no darkness in any corner of my being. Even if I WANT to hate I cannot, I am utterly helpless. I have to cut this line, this statement. It is no more relevant to me; it cannot exist, at least in MY copy of the Koran.”

    WHEN YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF YOU BLOOM. Love nourishes you, you respect yourself. You feel the grace of God, you feel grateful that you have been created; you feel uniquely benefited, you feel blessed. And then the overflowing: then the fragrance starts spreading to the winds.

    I DON’T TEACH YOU TO LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, because for two thousand years Christians have been teaching that, and nothing has happened. On the contrary, Christians have killed their neighbors more than anybody else. And the basic thing that has been missed is love for thyself.

    Jesus is perfectly right. He takes it for granted that you love yourself. He has not taken note of the priests who are going to follow him, who will interpret what he says; he had no idea of the Vatican and the pope. HE HAD TAKEN IT FOR GRANTED THAT YOU LOVE YOURSELF — AND THAT IS NOT SO. It would have been so if there had not been any pollution, the pollution that the priest has created, down the ages. Man loves himself no more.

    You can watch yourself. Do you have any respect for yourself? How can you respect yourself if you are a sinner? IF YOU ARE CONDEMNED, HOW CAN YOU RESPECT YOURSELF? — you feel unworthy.

    THE WHOLE STRATEGY OF THE SO-CALLED RELIGIONS consists of making you feel unworthy. Once you are unworthy, shaken, you lose confidence, you lose power in yourself, you become weak. And when you are weak, you surrender; you submit to the priest, the priesthood. And all kinds of exploiters are around you.

    IN FEAR, YOU START CLINGING TO THE CHURCHES, to the mosques, to the temples; in fear, you start praying. But a prayer that comes out of fear is false. Prayer is true only when it is a fragrance of love.

    Jesus taught his followers to love thy neighbor as thyself. But the first thing cannot be taken for granted. THE FIRST THING IS MISSING: THE SEED IS MISSING. So you can go on waiting for the flowers to come, but they will never come. No tree is going to be born.

    FIRST THE SEED, and then what else is needed? You put the seed in the soil, you water it, and it grows — you need not pull it up. One day the spring has come and the tree has blossomed. Just like that it happens. But the seed has to be a love for yourself.


  132. prem martyn says:

    chinmaya… time to stop the quotes…

    switch off the ipod which is up your arse and in your brain…

    or i’ll quote you osho when he says ‘suck my cock’…

  133. Satya Deva says:

    Well, fancy waking up to that lot…

    And which of the ‘Three Literary Spiritual Musketeers’ (Anugrah, Shantam & Chinmaya) to choose as the ‘winner’?

    Chinmaya writes at unusual length today (perhaps a ‘digestive’ problem?), but spoils whatever points he might be making by very poor use of the language, so much of his effort is incomprehensible.

    Still, his ‘drift’ is clear enough, I suppose – Indian good, White Man bad, Osho is the ‘Saviour’, we need to be ‘saved’, we’re probably all doomed….

    For example:

    “Gone are the days of Jesus and Budhha, world is living on Osho discourses, so are living Punja Ji, Amma, Ravi Kishan, Deepak etc.etc. by vomiting the crammed work and by remembering the lectures of Osho.”

    Clearly, the considered work of a truly contemporary Spiritual Scholar, who has immersed himself in the Teachers of Our Time, meditating with and meeting each, only to discover that they’re all only trying to copy Osho. Mere Imitators! Chinmaya’s Sacrifice should receive a wider, more profound acclaim, one feels….

    Shantam – well, predictably, no surprises there, of course, he’s his habitual wordy self, as full of flowery-yet-confused-and-therefore-confusing metaphors as ever…

    Perhaps rather cleverly, however, leaving his readers in some doubt as to whether he thinks 17, Koregaon Park is in fact “only a Place”…Mmmm, always good for a literary smokescreen, this writer….

    Finally, Anugrah…And yes, today is when ‘the first shall be last and the last shall be first!’ A magnificent effort from this, unfortunately only ‘occasional’ contributor (an extremely busy man, who evidently rations, considers and times his entries with enormous care).

    What is so impressive about this highly perceptive Expert’s short-but-so-telling piece this morning is how unusually deeply he has travelled – a true ‘Inner Journey’ – into discerning the hidden, some might say ‘Esoteric’, meaning of the Revelation described yesterday by my humble self, concerning the True Identity and Purpose of Shantam.

    I say “hidden”, I say “esoteric”, although at first sight -and indeed, subsequent examination – one might well write him off as being a self-deluded, literal-minded, rather, er, stupid fool!

    Such is the true Art of the Disciple, of course, which is why I have no hesitation whatsoever in handing over the “Post of the Week’ to the Swami Anugrah.

    Congratulations, Sir!

  134. Satya Deva says:

    Chinmaya’s efforts above, though enormous, fail to qualify for consideration for the Award as unfortunately they are all borrowed from elsewhere.

    There is also a certain degree of, er, ‘doubt’ among the Judging Panel as to whether the Swami Chinmaya actually, er, practises what he preaches’….

  135. Satya Deva says:

    Finally, in response to the many calls, faxes and emails I’ve received in the last half hour from supporters of the other two contenders (I suspect their agents to be behind this barrage, but I won’t go into that at present), let me make it crystal clear that in giving my Casting Vote to Anugrah I was in no way at all influenced by his fulsome praise of my small effort to reveal the Truth of Shantam’s Work here.

    Shantam Himself has taught me that very quality of ‘wise neutrality’, of ‘lack of personal bias’, for which I am for ever deeply in his debt.

  136. Anand says:

    Prem Martyn and Prem Bubbie, don’t you guys have toilets where you live, where you can place your vomit?

  137. frank says:

    racism,whether couched in “religion” and “spirituality” is also “vomit….”

    go on chinmaya.
    gulp back down the vile nationalistic bile
    and parrot out as many osho quotes as you can to try to keep your impotent racist rage down……

    see if it works……

  138. prem martyn says:


    i have spiritual turettes syndrome….

    combined with e(r)gotism …..(credo ergo sum)


    i start tripping when i swear….

  139. Alok john says:

    This is an extract from “Survivors’ Stories: an Enlightening Journey through the Differing Lives of Child Abuse Survivors” by Morven Fyfe, once Ma Lola.

    In chapter 5, Morven tells my story and this is an extract :

    “From 1958 to 1962 I attended St Mary’s Church of England Junior School in Hendon, North London near Greyhound Hill. I can’t remember my first day at school when I was five, or even the individual teachers at primary school very much. In general the teachers got us through our schoolwork by humiliating us and threatening us, and I was very quiet because I was terrified of them. There was nobody I wasn’t afraid of, I was scared of them all and I certainly didn’t look up to or admire any of them. The headmaster was E W Grant and I believe he is now dead. There were brutal beatings with the cane, a flexible stick about a meter long and about a centimetre in diameter. I was terrified of Grant and I consider him to have been a wicked man. He took delight in caning children in front of the whole school. Grant loved to summon a boy for a beating at assembly. He loved to say, “Bend over and touch your toes,” and then he would administer several hard strokes of the cane to the boy’s backside. As Grant swung the cane, it cut the air making a loud swish that could be heard throughout the school hall. Sometimes Grant added insult to injury by demanding that the child shook his hand after the beating. I believe some pupils never recovered from the experience of a public caning. I had a friend called Jeffrey Chesnick who was beaten by Grant in this way in front of the whole primary school and I believe it damaged him greatly. He was really quiet afterwards. You could see the difference throughout the rest of his school days there. I remember making a vow to myself when Jeffrey was being beaten: That when I grew up I would refuse to contribute to the wicked society that treated my friend like this. I have largely kept this vow.”

  140. Lokesh says:

    Great stuff…the shit pot is getting a much needed stir.
    Alok, I suspect, posted his comment on the wrong blog, but the “Bend over and touch your toes,” describes perfectly the mudra that Chinmaya and his guru, Shantam, should take to have their simplistic racist comments rammed up their dirty arses. Tally hoo!

  141. Alok john says:

    From Osho ‘The Secret’, chapter 14…

    “Yes, there have been a few spiritual people in India, as there have been everywhere. There is nothing to claim, nothing special to claim about it. Yes, Buddha has been here and Mahavira has been here and Krishna has been here. But so what? Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu have been in China; and Zarathustra and Moses and Ezekiel and John the Baptist and Jesus and Mohammed and Saint Francis…. You can go on counting hundreds of names from all over the world. It is nothing special to India.

    This land is in no way more spiritual than any other land, but then it hurts. Then there is nothing left to claim, and the Indian ego feels hurt.

    They are angry with me because I am telling them, “Whatsoever you are claiming is just holy cow dung. You are not spiritual. In fact, you are only hypocrites – the greatest hypocrites in the world.”

    I have walked all over the country, from one corner to the other corner. I have watched the whole country very minutely. It is utterly materialistic, but it hides its materialism in a spiritual garb; and because of this spiritual claim, it cannot fulfill its materialist needs. And deep down it hankers for materialism, and on the surface it goes on pretending. India has that haughty look of holier-than-thou. It goes on believing that it has the claim to being the spiritual master of the whole world. It is all nonsense.

    Spiritual people have been everywhere, spiritual people will go on happening everywhere. No society is spiritual yet; only individuals are. No nation is spiritual yet…

    ….I am for one world. I am not an Indian and I am not a German and I am not a Chinese. I claim the whole world as mine, and I would like nations to disappear.

    And if India really feels it has some claim to being spiritual, then let India disappear first. That will be proof. Let India disappear as a nation; let it become an international land. That will be proof, concrete proof. But people go on talking about non-violence in India, and go on preparing for war. They go on talking about brotherhood and the unity of all religions, and just go on doing the opposite of it.”

  142. prem martyn says:

    well alok you can certainly piss on mr grants grave… and find his family and tell them you have…

    it beats therapy
    if you pardon the expression..

  143. frank says:

    i had an indian friend.
    he took sannyas in the pune 2 time.
    he was from a brahmin background.
    he was a real gasbag with lots of fascinting stories about his life in india,we got on great-we spent hours drinking tea,chatting,laughing etc.
    one day the chitchat turned to the subject of “mohammedans..”
    he insisted,with no trace of humour or irony that all the muslims had lots of children as they were poor and needed more hands to steaL…
    a classic racist fantasy…
    i couldnt get him to moderate this “view” at all.
    all the more strange,not only because was he highly educated,but he also,sometimes did business with muslims,with at least polite interaction…

    another guy i used to chat to was from a lower caste background..
    he was of a philosophical bent too,yet he insisted,again with total seriousness,that all muslims fucked their sisters.
    again,at first i thought he was deadpanning a joke at my expense,but as i refused to accept this idea,his anger started to slip out.

    it reminds me of someone who interviewed osho`s mum.
    he asked her ,what is the greatest thing that osho has given you ?
    she said something like:
    “to see that the idea of caste and differences between people are all false”

  144. frank says:

    on the other hand,i have spoken to western sannyasins who spoke about indians in a way that was pretty much raj-like.
    they don`t have money so they will steal to get in the ashram etc etc….

    ha.they deserve each other…

    as i said before, the only solution is to have rival football teams,formalise the hatred and act it out relatively harmlessly

    the maharastra marble-kissers
    the pissed-up punatics

    the desi delhi devotionals
    the wacko whiteboys

  145. frank says:

    a bit of hooliganism would let off a bit of steam…

    how about a glasgow kiss from the white rogue brotherhood
    getting choked with a strip of silk scarf by the kali thuggie ultras?

    “my message is..live dangerously”

  146. Alok john says:

    I later heard that Grant is still alive and I even have a local address.

    I do not really want to see the guy. I once heard of someone who went back to the school as an adult and punched him on the nose or something similar. I have made various enquiries about litigation for psychological trauma but all the lawyers say I have no chance of winning a case.

    About six months ago I got a phone call from someone who went to the same school and “hated that bastard Grant.” I have got an article on the web, “The Jewish Way of Child Abuse” http://www.btinternet.com/~john_nygate/child.abuse67.html

    and he found my phone number from that.

  147. prem martyn says:

    well do something to assuage the memory,..

    even if its only a palliative.. like shit thru the letterbox…for xmas

    on the other hand

    what is memory .. if not sweet…

    the rest is very often just unusable…at best…..
    justice…. any quotes from osho about that old familiar?

  148. prem martyn says:

    Alternatively you could set up the deport brutal headsmasters of the 1960′s from the UK Independence Party, appear on television , get EU grants become a parliamentarian and retire rich on the proceeds of your interviews..

    but i dont know if thats what you wanted from the post…

  149. prem martyn says:

    and how did a jewish kid attend st mary’s church school…?? Yum Kippers for friday fish lunch?

  150. Lokesh says:

    Alok John…your latest Osho quote was very apt. Thanks for posting it.
    Frank, nice wee stories. It is a dangerous world.

    I was contemplating today why it was back in Poona One that Indian sannyasins rarely did therapy groups. In the early days there were some really wonderful Indian sannyasins on the scene, especially on celebration days, real cosmic characters were coming in from all over India. Those people had a wonderful spirit about them that was inspiring. I don’t think those kind of people needed therapy. This new breed showing up on here at SN are a different bucket of fish altogether and it was this type of people who Osho kept well away from the group rooms. There is something very childish and immature about them and just like children they can quite impulsively behave in an impulsive and destructive manner.
    When I saw indian sannyasins speaking on this blog site about ‘our’ Osho I smelt a rat immediately. Anyone who thinks along ‘our’ Osho lines is quite simply way off target. It is an absurd notion. It is interesting to watch these fools strike out blindly at other teachers. Take Chinmaya’s words from earlier today, quote ‘so are living Punja Ji, Amma, Ravi Kishan, Deepak etc.etc. by vomiting the crammed work and by remembering the lectures of Osho.’
    I can only speak about H W L poonja on this matter. He was not particularly interested in Osho, a little curious perhaps, but he was surprisingly uninformed about Osho. I’ve seen some of the circuit teachers and yes, clowns like Sandarshi are like Osho clones in manner and speech, and very boring at that. The thing is, nothing Poonja ever said had anything much in common with Osho’s repetoire. So one can only conclude that Chinmaya is an uninformed bigot.
    People like Chinmaya could not have handled intense therapy groups because they would have come apart at the seams and all the kings horses and men would not have been able to put them back together again. Osho quite wisely took care not to use the theraputic can-opener on the can of worms that is the repressed Indian psyche. These people are confused.
    Take Shantam, he is a racist and doesn’t even know it. I never thought I’d live to see the day that somebody could voice racist opinions on a sannyasin platform and other sannyasins would voice their support for that person. Take this cretin Anugrah, quote: ‘i have news for you , you are not the first non indian to recongnise . there are many who read shantam and agree with him, but have no guts to accept him on public plateform.’ Well bully for you guys. You have my nomination for utter assholes of the year nominations.
    A microcosm of the sannyas scene today. Such a tragedy that a movement that started out as something full of life, love and laughter should have become a perch for a bunch of hypocritical cockroaches.

  151. frank says:

    matbe go back to see this guy grant.
    maybe go with your fellow victim(s)
    make him aware that the laws on corporal punishment have changed considerably,and that by todays laws ,his cowardly,bullying and sadistic actions would be deemed criminal,and facing jail ………

    he may never have thought of that.

    ask for an apology.

    short of violent revenge,i cant see what else you could do with him.

  152. Lokesh says:

    You could always send some growlers round to his house.

  153. shantam says:

    Very interesting stuff during the last few hours. Seems like when snow is outside, one can contemplate better.
    No wonder, all the mystics were going to Himalayas, and Osho wanted Air conditioned comfort for His people to fasten the process..

    Sometime i wish the people who are fully devoted to their spiritual beliefs, spend time if not in the hospital, than at least in the chemist shop…and to see, just for the body how many kind of medicines exist..and how much talent is being engaged to check the bacterias and viruses and the process of medicine development..

    For me only a very mediocre person will think there exist only one medicine, one kind of sickness…and all can be healed through the herbal remedies..

    By condemning and restricting the uniqueness of multi colored and multi dimensional spirituality, people simply show their invaders tendency, their shallow wisdom and a mentality which needs tons of sand papers for the refinement purpose…

    I know it is quite unpolite and politically incorrect..but the decline of Osho in the west is not because of Indians but the first generation of western sannyasins..
    How so ever innocent and good intentioned they may be, they are unable to confront the demons of their collective mind…
    And western collective mind has not a multi dimensional agenda..Belief in Christianity or the reactionary attitude born out of intelligence…which is only a skin deep in the inner dimensions..

    These intelligent beings need to learn a simple lesson–any kind of human endeveour is not unipoler. By thinking like this, they simply show thei bipoler mind.
    World and may be cosmos itself is multi poler…

  154. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, why don’t you address the racist that is lodged firmly in your mind, instead of writing all this flowery rubbish that only your two fans, Anugrah and Chinmaya, are interested in, because they are as ignorant as you.
    This is a serious issue in your life and you are not facing it. Racism lies at the rotten foundation of what is wrong in modern-day society, although it is nothing new.

  155. prem bubbie says:

    “Get out of your own way”… Wasn’t that the title of one of oshos’s books? Yes, shantam, get out of your own way… You say, “… few hundred thousand people definately have felt… getting dissolvng…” The point being– anyone ,ANYWHERE can get “their heart, being dissolving”– not just at 17 koregaon park.. Get out of your own way!!! And get a fuckin’ dictionary!!

  156. prem bubbie says:

    Chinmaya, what’s this racist shit about white skin? What about the “yellow skin”, soon it will be the dark skin(from india)…. get a grip on reality, bozo.

  157. prem bubbie says:

    Didn’t get to your post Lokesh…. right on!!! Just working my way down the page… it does take a bit of translating, to get from Shantam and co. to readable english….

  158. prem bubbie says:

    Over the past year Shantam and company have been hiding behind Mr. Osho and his works…. not only from today’s posts but from past postings some of us have pointed out the racist, homophobic, misogynistic, war loving postings of the “Shantam Gang”…. Shantam, Chinmaya, Anugrah, Shariar, and others. Who do you think you’re fooling? Shantam- stick with lawyering, no wonder the indian court system is so fucked. India in general is fucked… a million “osho’s” couldn’t help you people…. a slum it was, a slum it is, a slum it will stay.

  159. shantam says:

    If a white doctor tells to black patient about his sickness and vice versa, will it termed as racism?
    Though there are many reported cases, where a white patient will not accept the diagnose of the black doctor.

    Problem with few races with inbuilt or circumstaintial superiority complex is that they are unable to look at themselves with objective distance….

    For example sake..Alok John has researched a passage about India´s diagnose by Osho..to be fair to the subject..he could have taken another passage about the west too…

    Million and one times(metaphorically) Osho has spoken with underline, how west is in complete and how east is incomplete and how the union of two can create a better world and so on…
    This unity of the two can be as Vital as the unity of the man and woman..but than there are few masculine minds…always trying to be dominating and controlling.

    I think that time is over.. Democratic unity and creative conflict is required…
    Similarly…The white supermist in the Ashram(reosrt) are happy to announce thirce a week Disco but not a single time Kirtan…
    Intelligence would have been to give choice to people. that was the way Osho was…Speaking, expalining but without imposing.

    Similarly..why the fuck it should be someone´s headache..if few people want to see differently than the fashionable thinking, the thinking propagated by the mass media of that institution..

  160. bob says:

    ok, it seems we can understand now…

    1. schooling in England was not a particularly wonderful experience. Alok, it was bad all over, i would assume. day-care centers for the society, gussied up to appear as something else. ugh.

    2. the vestiges of rascism, class society, nationalism, and egoism are still with us. So what else is new? How could they make that movie, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, without the “ugly”.

    3. shantam won’t back down in his approach. This sikher singhs his own song – Onward Osho Soldiers, Marching to Punetoria.

    4. good songs and music capture our hearts, and give birth to links. YouTube is happy too, and it gives some exposure to the aging rockers in their twilight years.

    5. martyn has lightened up on his incomprehensible-to-most dadaist/veggie posts, and has become much more reader friendly. thanks marty.

    7. ooops….sorry! non-sequitor it is, probably an unconscious reaction against my math teachers from school – those dudes were never too much fun to be in the same classroom with. i’m sure you can empathize.

    6. the editors of sannyasnews should have enough copy now for a multiple series of volumes that could compete one-on-one with Enyclopaedia Britanica – or at least the Tom Swift series. so, when’s “the book” coming out Parmartha?

    8. frank is still funny as hell, cynical as ever, insight and intelligence targeting the seemingly non-ending foibles of man’s righteousness. ‘jesus throws 3 nails on the hotel counter, and says…’…that was funny frank, even if you didn’t make it up.

    9. tibetans are still pretty poor, han chinese are still pretty arrogant, no one has at yet determined the origins of mankind, and, even though we all laud Silence as the godhead source, we all keep blabbing on for some reason…

    10. and, to end the list…

    looks like Osho still trumps all, after all these years.

  161. prem bubbie says:

    Check out he movie “Sleepers”(1996).. talk about payback– w/ Brad Pitt, Kevin Bacon, Dustin Hoffman

  162. Alok john says:


    Osho gave discourses where he made lots of fun of Oregonians in America; called them idiots etc.

    But I did not put such discourses up because there was no need to. No one on SN has been saying that Oregonians are the most spiritual and intelligent people in the world.

  163. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam- you have an amazingly delusional mind… Cheerio

  164. bob says:

    an online news story i just happened across, re the ‘green commune’ in China that Sannyasnews has headlined over the past few years in threads. dated a few months ago.

    may be of interest to all… truth of any of it….who knows..


  165. Lokesh says:

    Chen Keyong, sounds like one of the boys and a good time was had by one and all till the cops showed up and messed up the party as usual.

  166. Lokesh says:

    Chen claimed that he was a disciple of well-known Indian cult leader Osho or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
    Shantam claimed that he was a disciple of well-known Indian cult leader Osho or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.

    Sound familiar.

  167. shantam says:

    Such a tragedy that a movement that started out as something full of life, love and laughter should have become a perch for a bunch of hypocritical cockroaches….

    Take some effort Lokesh to meet some sannyasins, who stayed with the game even after the year you have left .
    From sannyasins i mean, who have some analytical background during thier student days as many became sannyasins because it was the fashion on the alternative scene…
    And the people i am referring are definately not based in Ibiza…as i see, sunny beaches of Europe are quite a good shelter to socially dysfunctional people who are against everything Organised..
    Investing the heritage for a good living or making some money from tourism and haivng a peaceful life what is more complex than this..is simply mind fuck for such heartly people.

  168. shantam says:

    Alok John,
    Out of the ashes of India of Osho´s times, a new and vital india is taking shape.
    When one sees the overall development in all the human indexes, India´s prgress is quite significant.
    Just a week before the election results in one of the India´s most backward state has shown the shift from class and tribe orienetd society to free and fair democracy.
    Because of the media and the social ethics learnt by the Tv Anchors during their days in the western universites are asking for corruption free India.
    On all the backdoors used by the pwer brokers,one sees an army of Tv Cameras, who are changing the human perception.
    So hopeless India of Osho´s time has become quite vibrant..but this one cannot say about Osho´´s organisations..
    leadership failure at the root level is one of the main reason…basically we as a sannyasins feel shy to accept this because we all want to beleive..existance decides, existance acts through us..

  169. prem martyn says:

    a bicycle is not a walrus on a diet…
    …as they say in montenegro…


    okay everyone now adopt the position of the person you most disagree with and write an article from their point of view…

    and tonight simon .. i am going to be
    a therapist from the path of love…outlining the benefits of my work…

    i dont want to change your life for money or privilege… but because i love the work i do…and all the people who love me..
    and osho told me to do it..
    so i guess
    that makes it all alright then..
    book now…
    and you’ll feel better

    i have nothing else to add apart from

    dont miss this rare opportunity to work with one of the worlds greatest therapists… and tremendous lover of awareness


  170. prem martyn says:

    bob that chinese guy…

    is he nuts.. crazy..
    what did he think he was doing..

    i mean $368 for two days training….thats half price ! completely unreliable is therapy at these bargain rates, no wonder police nabbed him.. it was a give away…

    totally un-sannyas like….next time they’ll charge double and throw in the free sex … for free….

  171. Shahriar says:

    Shantam: By condemning and restricting the uniqueness of multi colored and multi dimensional spirituality, people simply show their invaders tendency, their shallow wisdom and a mentality which needs tons of sand papers for the refinement purpose…

    Shahriar: This reminds me of Islam, which lacks any concept of individual rights. The invasion is the war of totalitarian ideologies against the individual and his freedom.

    Shantam: I know it is quite unpolite and politically incorrect..but the decline of Osho in the west is not because of Indians but the first generation of western sannyasins..
    How so ever innocent and good intentioned they may be, they are unable to confront the demons of their collective mind…
    And western collective mind has not a multi dimensional agenda. Belief in Christianity or the reactionary attitude born out of intelligence…which is only a skin deep in the inner dimensions..

    Shahriar: Again, with the westerners are unspiritual line Shantam. I would like to remind you Shantam that it was not Indians who wrote the declaration of independence but your so-called unspiritual westerners. Saying that these people cannot confront “the demons of their own collective mind.” The declaration of independence is not a collectivist doctrine and westerners as a whole are not collectivists. Just look at Ayn Rand. That is not western belief but Christian belief. Christianity along with Islam are both totalitarian ideologies. That’s right, totalitarian. But Christianity is not the whole west, after all the founding fathers were not totalitarian. They were the most individualistic people you could find. Intelligence, reactionary attitude? So you are saying that the founding fathers were simply reactionary?!?! That they did not stand for anything? That they did not stand for anything positive? They most certainly did. They stood for individual rights, the rule of law, the separation of church and state. They stood for a republic.

    Shantam: These intelligent beings need to learn a simple lesson–any kind of human endeveour is not unipoler. By thinking like this, they simply show thei bipoler mind.
    World and may be cosmos itself is multi poler…

    Shahriar: What do you mean uni-polar? Do you mean unwaveringly standing for the right and the moral and the just? What do you mean it shows their bipolar mind? The world is bipolar. The poles of good and evil, right and wrong, freedom and slavery, the individual vs. the collective, consciousness and unconsciousness.

  172. prem martyn says:



    ….New Paradigms

    ………….Awareness of
    ……….Ascription of


    somebody please sort out this joke…….

  173. bob says:

    that no joke marty.
    if you take all the words and mix them up in a bag, reform the letters, you will get the following:

    “Long Dong Yong
    miscalculates Chinese police’s idea of
    right and wrong.
    so long, my friend, so long.”

  174. bob says:

    to be
    yong and anna freud….

  175. Anand says:

    Nice words Lokesh, but to create a general assumption from the few writers here on SN to the total of sannyasins in the world is just wrong. There are hundred thousands of quite intelligent sannyasins and Osho friends living in the world, never visiting these pages.
    What you got here? Maybe 20-50 bloggers spreading their limited amount of wisdom. Here you can feel like a king and maybe on the Ibiza retirement place of yours too,
    but save your judgements of the state of Osho and his sannyasins of today.

    And to Bubbie, the last ex sannysin stuck near Portland somewhere. He proves Osho right, that Oregonians are quite idiotic. Read his stuff here, speak about a stuck and retarded soul. And he is by now an Oregonian, living there for over 25 years!

    Question: anybody know the rates at Osho resort for groups, sessions and food for winter season 2010/11?

    And does anybody know where the food at the food places at the resort comes from? Is it safe to eat or even organic as has been claimed years back?

    Shantam: keep warm!

  176. Lokesh says:

    Anand, by refering to cockroaches, I am speaking about Shantam and his racist cronies. If you see yourself allied with that shit…well, that is your problem, not mine.
    As for your the rest of your narrow-minded opinions they don’t, in my mind, seem worthy of a response.

  177. prem bubbie says:

    Bob, you’re the one so high on
    china…. why did you post that story about the local commie chinks busting that “green” commune in china? Were you in support of them doing so? Doesn’t matter to me, maybe this commune leader was another in a long string of wacko osho followers… Isn’t there a place in australia like that? Byron Bay? I just love rumors and heresay.

  178. prem bubbie says:

    Keep sailing in your boat Anus Anand… Sailing Away, Sailing Away….off to oblivion…. are you still in West Africa? Waiting to start a new business? in the slave trade… lot’s of experience you have… Why the obsession with where the food comes from? Talk about being neurotic!! Howard Hughes, you ain’t!! Shantam keeps warm by sticking his head up your ass!!

  179. prem martyn says:

    Bubbie do you have an alter ego?

    is this a wikilleak of you-……
    Kurtz belongs to a series of Romantic heroes whose suppressed or sublimated desires lead them to a fractured psyche. Victor Frankenstein in Frankenstein, and Prometheus in Prometheus Unbound, as well as the central figure of Edgar Allan Poe’s “William Wilson” all ended up displacing their evil into other creatures. Besides these, the character of Kurtz does not resist a Nietzschean interpretation, being a sort of Übermensch whose fractured persona resembles a kind of Dionysian genius, fully aware of his desire for sex and utter solitude.

    bubbie look out… incoming….
    ( sound of manic laughter… haha haha ha)

  180. anugrah says:

    goose is out…………

  181. shantam says:

    can you think tp go to the Sunday mass in the Church nearby, for the sake of inner research and social study?
    Say few times….and also in the Friday prayers in the Mosque?

    It is beautiful to be atheist..but to study the collective mind around us..it is worthwhile to do what the Romans do in Rome.

  182. shantam says:

    I have noticed many people who are involved in Death kind of groups and study are in general, have no Children..
    Same is about many of the so called enlightend people, the Priests and the Benedicts, Pope the German….
    Their trust in God and their confrontaion with death…will most probably evaporate, once they see their few months old child having Diarea or Maleria.
    How much these trutsful souls know about that trust which millions of parents feel whenever their teenagers are out for the Binge Parties..

    As every lay man knows.to die after a certain age is not a thing to worry about..few years more or less in a theater of life makes no big difference…but for the parents to think about the news of their child´s death..is may be the most heart wretching experience…
    It is also true billions of people having children may not become the masters of life and death..but atleast they face the shadows and fears, love and trust in their Most Real face..

  183. shantam says:

    Lokesh..i know after a certain age it is almost impossible to face the mirror…because mirrors are very cruel to woman´s beauty and man´s wisdom…
    And this certain age deseceds even 10, 15 years before than the normal, if woman is in the show business and man have the warrior´s pride of being Truth seekers…
    So please, look at your limted vision and inner blocks( i will dothe same too) before you put the racist tag on someone…
    It is never too late to have external hard plate to increase the speed and saving capacity of the old models in our head…

    When a race, individual or commuity stops seeing the mirror, it shows only one thing..Stagnation before the Death..what are seventy eighty to five six thousand years in the eternity..

  184. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, it was not me who put the racist tag on you. You did an excellent job of doing that yourself.
    As for the rest of your sanctimonious bullshit shove where you have stuck your head…up your racist arse.

  185. Shahriar says:

    Just one question because I was absent for a period when Shantam was posting such things. Can you tell me what exactly Shantam said which was racist? Thanks.

  186. Lokesh says:

    Ask Shantam, he is an expert on the matter.

  187. shantam says:

    have you not noticed, Shatam became racist because he dared to show to the white smart assed sannyasins, some pimples on their ass cheeks.

    Other than this, i anm utterly humbled by the contributuion of western civilisation and the people.
    and more than one time, i have expressed this openly..

  188. Shahriar says:

    If you don’t mind Shantam, I’m not sure if what you said was racist. Lokesh clearly thinks so, but I would like to form my own opinion of what you said. What exactly did you dare to show to the white smart ass sannyasins?

  189. shantam says:

    in my day to day life in the west, i am involved only with the people who have nothing to do with sannyas or Osho..and these people are not less worthy or spiritualy less motived and evoloved than people like me.
    Manytimes it over whelmes my heart….

    Just the other week, by chance i participated in a church event called, ” Night of the Lights”.
    This event was conducted by the non professioal priests.
    It was a joy to see hundreds of young people most of them university students participating in the alternative singing..
    Other than singing with them “Hallelujah”..i was just absorbing the power and the longing in their hearts.

  190. shantam says:

    let me give an example..
    Osho´s books were printed and distributed for a decade before a single person took initiation into His disciple hood.called Sannyas.
    It also shows..books when written nicely find their way on their own. Publishers jump on the stuff.
    If books were enough unto themselves as Osho´s other contemporary J. Krishnamurti thought, there was not a zero percent necessity to create one´s own disciples and in the process alienate million others.
    It means people were reading Osho´s books, the way they read thousand other authors..but did not thought it is worthy to become His disciples..
    And Osho was asking for something more than just readers….
    Osho changed many names and robes style in His journey, bu the sannyas initiation remained intact…
    Disciples were called sannyasins from beginning till the end..and it was thought that this process will continue.
    Also it was never intended that Sannyas remains a close knit community, marrying and loving and doing business only among with each other.
    People were not treated discriminatly.

    I have met mothers of my both children at Pune. The first one droped sannyas within three four years and courageously reverted back to the original name, second one has nothing to do with sannyas..She buys and read books intensively and last Osho´s book was ten twelve years before…

    In the journey of sannyas…first disciples were Indians.. than slowly slowly flood gates got opened and thousands from Europe and America jumped in..
    These people brought money as most of highly rich and influential aristocrats simply withdrawn themselves from Osho, once he started His own brand, and jumped above their idea of being a social reformer, articulate orator and powerful mystic..
    It shows the attitude, ” One cannot marry a gorgeous call girl. wife is something different and Osho is not good enough to be the Master.”
    So these far away disciples brought money and their managerial skills. and also pumped Osho with poppy confidence..that he can influence and change the whole west..that he can give the direction to the dissatisfaction born out of expired church products…”

    Now the question arises, since 12 years Osho´s western disciples have got the complete and absolute control over Osho´s legacy..they have become the defacto owners of cooperative structure in Pune..and have changed all the basic tenants according to their whim and mercy.

    Now i want to know..when was the last time someone became Osho sannyasin in the West?

    This is the fundamental question..

    As i know..if once in a full moon someone in the west take sannyas..it is not because of the Osho management..it is not because of thousands of old and ex sannyasins..but because of the efforts of someone like Arunji…There are not even five names in this list..

    If any one has a doubt, please check out in any of the western city, recall in your memory when you have met a new sannyasin…
    It simply means..Osho movement needs a thesis in the business schools, ” How to inherit a successful brand and burn it out.”!


    Blame Mr. Madoff or Existance …

  191. Satya Deva says:

    Perhaps you really ‘belong’ to such a place, with these good people, Shantam?

    No sarcasm intended, btw…

    You know, a fairly conventional ‘normal’ religious set-up – regular ‘special days’, when you can join together with fellow-worshippers – preferably hundreds at least – for general, good-natured ‘socialising’, plus, er, ‘worshipping’ whoever or whatever is the ‘God’ or ‘god’ in question…

    No need to ‘drop out’ to ensure ‘alternative-cum-radical’ psycho-spiritual credibility when in such company either, you could resume your legal career and enjoy the no doubt further kudos that would undoubtedly bring to you.

    In the West, you might even become a sort of minor local semi-celebrity – ‘The Sikh who Saw the Heavenly Light’, or ‘The Sikh who Found God at last’, or ‘The Sikh who found His Place in the Order of Things’, or even ‘The Sikh who Found Jesus’…

    I’m sure you could easily create your own ‘brand name’ to exploit, perhaps for a second income career as a journalist specialising in weighty spirito/religious matters with significant socio-cultural overtones…

    You know, this is no mere meandering of an idle mind on a cold, snowy morning, I’m deadly serious….

  192. Shahriar says:

    By the way everyone, let me begin by experessing the tremendous appreciation I have for Indian cultrue. With that I would like to state my views of the best and the worst holiday(s) in history.

    Ramadan is definitely the worst holiday in history.

    While Holi, the Indian holiday, is definitely the best holiday in history.

  193. Satya Deva says:

    Big problem for any ‘Movement’ – perhaps particularly, it seems, for one dedicated to, er, ‘true freedom’, ‘spiritual growth’ and, er, ‘putting the mind in its rightful place’ (!!), is that it becomes inevitably and irrevocably bound up in politics and all that entails: jockeying for positions, power/control issues, differing ideas and interpretations of what it’s all about, squabbling as to who is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and so on and on and on, ad infinitum…

    Especially so when the Source, Founder and Inspiration of the Movement (who denied ever wanting to create such an entity) has departed the scene…

    An utter and total Mess, one that I wouldn’t trust anyone with the responsibility of sorting out.

    As they say on ‘Dragon’s Den’ (famous UK tv show where would-be business people and inventors try to convince a panel of mega-rich entrepreneurs to fund and support their enterprises): “I’m OUT!”

  194. Satya Deva says:

    Hey, Shantam – how about ‘The Sikh who Followed the Sex Guru, but then Found Jesus’? Or, ‘The Sikh who Dropped In, Dropped Out, Saw the Light and – Dropped In Again’?

    Or even, ‘The Sikh who Found His True Level – At Last’?

  195. frank says:

    worrying about the state of the vegetables in the resort…?

    they are a sad lot,rotting away,mostly…

    poor harvest again this year,too….

    i hear the big ones still get doused in alcohol…..
    doesnt seem to help much….

    and the small ones have to be the right shape,or they get thrown out……

    and shantam,if the death of “sannyas” means the end of narrow-minded belief-bordered self-righteous relig-idiotism that tries to pass itself off as the ultimate need of mankind…

    call me,i have a noose and a guillotine in my treatment room….

  196. Lokesh says:

    Shantam is not only a racist he is also a bore. His patronizing mumbo jumbo is nothing but a smoke cloud to cover the tracks of the ignorant bumbling fool that he is so very much an incarnation of
    I Think SD is being magnimonious by treating him the way he does, but really wearing kid gloves with a clown like Shantam is, in my opinion, a complete waste of time..

    Shahriar, you say: By the way everyone, let me begin by experessing the tremendous appreciation I have for Indian cultrue.
    I’d be interested to hear to what extent your appreciation goes. Does it include using the streets as open toilets and India being one of the greatest polluters on the planet, or is your apprecation limited to holding cows holy as they fart out a noxious cloud of gas that is gobbling up the world’s oxygen supply at a tremendous rate?

  197. Shahriar says:

    Lokesh I am against environmentalism. As far as using the streets as open toilets that is uncivilzed behavior but I am pretty sure Osho did not use the streets as an open toilet.

  198. shantam says:

    I must avoid the adjecitves for Satya deva and Lokesh kind of cross breeds….i hope their western blood and Indian names may not create havoc in their being after reading their thought provoking articles…
    I hope..their presence..inspires their surroundings as Role models…

  199. shantam says:

    When Osho was introducing the sannyas…One of his point was..in the old tradions there was no exit door..Once you join…you are confined for ever…

    So it is not a bad thing to drop the sannyas, the day it overburdens the soul or the soul finds its calling somewhere else…
    Our beloved friend Lokesh did this around 1990 at the insistance of His wife and found Punja ji..the vacuum filler for the western seekers..

    No problem with that too…

    Satya Deva..the man who edited the few of the Osho´s ealry books..may have left the game when it was becoming too big…too organised, i understand few people are like Boutique type..
    Fear of flying and fear from big cooperations is quite a common trait…
    So..he has also found the anchor in Ms. Meera, a low profile reincarnation of God…
    There is no problem in that too..

    After all..Osho is not a bigining and end of the whole spectrum of spiritual journey.. (Thanks heavens..Osho is not a product of middle east prophetism..)

    what nerves me about them and their superficial wisdom(judgement) is that they seems to be like a man who is on two boats..
    Or a man who goes to his mistress with a marrige ring in the index finger..
    In reality..wife and mistress will kick on the cowardly ass of such cheap husbands and lovers..

    What is not possible in any other relation is possible in the world of Master-disciple thing.
    Make believe worlds have their own rules!

  200. shantam says:

    Satya Deva // Dec 2, 2010 at 12:04 pm

    it makes quite a sense..
    atleast diagnositic aspects, remedial aspects…i don´t think…any Amma can ever give..

    Daily wage eareners don´t need tohave the know how about labour laws..
    Sisters in the OPD will never call themselves doctors..but in the make belief world of spiritulality..every nurse is Dr. (Prof.) Ms. Mother South India…!!

  201. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, you are crossing into dimensions, hitherto unexplored…in the realm of utter stupidity. Your last comment brought a sardonic smile to my lips…a better example of narrow-mindedness I have not seen in quite some time.

    Shahriar, what on earth are you talking about? I suspect you have a badly dented helmet. Perhaps you could contact Kavita and she’ll put you in touch with someone who can help with your problem. Then again, some people, like Shantam, seem to manage a kind of existence in the free world in spite of the fact that they are severely brain-damaged.

  202. shantam says:

    Ok Lokesh..let us spread the smile little more…

    What one will say to a man who goes to his mistress with the wedding ring?

    And also what one will say to a man who in the famous jokes, sleep with the shofer in husband´s car?

    What one should say to a disciple who goes master shoping..?

    And i am not saying people should remain in a rotten marriage or one should remain commited to the master..
    and that too, to a master like Osho…one of the most freedom loving yet self centred master whose paramount interest was compassion and also self preservance…

  203. shantam says:

    what one will say to a WOMAN who in the famous jokes, sleep with the shofer in husband´s car.

  204. shantam says:

    and shantam,if the death of “sannyas” means the end of narrow-minded belief-bordered self-righteous relig-idiotism that tries to pass itself off as the ultimate need of mankind…

    call me,i have a noose and a guillotine in my treatment room….

    Frank..i will be utterly glad and satisfied.. if every such structure gets such noose…..

    And also i know many man and woman who were so adament to find “The Perfect”, that even their own hand betrayed them in the end..what to say about the heart..

    we live on an revolivng planet which is being used as dumping ground for the other billions of stars..
    who knows..human beings are just worms…in an unsorted dust bin..
    Let us wait 2012..who knows..the garbage truck comes…

  205. shantam says:

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

    Please, watch this or similar video..to understand the social and psychological effect of KIRTAN..
    In the similar context why Premal, Mitan kind of music has its own fans.
    Does devotional music and dance effects in the similar way as music played in the clubs and discos.

    I know..few people will look at one form or the both, with scronful eyes..but than they can watch why they are getting scornful…???
    All such activities were part of Osho´s ashram.. Use all the techniques, possibilites and paths to see, feel and use as a research tool..
    If there is a need to judge, judge the actions and thoughts of oneself…
    But seems like there are customers in the shop who tell to the owner, ” This pullover does not fit me, its color is also boring. Please take this away from the shelves.”

  206. shantam says:

    ….using the streets as open toilets and India being one of the greatest polluters on the planet…..

    Neccisty is the mother of invention…
    May be it is the push from the whether that west could not afford this kind of laziness.
    freezing tempreture upto minus 20 degree and ” Angrez “sitting on the banks of River Thomas with their pants down…..
    It will be torture worst than death..

    May be the richest Indian with his modren Taj Mahal in Mumbai among the world´s biggest open air toilet can write a letter of thanks to the people, who invented modren day toilets…atleast he can afford this luxury in his most expansive house of the world.

    As far as pollution on the planet is concerned…Indians and Chineese want to contribute equally with their counterparts from the west…Why for death sake, Europe and America should consume the maximum amount of natural resources…

    May be it is a lesson for the God too.. Don´t create oil on other planets or don´t make human beings…

  207. frank says:

    if you are ignorant of a subject,why attempt to discourse about it?

    the idea that the weather made the northern westerners invent toilets,like most of the stuff you write, is just utterly stupid…..

    in fact,the streets of london were running in shit and piss,with just an open sewer down the middle of the streets right up to the 1800s.
    when the smell of the river thames drifted into the houses of parliament in 1858,action was finally taken and modern sewage systems were developed.
    this was in the summer.
    so the heat made the smell worse and precipitated the clean up….

    is your understanding of “spirituality” as impressive as your knowledge of the history of toilets?
    it seems so….

    in either field,you are wading around in a huge pile of shit,without even realising it…

  208. prem martyn says:

    why do i feel so unloved here at sannyas news… why wont women tell me that they love my funny posts and my effulgent use of the word cunty clitory thing that i affectionately nickname the smelly dustbin of desire..

    why why why…

  209. shantam says:

    wow martyn….lol

    some courageous woman must stuff your mouth….
    with her soiled panties..
    can lead to satori…

    It is my guess work like the history of toilets..
    Brother Frank seems to be the Master of spirituality and related matters..

  210. frank says:

    thanks bob…
    glad you liked the 3 nails joke…
    i told it to a born again christian who was hassling me on the street one day….
    those guys have absolutely no sense of humour,i can tell you…!!

    reminds me,a couple of jehovah`s witnesses cornered me one day,and one of them demanded of me:
    “well,wouldnt you like to see god`s law implemented all over the earth?”
    i said:
    “look,its not going to happen,god couldnt even keep his own back garden in order,and that was when there was only a pair of skinny dippers and a snake hanging around…”
    to the jehovahs credit,i noticed the corners of his mouth moving involuntarily,very slightly…..

  211. frank says:

    shantam was standing in front of a mirror with his eyes closed
    his mum came in and asked;
    “what are you doing?”
    “i am seeing how i look when i sleeping”

  212. Lokesh says:

    I had a couple of Jehova’s Witnesses show up at my front gate last week. They knocked on the gate with the Tibetan knocker that weighs a couple of kilos. I opened the gate and when I saw the ties and Bibles I knew staright away who they were.
    ‘Hi,’ I said, ‘Come on in.’ I ushered them into my house. They were quite taken aback by the devil masks on the kitchen wall. Out with the bible quotes. ‘Jesus says….’
    ‘Hold on you guys,’ I said, ‘can I offer you a cup of tea?
    They nodded numbly, obviously unaccustomed to such a hospitable welcome.
    Meanwhile I’m trying to remember where I left those psilocybin mushrooms that I never got around to taking. I remembered that I’d stashed them in the fridge. I got ‘em up and boiled them in the electric kettle, the new testament quotes coming fast and furious.
    To cut a longish story short. the guys drank their tea and after fifteen minutes fell completely silent.
    ‘More tea?’ I asked.
    The Jehova boyos looked at me as if I’d just asked them to deliver a discourse on the mating habits of Siberian ring worms.
    I showed them to the gate and they wandered off down the dirt track, stopping every once in a while to study the fluffy white clouds drifting across the bright blue sky.
    They have not returned. Those Mexican mushrooms I dosed them with are very strong. Man, they look scary, a bit mouldy and prehistoric looking. Heap powerful wampum.
    Gotta go! Somebody is banging on the gate with the Tibetan knocker.

  213. shantam says:

    Is it really a true stroy Lokesh or one of your fiction?
    If it is true..let me know from where to get those Mashrooms for chai..
    I love to invite Jehovvah the witness people once in a while..
    Jehohah girls look really serene and sober..just the thought to preserve oneself for the marriage night is itself an act f bravery and virtue..
    Therefore the other month, when i could get a little glimpse of waxed leg from under the long skirt, is an incident worth writing a romantic poetry….

    I think those were the golden days..when too little of a skin could leave a long lasting effect…

  214. shantam says:

    Frank, you are right..it is not before the mirror but on dining table.
    My son has asked recently, why i have closed my eyes while eating?
    and to eat first time in my life, my mother´s chapatis in Europe seems really a culinary delight. so Pune habit sneeked in, watching the eater..feeling the food…

    His mother answered in her swiss dialect, ” father becomes blind while eating!”

  215. frank says:

    some basic theology…..

    jews dont recognise jesus as the messiah
    protestants dont recognise the pope as leader of the christian church
    jehovahs witnesses dont recognise each other at the porn shop

  216. prem martyn says:

    ah yes… the porn-again shop..

  217. frank says:

    you are married to a swiss woman..?
    you poor sod.
    no wonder you are a racist….

  218. Shahriar says:

    “I love to invite Jehovvah the witness people once in a while..
    Jehohah girls look really serene and sober..just the thought to preserve oneself for the marriage night is itself an act f bravery and virtue..”

    I hope you weren’t serious Shantam when you said that this is an act of bravery and virtue.

  219. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    Actually Shantam is right. Just heard that Resort has asked Indians not to mix or talk with foreigners. They are saying that Indians disturb foreigners in the Resort.
    So seperate Indians and Foreigners. Who are the real Racists ??

  220. prem bubbie says:

    If you are against environmentalism , Mr. Shah-riar, then you definitely have a conflict with osho’s views… Read for yourself…. you are yet another who takes osho’s views out of context and into a nether- world of fairy tales and the bizarre.

  221. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam, i can’t imagine how you passed your Indian Bar Exam…. did you have to compose any essays? A special software program must have been designed by the Bar to decipher your gibberish… at least I can give kudos to them on one invention.

  222. prem bubbie says:

    So Shantam, you have a Swiss partner… hmm, was she desperate to hold your money when she became your partner? That’s the only way I think a Swiss female would spread her legs for you… Enjoy the strudel– while it’s hot!!

  223. prem bubbie says:

    Prakash– Go back to your closet.

  224. prem martyn says:

    change positions everybody .. or you’ll end up in a trench, having dug your own hole…

    incoming kurtz

  225. Lokesh says:

    That jehovah’s witnesses spiked with Mexican mushrooms…that’s…ehm…a true story. Shit! There is somebody banging on the gate again…probably the midnight rambler…you know the one who jumps through bedroom doors….he’s called the hit-and-run raper in anger
    The knife-sharpened tippie-toe…
    Or just the shoot ‘em dead, brainbell jangler
    You know, the one you never seen before….

  226. Lokesh says:

    He Martyn…no joke…I just watched Apocalypse Now…it is a masterpiece….maybe watch ‘Full Metal Jacket’ next….you know 752mm….
    My little corner of Ibiza is a war zone tonight…with dolby surround…..I love the smell of napalm…it smells of victory…I’m calling in the fly boys to flatten 17 Koregaon Park…roger that…

  227. shantam says:

    Oh Dear Britishers..seems like you treat everybody in the world below you and everybody else don´t think you are above them…
    If you take your archbishop away from Pune, i think i can aknowledge your full contribution to the world civilisation.

  228. Lokesh says:

    I see the shrooms have kicked in big time in Shantam’s synaptic channels….verbal hallucinations….that is a new one.

  229. Satya Deva says:


    Satya Deva..the man who edited the few of the Osho´s ealry books..may have left the game when it was becoming too big…too organised, i understand few people are like Boutique type..
    Fear of flying and fear from big cooperations is quite a common trait…
    So..he has also found the anchor in Ms. Meera, a low profile reincarnation of God…
    There is no problem in that too..

    After all..Osho is not a bigining and end of the whole spectrum of spiritual journey.. (Thanks heavens..Osho is not a product of middle east prophetism..)

    what nerves me about them and their superficial wisdom(judgement) is that they seems to be like a man who is on two boats..
    Or a man who goes to his mistress with a marrige ring in the index finger..
    In reality..wife and mistress will kick on the cowardly ass of such cheap husbands and lovers..

    What is not possible in any other relation is possible in the world of Master-disciple thing.
    Make believe worlds have their own rules!

    Shantam writes with all the ill-informed presumption of a worse than mediocre lawyer, utterly clueless about my ‘sannyas history’ and where Mother Meera, Amma or anyone else might fit in to the ‘Great Tapestry of My Life’, but content to create something out of his imagination, to suit the anyway threadbare, barely comprehensible ‘case’ he has saddled himself with.

    If you can’t do better than this, Mr Lawyer/Liar Man’ then you’d better stick to cleaning stairs rather than pretending you have any right to be ‘called to the Bar’.

    Mouthing cliche-ridden platitudes while propping up another sort of bar would seem to be more your line, on all the evidence I’ve seen from you, sir!

  230. Lokesh says:

    It’s mercury poisoning, I tell you.

  231. frank says:

    that`s right shantam,
    we`ve got prince philip,the queen,david beckham,invented football and cricket,we won two world wars,and got your forefathers to fight for us,(what a bunch of mugs),and now thanks to amrito,we`ve now got control of osho`s empire…

    who have you got?
    guru patak with his vegetable knife?

    know your place

  232. shantam says:

    Great Tapestry of your Life, Satya Deva..i really say my heartful regards to that..
    if i see a great tapestry in someone´s home, i won´t behave like an elephant in China´s shop..

    Just for inner curiosity sake, is it possible for you to write Meera without the Prefix Mother?

  233. shantam says:

    The joy lies in reclaiming your lost heritage, lost pride and kingdom of god again and again….same will be with Osho´s empire. Dr. Amrito will be reuested to buy a daily gate pass for Rs. 420, instead of 850.
    Keeping in heart, his contribution towards the Master, he can definately avail the discounted price Rs. 210.

    Ashram cannot be allowed to become another monarchy..winds of change will land there too, again and again..

    Manytims i feel solidarity with the normal British folks, who are burdened by the historical karma. it is a bad karma when some Paki with his more than half dozen children claim life long social benefits with the smile, ” We are the guests of Queen.”

  234. prem martyn says:

    actually mercury poisoning occurs in vaccinations…the preservative used is thimerosal…

    Thimerosal contains 49.6 percent mercury by weight and is metabolized or degraded into ethylmercury and thiosalicylate. Mercury, or more precisely, ethylmercury, is the principle agent that kills contaminants. Unfortunately, mercury also kills much more than that.

    and at school we used to watch it disappear into the desks and our fingers.. because of its ability to permeate solid surfaces…

    and careful at the dentist…

    apparently we dont talk about healing very much on this website .. but its more osho vibey than diatribes on identity….

    on the other hand i have no idea what im talking about and think diatribes are really amazing and very oshoey…

    snowed in in the mountains and wondering how much of this lovely countryside you can eat .. it looks like thick icing sugar on the trees…

  235. frank says:

    looking out of the window…
    osho`s empire is returned into sand
    vanished from my hand…

    ah ,let me get my favourite and today appropriate haiku out…

    nobly,the great priest
    deposits his daily stool
    in bleak winter fields


  236. bob says:

    a point to be remembered is that all of Sannyasnews articles and posts are picked up by the search engines of the internet – their spiders crawl these pages on a constant basis.

    if you want, you can try the most popular search engine Google, search ‘osho china’, and the number one hit is Parmartha’s article here on this site, on trying to get books into china to “underground” meditators, along with some distinctly negative words about the Chinese government. go try it.

    same goes for the articles about the green commune, which just had the news article written about it. this connects these views and pieces of info with “osho”, which was never done on their own website that they had created in Chinese and English versions.

    not suggesting any tempering of your views on the subject, but,
    chinese censors and security information gatherers would probably be reading these articles – that would, of course, be their job in this digital age (concerning a religious ‘cult’ that is not allowed in the country, especially). Their skills would include high proficiency in the English language too. to interpret the sarcasm and off-the-wall humor would be hurdles for them, obviously. might pose a problem for them, as it does for all here too –”hey, really, that’s true” and, “i really mean it, no joke”, etc. who’s to know what someone’s intention and meaning is.

    anyway, whatever the reality of that commune was or wasn’t, or the article on the bust, remains unknown. maybe they’re both bogus. or maybe not, they were both true. or a combination, part true and part false. sound familiar here? anyone’s guess.

    if those two sannyasins didn’t want a connection between their commune in china and ‘osho’ on the internet, for anyone’s global viewing, that would have been their responsibily to not publicise it. but they did. so i guess that’s what they wanted – or was it?

  237. frank says:

    i seem to remember they were asking for osho books and tapes here on sn noticeboard werent they?

    …. if any of those chinese internet spooks can decipher or make any sense out of shantam`s posts,they deserve a f;;king medal….

    and when they find out what folk on jackasnews think of donkey-dick soup,it`ll be world war three,on the spot….

  238. prem martyn says:

    frank this is the only japanese themed tune i can whistle..

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

    night everyone

  239. Satya Deva says:

    Just for inner curiosity sake, is it possible for you to write Meera without the Prefix Mother?

    Piss off, you ignorant, condescending twat.

  240. prem bubbie says:

    Frank- the correct phrase for shantam is , “know your place-BOY”!!! Now I expect my shoes to be shined, pants pressed, and balls licked, shantam-BOY!!!!

  241. prem bubbie says:

    P.M. …. and in tooth fillings bounded by silver which makes it inert… rather than being concerned about minuscule amounts of mercury in vaccines… be concerned about the VAST amounts of lead in water, paint, gasoline( yes, it’s still in gasoline in the 3rd world), and food and drinking cups, glasses, hair products; also the mercury in the air(from China of course), along with arsenic, and dozens of heavy metals; also pesticides, DDT is still used, insecticides, fungicides, fertilizer, almost all the world’s topsoil is contaminated with the above mentioned, sooooo. Mr. P.M. along with the so-called “tainted” vaccines obsessed… time to straighten out your priorities and get a grip on reality or are you clowns just grabbing for the easiest and most convenient thing to rant about… Please join the earth firsters, and PETA psychos and form one big circle jerk train to the Don’t Worry, Be Happy Institute holding its annual meeting at the Meher Baba Motel in Pune, India just across from the “Resort”…. low monthly rates guaranteed.

  242. prem bubbie says:

    bob– not only commie chink agents but american and english agents— did you forget “osho” and the associates are still on the terrorists group list in the U.S. and probably the U.K.(or by U.S. request)… So, my dear chaps, anyone posting here probably has been I.d.’d by now – by those respected-”not” agencies that roam around the world spying on perceived threats to the U.S. and other wonderful places that hold democracy and liberty as sacred institutions… so type away my fellows and any spy reading shantam’s cryptography deciphers it, frank will give you one big fat wet sloppy kiss…. oh how romantic…..

  243. prem bubbie says:

    “Twat the nite before xmas, and all through the house, Shantam been wanking, splattering all over de house…” Merry Xmas.

  244. prem bubbie says:

    Say frank– how much snow did you guys get there in merry ole england? How much of it is yellow? gotta lay off that ale…

  245. anugrah says:

    prembubbie, lokesh and satya deva,
    i never met you , never saw your faces , but still feel connected with you via this website……….

    i wish you all the best in your personal life…..you guys have contributed alot to this website ……..disagreements are part of life , but once in a while i like to say thank you to you for being here………..
    i have enjoyed your postings and i do like to read more from you guys…..
    i do not mind at all what you think about me .. you are my buddies and fellow travellers and i know very well that you all love osho ……

  246. prem martyn says:


    i have the guide to the gnostic theosophy you espouse… but i cant find the recipes you recommend for bubbie’s home made rants..

    i would so like to try one..please inform as to what to do after whipping the mixture into a frenzy…

    ten four…

  247. shantam says:

    What a beautiful day it is..to read the follwing dialogue. can you write your compliment wiht full name Satya Deva…not just the initials

    Just for inner curiosity sake, is it possible for you to write Meera without the Prefix Mother?

    Piss off, you ignorant, condescending twat

  248. Satya Deva says:

    Serves you right – you ignorant, condescending twit!

  249. Satya Deva says:

    You know what, Shantam – if this ‘Blog’ had taken place in the context of one of the old Poona 1970′s groups, you’d hardly exist by now…

    Someone would have throttled you, for sure…

    You know, it can actually help a person to fully realise the effect he/she has upon others…

    Some had to be almost ‘forced’ to see that about themselves…

    You’re clearly of that type.

    Meditate upon it!

  250. Lokesh says:

    Anugrah. is on MDMA.

  251. shantam says:

    Mama´s Boy…What a fool..

    Few teenagers will spray cars on the street, will break the windows here and there..and for god sake touch their bicycle and then will kill you..

    Satya Deva S/o Mother Meera is one of such jesus Christ.

  252. shantam says:

    Some biographical note about SD`S spiritual Mama..Does she has taught him to be sarcastic with his dead ex. master..the power hungry Bullie, Osho.

    Mother Meera – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Mother Meera, born Kamala Reddy (born 26 December 1960) is believed by her devotees to be an embodiment (avatar) of the Divine Mother (Shakti). …

    Ms. Reddy has taken or stolen the name of “Meera”, one of the most reverend poet and mystic..who fell in love with Krishna(more than 5000 years after Krishna´s birth) and in the process..touched those inner spaces unkown to physical eyes..

    Had Ms. Reddy did also some immigration fraud that she has to change her name like Bhagwan…?

  253. shantam says:

    SD, are you on the only son of Ms. Reddy?
    There must be many siblings too, few must have given the space on Wikkipedia too..

    Is it not a joy for you to play and quarrel with your brothers and sisters..
    Or mom has entrusted you to adopt few from Osho´s orphange.
    How one can grow without the living masters sorry Avatara?

  254. shantam says:

    Does the master-disciple affair comes to an end once one of the party dies?
    Does Master disciple relation has taken the form of widow/er remarriage..

    Satya Deva..it is really none of the business of any body, what you eat or wear. who is your wife or boss..
    neither it is a matter of concern whether you go to church or Mosque..whether you have one master or dozens…
    What does it matter..?

    But read and read your posts..and see…How strong you are a boy who will kill Buddha when Buddha comes on the way..Stron boy will put Osho in the expiry medicine box….
    The man who giggles when derogatory jokes and remarks are made for your ex…but calls an advocate for defamation suit..when it is mother Meera…

    What stops you to address her without the prefix ?

    Will you burn in the hell or will not inherit the kingdom of God…

    Let the case be so…
    than accept other people´s sacred limits too…Live and let live..you live in your illusion others live in their bloody illusion..

  255. shantam says:

    I have heard their are employees in the corner shops who will carry placards before the organised retail…
    In India it is an every week affair..

    Same way..if few souls have found their solace..their peace…their roots in the spiritual boutiques..why they bother about the credit and balance sheets of H&M, O&O etc.
    Labour unrest, share holders demands are not part of boutique culture..enjoy the eternal peace of personaliesd service, if it is all what you desire…

    Why to ask for the price of rice..if you know already it is sprayed with pesticide…

  256. shantam says:


    Shahriar,,,story to make your blood boil..

    sometime i wonder..how long the earth will bear this social and jutice system of forgotten era..

    Driving the most modren automobiles with a mind set of …..

    Shahriar, can you forsee a world where the society in the gulf, rights the charter of independence….
    If West can over grow their bible and still show the reverance..what is stopping the other side to do similar act…

  257. shantam says:

    In the Shiite faith – the majority religion in Iran – men and women can marry for an agreed period of time.

    Afterwards, the marriage is null and void, although it can be renewed, but there is an obligation for both to look after any offspring.

    Men can have up to four permanent wives, and any number of temporary wives. Women can only be married to one man at a time.

    Prem martyn..i hope you will think to embrace a new faith…

  258. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, if an overflowing cesspool could speak it would sound like you. Something that you might not realize is that writing all your rubbish on SN is drawing a lot of very negative feedback and criticism towards yourself and because you read everything that people write about you that material goes in through your eyes and registars where? This is a question you might gain something out of by contemplating it.
    Yes. the lotus grows out of the mud but you are not growing at all. You are completely stuck. I don’t think all these comments telling you what a fucking idiot you are will be doing you any good on a personal level. Someone commented to me the other day that you must have skin as thick as a rhino, but I disagree. In your case it is something like ignorance is bliss. You are completely unaware of what all this negative programming is doing to your mind. Oh, yes, I’m sure you will smile smugly in the mistaken belief that you are above all this, but let me assure you that you are not.
    I remember a sign outside the ashram in the old days. Be positive; transcend mind. Be negative; self destruct. Sooner or later what you are doing will registar in your conscious mind and it will not be a pretty sight. Sinner repent. The day of judgement is nigh. You dumb shit.

  259. prem martyn says:


    a recording of kurtz for kurtz to remind him of those…
    hey ….


  260. shantam says:

    The thing is Lokesh, when i read someone like you or SD, i think ignorance is much better.
    If you guys represent light, i prefer to remain in darkness.
    When people have light in their eyes, they see wonder, wonder of different spices, different psycholgical types, different colors and perceptions…
    Unfortunately this is not the case with you. Simply stuffed with single window software…

  261. shantam says:

    Sinner repent. The day of judgement is nigh. You dumb shit.
    Brother Lokesh
    This is the light of darkess, whitewashed done by Bhagwan and Punja ji has disappered.. ugly Christian mind is popping out..
    This is what happens to smart dumb asses full with artifical compassion under the sinister mind…

  262. shantam says:

    Yes. the lotus grows out of the mud but you are not growing at all. You are completely stuck…

    Life is a wonderful mirror. In physical world, grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, spouse of the others look pretier or smarter, but in the spritual world…it is vice versa.
    Everybody else looks stuck, who is not in the same bus..Ego of the other sees ego in the others but egolessness in oneself..
    Every dirt in the mud think oneself as Lotus….
    Does it mean people who live near the best beaches..end up like ponds..

    Mysterious are the ways of life…

  263. shantam says:

    Someone commented to me the other day that you must have skin as thick as a rhino..
    who is this someone?
    Journalistic source are allowed to be kept secret…
    Tell to that someone..enjoy your beautiful thin, soft and senstive skin….and don´t bother whether this skin is a divine gift or the miracles of Botex..

  264. shantam says:

    During the afternoon, i was touched by the people who were sitting in the emptiness of the church..
    There was no living master, no priest…few were looking at the Altar, few were kneeling or sitting with closed eyes…

    May be during the same time, someone in India must be looking at the Banyan tree or the red colored stone personifying divinity…

    and one can see just after few minutes how their face is shining as if the empty battery of the mobile is recharged…
    For millenium…billions of people have nourished themselves from simple symbols of life..they have healed their pain..they have walked their walk..
    How many of them have the luxury of a private tutor. a Living breathing Master….

    I touch the feet of all these unknown forfathers and brothers and sisters…who just walked..and i hope they will go on walking, because the faces and energy of all those greedy egoless run away soldiers is non inspiring ….who boast about their living masters…

  265. shantam says:

    Hi shantam, please collect all your postings, edit them and publish book in english, german, and hindi , it will give make sannyasins make think a little bit what exactly went wrong…………and why we all end up in a mess . it will also give some insight . and last but not least your book may be turning point to many who think in a same way too about pune commune……….much love

    Few call thick skin as rhino…few send the message like above….
    Is there someone in existance..who in the human form..makes happy, one and all…?

  266. frank says:

    an unemployed indian guy who hangs around in cold churches reading the daily mail….
    locked in battle with
    a bunch of hard-core individualist westerners with indian spi-fi names they got from the land of holy bullshit….

    what on earth will agent dong of the chinese secret service make of that??

  267. shantam says:

    Hi sweet and sensitive skinned reader,
    I think you are not a person who remains in Burqa and allows the man to speak on the behalf.
    If you find through my writings a man with thick skin as Rhino, i don´t find it as offending statement…
    I think they are good beings in the forest and in the zoo.

    What so ever..if you spend the time to read my posts…give the reactions directly..as i don´t think we have any revelry..
    But yes..if you are related to this patriarch called Lokesh..than it is OK to feed Indian Rhinoceros through him..



  268. Lokesh says:

    Come on, Shantam, I’ve got you hooked, baba.

    ugly Christian mind is popping out….. That is a good one…good for a laugh…ha ha ha.

    Meanwhile you finish off your responses (reactions in the guise of what I am not quite sure) with the enevitable…..wait for it…..LOVE. You dick head!
    Really, Shantam, although I enjoy Frank, Martyn, SD, Bubbie and company’s posts it is only you who can make me laugh out loud. Perhaps you might contemplate a life as a professional stand-up comedian. Very good.

  269. shantam says:

    Oh Lokesh, if you can laugh, i will not hesitate to become stand up comedian..
    But to make you cry…can be the last act.. Same is for Satya Deva..and others..
    Differances apart, i find it hard to imagine an Osho Ashram where people ban the others rather than missing the others..
    and those others who do not share our Values are the most precious ones…

  270. Lokesh says:

    To tell the truth, I find it hard to imagine an Osho ashram full stop.

  271. prem bubbie says:

    Frank, i wonder if shantam is actually agent Dong of the chinese spy ring… as Anand would say, a plant to disrupt, disorganize, dispel, this osho sannyas website. a very clever move my dear shantam a.k.a. Chou Young Fatso of the Peoples Revolutionary Army… nice try but you’re busted!!!

  272. shantam says:

    To tell the truth, I find it hard to imagine an Osho ashram full stop…

    What it means? May be you can explain it a little more.

    Also, it was an open question whether someone has met few people in any western city who have taken sannyas during last 10,12 years..?

    Osho´e neo sannyas seems to be a one generation affair. Demographic curve is going towards complete Nadir.

  273. frank says:

    agent dong ki
    must be laughing his ass off…..

  274. prem martyn says:

    frank… that Mustapha bin Said Al-ryady

    koan …tell us another.

  275. prem martyn says:

    hurry up.. vedanta have all night….

  276. prem martyn says:

    my camel’ looks sick…the vet’s not sure but thinks its some bactrian in the water ..thats given it the hump…

  277. Anand says:

    Bubbie: close but not close enough. This site is called sannyas news not Osho Sannyas news.
    See the difference Bubbie. Not much of Osho here, more from the ass of the ex sannyas community and the fart brain of Bubbie the former CIA agent informer planted in Oregon and stuck there.

  278. prem bubbie says:

    Agent Don Ki? You mean Don Quixote don’t you? A very apt name for shantam… You are now christened agent D.Quixote, go get ‘em!!!

  279. prem bubbie says:

    Anand: Yo’ Mama!!!!

  280. prem bubbie says:

    there is plenty of osho here, if you knew how to take a joke, but your mama never passed her comical genes to you– ye’ old windbag!!!

  281. Lokesh says:

    Shantam: To tell the truth, I find it hard to imagine an Osho ashram full stop…
    What it means? May be you can explain it a little more.

    A MASTER who lived as a hermit on a mountain was asked by a monk,
    “What is the Way?”

    “What a fine mountain this is,” the master said in reply.

    “I am not asking you about the mountain, but about the Way.”

    “So long as you cannot go beyond the mountain, my son, you cannot
    reach the Way,” replied the master.

  282. frank says:

    excuse me,martyn,
    i had gone to sleep….

    the secret policemans` haiku

    agent dong qi
    sips his steaming
    donkey dick soup
    laughs his ass off..

  283. frank says:

    i think bubbie,lokesh,martyn and frank and all other negative undesirables shoule be banned,as per your initial suggestion when you apperared on this site.
    that would make north ko…excuse me… sannyasnews a better place for all……

    do you still think the german bakery bombing was a result of negative anti-osho energy in there?

    btw,got any more wikileaks anbout the nitrous sessions?

  284. shantam says:

    On some other day, a disciple emailed the Master,” Sir, i have read all your zen books. I think..i am on the way beyond the mountain.”
    Master replied back, ” Have you walked till the mountain or you have got the idea after reading my books.”
    Months have passed, the disciple has not replied back.
    May be he is checking the adventure tour companies for the chartered tour to the mountain.

  285. prem martyn says:

    can someone please post a momentous life changing event… i need some inspiration please before we get into any more diatribes and smoked harangues for breakfast.(herrings are a north european piscarian breakfast…).. that is unless im in the wrong blog and should tune into radio positive vibes instead..

    how did i ever get so uselessly occupied…
    must have been the training in meditation that prepared me for this….

    ps i need useful employment in the new year to stop me blogging…

    okay i’ll start… a Life changing event without Employment…
    (the day i realised i was getting too old to shag anything under thirty …)

    I was sitting at home wondering if i could shag anything female under thirty when i realised… god am i too old.?. maybe i should meditate instead.. and then it happened….
    (to be continued)

  286. Lokesh says:

    Ehm….did I ever tell you the story about a girlfriend of mine who had tantric sex with Osho on the astral plane?

  287. prem martyn says:

    please thats racist sexist flightist and… erm quite interesting…
    was it a budget airline… did she have to pay up front …with no insurance for delayed or cancelled lift off ?….did she experience cabin pressure from the crew?

  288. shantam says:

    Osho´s beard must have tickelled her on all the right places.
    Inspite of having the sex on the astral plane with enlightend mystic, was there still the need of psychological treatment or life was just an unending orgasm…??

  289. Lokesh says:

    Well…yes, she was flying on Om Airways flight 108 as it passed over Pune and there he was in the toilet standing to attention. A slurp orgy ensued that employed a petrified Hittite tibura stick. The cabin crew tried to intervene when cries of ecstay began humming through the toilet door but the old boy kept them at bay by sprinkling them with holy gonad powder, rumoured to have been scraped from a shiva lingam situated in a secret cave under Mount Kailash. I won’t bore you with any more details as you have obviously heard this story before. To be honest, I think she made the whole thing up while doing some voodoo healing in the invisible parking lot of a seven/ eleven.

  290. Anand says:

    Frank, Frank..you keep a good memory on me, although I try to keep my tracks hidden by now.
    Everything happens at the right time…

    Real people died real deaths there at the German Bakery,
    so that is where jokes leave me.

  291. frank says:

    come off it anand,
    your humour re the german bakery after the bombing was subtle,ironic and v funny:

    “you would never see the mangement of the osho resort in there,too many shadowy characters around”

  292. Lokesh says:

    Who are the Brain Police?

  293. frank says:

    they`ve got willy the pimp working undercover

  294. prem martyn says:

    Mark Twain: “Talk only about the thing that interests you for the moment; drop it at the moment its interest starts to pale.”

  295. Lokesh says:

    Does Willy have gassed back hair, khaki pants and shoes shined black? If so, his cover is blown. I’ve known him for over twenty years.

  296. Lokesh says:

    A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar.
    Mark Twain

    At least I got that right.

  297. prem bubbie says:

    Lokoesh- That Mark Twain quote is a.k.a. ” a sane man admits he is insane, an insane man claims to be sane”. and also- ” a serious person is diseased, a playful person is enlightened”. I think the last quote osho plagiarized.

  298. prem bubbie says:

    Anand is obviously insane… So too Shantam, anugrah, Shariar, Neerav, the sad clowns at the resort, in nepal, Dalai Lama, Mullahs of Iran, Catholics, Hindus, most buddhists, that poor thing named Kavita( she never could take a joke no matter how light), until the end when her head exploded from built up noxious gases given off by her brain from thinking too many serious things… for those 2012 end of the world fanatics… that year is actually the year when the too serious maniacs’ heads will explode… shantam- your number is up… make preparations… anand, all of your shit will reverse course and exit through you eyes and ears… have your diapers ready… P.M.- those undigested veggies will be exiting the same way- there is at least some hope for you… start eating meat, that’ll help…. and avoid the PETA crowd…. those are my predictions for the day… good luck

  299. Lokesh says:

    My granny always used to say, ‘That sexy Indian guy with the beard…what’s his name?’
    ‘Osho,’ I would reply.
    ‘Sounds like washing powder, ‘ said gran. ‘Anyway. I reckon he’s a bit a lad and going by that book he wrote…what’s it called?’
    ‘Life is a mystery to be lived, gran.’
    ‘Yes that’s it. Well, if you ask me, he’s a bloody plague artist.’
    I would correct her by saying, ‘A plagiarist.’
    ‘That’s what I already said, Lokesh. Are you going deaf?’

    Whenever I hear a loud fart I always think of my dear old gran. She was trampled to death by a herd of starving baby hippos a few years back when she was on safari in Kenya. I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever come to terms with the loss.

  300. frank says:

    was that the same granny of yours that got jiggy with aleister crowley ?
    she sounds like a wild old bird…
    with a thing for sex gurus….

    my mum used to refer to osho as
    “that bloke who looks a bit like god”

  301. shantam says:

    So when we are remembering our parents and grand parents, many of my relatives have only one question after listening about Osho´s death,” Who is being chosen as a successor to carry forward His work.”

    every time i answered with conviction,” 20 members from us in a body called inner circle has been entrusted to take care of the work. Buddha also did not leave any successor, so is with Jesus.”
    Almost all have shown a sense of disbelief, ” No way. These people will drag the elephant in all the sides”, kind of response they had in their words and facial expressions..

  302. shantam says:

    After seeing Osho discourses file sharings at faceobook, i asked myself, “Why people book the journeys, everything is there in the catagolues to see.
    Why not just sit on the easy chair and enjoy the beautiful beaches, land scapes, hisotrical monuments..”
    I think the age of Tapsya..renunciation, austerity is over…just read or listen Osho ( remember not in the books but at facebook) and make a resolution instead of saying i drop smoking..simply say..i m gona drop the mind.” !!

    Ps-if this does not give the required results..Than hire a tutor..it costs a little but not more than a private teacher for secondry school exam…

  303. frank says:

    if your relatives could see the obvious so quickly,
    it shows…..
    either osho was a bit dim and came up with a plan that any mug could see wouldn`t work…
    it was a deliberate sabotage,knowing that all efforts would quickly be scuppered…..
    living in the moment, he didnt give a toss,made it up just because.. and trusted existence to take care…

    btw did they ever find the guy(s) doing the ultra-sonic black-magic attack,or his equipment…….?

  304. frank says:

    what does ulira-sonic black-magic equipment look like,any idea..?

  305. frank says:

    got your spell on me baby
    stop messin round with your tricks
    got your spell on me baby
    you might break up my magic stick.

    that was a good one
    from abraxas

    “abraxas does not take exception to any of your thoughts or dreams.
    but he will leave you when you become blameless and normal….”

  306. frank says:

    abraxas being the gnostic god who is a total blend of “good” and “evil”

  307. frank says:

    the bird has to destroy its egg to fly free…..

  308. frank says:

    he who binds to himself a joy
    does the winged life destroy.
    he who kisses the joy as it flies
    lives in eternity`s sunrise.


  309. Lokesh says:

    Frank, you ask, what does ulira-sonic black-magic equipment look like,any idea..?

    Yes… it kinda looks very black and a bit ultra-sonic.

    Did they ever find the guy(s) doing the ultra-sonic black-magic attack.

    Yes again, the culprit was apprehended, trying to make a getaway on a stolen bicycle. He was found three days later….in the Congo with an ice pick in the forehead. The local police authorities suspect foul play but nobody has been arrested yet.

  310. bob says:

    i hear they’ve identified a new psychological condition in China, specifically for those employed to translate Sannyasnews posts for the government. It’s called Post Traumatic Translators Syndrome (PTTS).

    Some of the symptoms include dizziness, vertigo, nausea, mental disorientation, confusion, shock, and general feelings of ambiguous incomprehension.

    The therapy, i hear, ranges from frequent vacations to resort spas for R&R, unlimited supplies of strong Bai Jiu hard liquor, and rubber-padded group rooms where the translators can just let out their pent-up frustrations from the burden of being saddled with the task of translating these posts day after day.

    The Chinese government is even comtemplating giving a very early retirement pension package to these martyrs for the country, who have sacrificed the best years of their lives for this unforgiving job.

  311. frank says:

    all the donkey-dick soup they can eat and free opium for life,i hope……

  312. frank says:

    thanks for clearing that up lokesh.

    he got the ice-pick

    no more heroes anymore….

  313. prem martyn says:

    is it true that when you are enlightened your consciousness doesn’t sleep.. even at night….

    or as kurtz says
    .. cut the crapola , some of us need to get some shut eye…

  314. Anand says:

    So Bubbie Bubie, your dinner of roasted dog bratwurst reversed itself and you came to vomit on sn again.
    Your dead mother gave you her piss to drink and that kind of messed up your childhood. Poor you, little Oregonian bastard.

  315. prem bubbie says:

    You proved my point Anus, you really can’t take a fucking joke… keep on keeping on!!! You outta watch the Marx Bros’ “Donkey-Dick Soup”…. lotsa laughs,,, even Kavita laughed, or so I heard…. Can you take the challenge?

  316. prem bubbie says:

    Speaking about the Commie fuckers in China… today more Wiki-leaks, this time about how the Chunks hacked Google, because the commie leaders didn’t like what was being said about when they Googled themselves… so, Bob, you still love China? Confucius say,” When Donkey-Dick meet big Anus(Anand), there is no pain, thereby no brain” BRAY

  317. prem bubbie says:

    Chunks= Chinks… So Sorry… me washee clotheseee.

  318. Anand says:

    Hey Bubbie, what is going on? You can’t handle a little joke? Where is your humor? I met a dude with a goat a few moths ago in a Portland bar, his name was Willie, he said the goat was your father. Uhh….Bubbie, goat father and urin as mother milk, that explains a lot.
    How did you make it on the ranch? Disguised as a FedEx package or with the homeless crowd? I bet we had some beers together in those trailers, I kind of remember you with your hunch back and cowboy hat…haha.

  319. anugrah says:

    give the boy a PhD

    A first-grade teacher, Ms Neelam (Age 32 ) was having
    trouble with one of her students

    The teacher asked, “Boy what is your problem?”

    Boy answered, “I’m too smart for the first-grade. My
    sister is in the third-grade and I’m smarter than she is! I think I
    should be in the third-grade too!”

    Ms Neelam had enough. She took Boy to the Principal’s
    office. The principal told Ms Neelam he would give the boy a
    test and if he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back
    to the first-grade and behave. She agreed.

    Boy was brought in and the conditions were explained to
    him and he agreed to take the test:

    Principal: “What is 3×3?”

    Boy: “9″

    Principal: “What is 6×6?”

    Boy: “36″

    And so it went with every question the principal thought
    a third-grade should know. The principal looks at Ms Neelam and tells
    her, “I think the boy can go to the third-grade.”

    Ms Neelam says to the principal, “I have some of my own questions. Can I ask him?” The principal and Boy both agree.

    Ms Neelam asks: “What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?

    Boy, after a moment: “Legs”!

    Ms Neelam: “What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?”

    Boy: “Pockets”!

    Ms Neelam: “What starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin whitish liquid?”

    Boy: Coconut

    Ms Neelam: ” What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?” The Principal’s eyes open really wide and before he could stop the answer, Boy quickly answered..

    Boy: Bubblegum

    Ms Neelam: “What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs?” The Principal’s eyes again open really wide and before he could stop the answer…

    Boy: Shake hands

    Ms Neelam: “Now I will ask some “Who am I” sort of questions, okay?”

    Boy: “Yep”

    Ms Neelam: “You stick Your poles inside me. You tie me down to get me up.. I get wet before you do.”

    Boy: “Tent”

    Ms Neelam: “A finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when you’re bored. The best man always has me first.”
    The Principal was looking restless, a bit tense and took one large Patiala Vodka peg.

    Boy: “Wedding Ring”

    Ms Neelam: “I come in many sizes. When I’m not well, I drip. When you blow me, you feel good.”

    Boy: “Nose”

    Ms Neelam: “I have a stiff shaft. My tip penetrates. I
    come with a quiver.”

    Boy: “Arrow”

    Ms Neelam: “What word starts with a ‘F’ and ends in ‘K’ that means lot of heat and excitement?”

    Boy: “Firetruck”

    Ms Neelam: “What word starts with a ‘F’ and ends in ‘K’ & if u don’t get it u have to use your hand”

    Boy: “Fork”

    Ms Neelam: “What is it that all men have. It’s longer
    for some men than on others. The nuns dont need it. The pope doesn’t use his and a man gives it to his wife after they’re married?”

    Boy: “SURNAME”

    Ms Neelam: “What part of the man has no bone but has muscles, has lots of veins, like pumping, & is responsible for making love?”

    Boy: “HEART”

    The principal breathed a sigh of relief and said to the teacher:
    “Send this Boy to University, I got the last ten questions wrong myself!”

  320. Satya Deva says:

    Have been travelling, hence nothing from me for a couple of days…

    But briefly – really quite amusing to see how ruffled were the feathers of the Shantam bird at my speculation about how he’d have fared in one of the old ‘heavy’ groups…

    Plus, the predictable, knee-jerk bullshine about me, about others here, about how much ‘support’ he receives (strange it doesn’t seem to have quite made it here recently, anywhere near the extent claimed by the Great Man)…

    Odd too – but not really, in his case – that he makes such a song and dance about ‘respect’ for ‘all ways’ and, er, ‘spiritual mentalities’ (to coin a phrase) , meaning what HE wants, while taking every opportunity to lambast or snidely sneer at any teacher, Master, whoever, whatever, other than his own.

    With the possible exception of ‘worshippers’ of Jesus Christ in his local community in Germany, of course….

    Yes, this Shantam is really a “very naughty boy”!

  321. Satya Deva says:

    As a matter of interest, does anyone know how many Indians (and indeed, how many non-Westerners) there were in the original ‘Council’ of 21, appointed buy Osho to run things after he exited, stage left?

  322. Shahriar says:

    This is a cute video:

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

  323. Anand says:

    Satya Deva: Zareen, Neelam, Tahagat and Satya Vedant.

  324. Satya Deva says:

    Satya Deva? An Indian?!!

    Thanks, Anand.

    Where are they now?

  325. shantam says:

    Good brother Satya Deva to see you back..
    Many times i think like Gurdieff you take 24 to 48 hours to respond back after long contemplation, not like me…Instant and impulsive response and reaction…

    The respect for all the schools and thoughts, teachers and Masters is in this context, the way it is in the sphare of medical profession. It is like ENT or eyes etc.professors don´t teach their students to comment on other branches..and a matter of fact..every Licker does not become gynacologist..
    Life is quite simple but not that simple…

  326. shantam says:

    In the list of five Indians in the original inner circle, the first name is Jayanti Bhai(Satya Bodhisatva) not Satya Deva.
    Somewhere in the posts of last year, i have explained about their roles than and now, but just like in the News, there is no harm to repeat the headlines and captions again and again…i will try to repeat the story..
    But yes..two of the prominent inner circle members(the couple Neelam and Tathagat) are the force behind Osho Nisarga in Dharamshala..
    The absolute truth is quite a far out thing..may be the SILENCE is the only answer..but one thing i can assure you and others…my eye witness account is with minimum deviation and diversion..
    Any body who has been around Osho during the rounding up phase of His life, is very much welcome to point out the discrepancies in my reports.
    When in America , the highest value is given to..In God we trust…In India it is- Satye mev Jayate( Let the Truth triumphs)
    i wish to stay with India.

  327. Lokesh says:

    Yeah…well, we all have our problems.

  328. prem bubbie says:

    “… In India it is …(Let the Truth triumphs) I wish to stay in india”… You, Shantam ,sir are truly insane… stay the fuck in india with the rest of your lunatics. I take it those billionaires also say the same thing…. shantam you are shit for brains!!!

  329. prem martyn says:

    and if you want some more info on schools, thoughts and the history of humanity see these podcasts discussions on your favourite subjects—-


  330. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam says– “… much welcome to point out the discrepancies in my reports”… Well chump what do you think we’ve been doing all of this time? baking biscuits? drinking mango lassies? Screwing your Swiss girlfriend(stinky pussy)? you numb skull- it just goes in one ear, then bounces around like a manic depressive in a rubber room, then out your asshole(Anand can vouch for that). It gets recycled over and over but never digested by that decaying lump of gray matter- called- your brain. The cosmos is truly put together ass-backwards….. L’Chaim

  331. shantam says:

    Bubbie, first it will be important to have your certificate of sanity. Have you ever been chosen as a member in the jury? Are you on the insanity benefits because of mental disablity..
    What is stoping you to come out openly..
    definately ..your participation as WE will have more creditibilty..

    Ths is why i have written Suckers look you can do a good job but not in the medical labs. There the codes of conduct are quite ethical.

  332. shantam says:

    Satya Deva.. two nights ago i was writing the comment for you in my sleep. Something like…the way life and organsiation has unfolded around Osho, i think it was not an immature decision on the art of many sannyasis to look for the alternative ways.
    So whether you learn or unlearn from Mother Meera or Lokesh from Punja ji, has no less relevance than the sannyasins who stayed till the bitter or sweeter end.

    The age of following someone blindly, i think has lived its shelf value at least in the western world and i hope, India being the country of followers will take the next steps in the rational thinking pertaining to the world of spiritualty too.

    My only point of objection was to see the process of mixing other school of thoughts with Osho.

  333. shantam says:


    Even the president´s wife need divine intervention…
    Why to blame simple and poor human beings for asking little little extra from the divine energy belived to be radiating through stones, statues and Samadhis..

  334. frank says:

    yes martyn.
    clowns waving zensticks and slapsticks…
    sounds of one hand wanking…
    turbanned pygmies speaking in tongues getting pie after pie in the original face…
    galsgow kisses int he third eye..
    commedia dell advaita…
    ammas and appas going dada and gaga
    avatars whooshing laughing gas…

    whats it all about,alfie?

  335. frank says:

    its incredible that the proportion of people in the world aged over 65 in 1900 was 1%.
    in 2020 it will be 20%.
    (25% in uk and presumably other mod countries.)

    people living longer and longer.
    massive proportion losing their minds.

    aids was never going to be the problem.
    losing your mind dementia,alzheimers etc is…

    as well as being physical,these are ailments of identity..
    who are you if you cant remember who you are?
    theres a zen koan…

    coming to a theatre near you…

  336. shantam says:

    Theater is already in you Frank..
    seems like you has 65th Happy Birthday in 2009
    Some Mr. Smith became Frank, Frank is Anand..Anand who knows is prem matryn..
    Ghosts are writing in perfect English..

    It is not so bad to have so many seniors around…

  337. shantam says:

    Thanks God..people are smoking. If people take statutory warning seriously, seniors will be even more in numbers.
    Wear the shirt for two days and bring it to the washing machine.
    Live life reasonably long and than voluntarily bring it to the existential recycling machine.

    Voluntarily death.. Jaina concept of Santhara is the future. Religions can go on cursing in the name of God, as they did when rubber balloons came.

  338. shantam says:


    Baba Ramdev, rustic yoga guru, India adores-most probably the most successful semi religious guru with high rate of creditabilty.

  339. Lokesh says:

    Shantam has been raiding the medicine cabinet again or why else post a link to such an uninformative piece of boredom like the above.

  340. frank says:

    i support baba ramdev 100%.
    his plan for birth rate reduction..
    teaching all males to yogically self-fellate at 5 am everyday,whilst watching him on tv is a masterstroke.
    or master something anyway…

  341. frank says:

    guru banana
    take us to nirvana
    we know you can
    you`re our man….

  342. shantam says:

    The link above, Lokesh is very inormative in the context, some well known Indian is saying publically, that India is being looted much more by its political class in the ast 60 years than the so called coloniser, M/s. Queen´s men and Company.”
    Till now, the blame was always on the Britishers..

    So it is a very honest link to make Britain free from the guilt of the past..
    And also..fairness to all..

    Na Kahu se dosti Na kahu se weer.
    (Neother friendship with someone, nor enmity)

  343. shantam says:

    The land which has given too much importance to the hell and heaven of Karmic laws has produced one of the most materialist society, where power, money and influence is worshiped above all.

    Truth, pure truth, unadultered Truth has also arisen from the Indian heart..but within few decades…it is also sold for the sole purpose of power, money and influence.. bring the world of sannyas inside, and one can add SEX too as an end to the means.

    All this in the name of Truth, in the name of Love…

    No wonder..population is not decreasing.. Seems like nobody is getting free from the wheels of life and death, including those..who sell themselves as Free souls…

  344. frank says:

    ramdev …i will not hear a word against him..
    he personally taught me how to yogically perfectly control my sphincter muscles so now i can sing vande mataram and hare krishna at both ends simultaneously..
    god is great….

  345. frank says:

    and britain will become guilt-free because of the pronouncements of a clown in an orange sheet…
    that guilt was really weighing me down karmically..
    what a relief
    thanks banana,
    you`re our man…..

  346. frank says:

    vande mataram,hare krishna and god save the queen..

    music at both ends….

  347. shantam says:

    Just we need the ahsram to make it free from the left over Britishers and to take care.. no Indian lobby gets complete control..

    A perfect little world..multinational team of disciples.. spiritual UNO of OSHO..

    Less than this……is against the spirit of OSHO…

    Joy lies in fighting for higher values..Values given in the begging bowl are not worthy..

  348. Lokesh says:

    Yes, yes Shantam, fight the good fight….higher values…ehm has this something to do with a new taxation system?

    You say….Truth, pure truth, unadultered Truth has also arisen etc But what exactly is your idea of Truth, pure truth, unadultered Truth. It all sounds all very high and mighty but for us laymen could you be so kind as to define what it is you are talking about.

  349. frank says:

    many thanks to guru banana for providing karmic relief….

  350. Chinmaya says:

    Swami Ram Dev is making efforts to qualify to enter to the Rajya Sabha, as Member of Parliament. May be, he will be more useful to the Nation and world at large, for the sake of humanity, through his Yoga system.

  351. frank says:

    i heard,as a yogic feat, he tied his dick to a heavy weight that symbolised british karma and lifted it….

    he then sucked some mercury through his urethra..
    it might have been freddie mercury…

    he`s got my vote,he sounds fun…..

  352. shantam says:

    Lokesh, this is a million doller mystery and a search, what is this think called, absolute truth-preached and propagated by few mile stones of spritual world….

    Is there really some moon, few people point the finger towards or it is just a Neptunian kick..i have really no idea about..
    But yes..when someone like Aurbindo Ghosh, Osho or J, speak about..a trust arises. About others..i cann´t say..if they point finger towards some moon in the sky….i prefer to look at my feet..

  353. shantam says:

    On facebook at osho international page, one can see the new hightech gate at the entrance…..

    My fist impression was as if one sees the entry point of some mutinational call centre company or the new townships mashrooming in every indian city claiming to offer world class living comforts..

    Some where the age of innocence in Sannyas has vanished instead a synthetic aestheticness has descended…

  354. Lokesh says:

    Yes, that is all very well but you were talking about it like you knew what it was. Obviously some other daft banner to wave. Absolute truth, absolute truth…the cry whet up. Everyone cheered but only one person knew what it was and he’d left town, preffering the life of a hermit. far away from the maddening crowd.

  355. shantam says:

    Absolute truth, absolute truth…the cry whet up. Everyone cheered but only one person knew what it was and he’d left town, preffering the life of a hermit. far away from the maddening crowd…

    Beautiful said, Lokesh…

    And than somethig happened during the prime time breaking news..A TV Crew has found the hermit..first live interview.. travel industry has never seen such bookings in the recent past..
    Lao Tzu of the modren world has been found…..

  356. Shahriar says:

    “The land which has given too much importance to the hell and heaven of Karmic laws has produced one of the most materialist society, where power, money and influence is worshiped above all.”

    One wonders what you have against power, money, influence and materialism. You seem to be very otherworldly and unearthly Shantam. The exact opposite of a pagan. (not the modern pagans, they are also corrupted with christianity. I would consider Nietzsche to be a pagan.) Here is Shantam complaining that the world has become materialistic, and that we have entered into the Kali Yuga. Very indian of you Shantam.

    “Truth, pure truth, unadultered Truth has also arisen from the Indian heart..but within few decades…it is also sold for the sole purpose of power, money and influence.. bring the world of sannyas inside, and one can add SEX too as an end to the means.”

    It has not risen from the indian heart. Race is accidental, race does not determine your ideas. Spiritual ideas do not arise because of race. Truth has also arisen in western minds. Ayn Rand for instance.

    “No wonder..population is not decreasing.. Seems like nobody is getting free from the wheels of life and death, including those..who sell themselves as Free souls…”

    Why would you want to become free from the wheel of life and death? You seem to be against life Shantam. Nietzsche in his Thus Spake Zarathustra has an interesting piece:

    “I beseech you, my brothers, remain true to the earth, and do not believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hopes! They are the poison-mixers, whether they know it or not.

    They are the despisers of life, themselves the decaying and poisoned, of whom the earth is weary: so away with them!

    Once the sin against God was the greatest sin; but God died, and those sinners died with him. To sin against the earth is now the most dreadful sin, and to esteem the entrails of the uknowable higher than the meaning of the earth.”

  357. Shahriar says:

    “Some where the age of innocence in Sannyas has vanished instead a synthetic aestheticness has descended…” Ah yes, the satya yuga, the age of truth has departed and the kali yuga, the age of darkness has descended. I thought I add this to my above statement that this is very indian of you Shantam.

  358. Shahriar says:

    I would also add that it is debatable whether what has arisen in Indian minds is in fact truth or something else. I know many people who would disagree, Ayn Rand for instance would not consider what has arisen in indian minds to be truth.

  359. Shahriar says:

    typo: I was going to say that truth has also arisen in western minds instead of saying that truth has arisen in western minds.

  360. Shahriar says:

    nevermind, after reading again there was no typo.

  361. shantam says:

    Shahriar, I have really no idea what it means otherworldly. Must be an imaginary suburb on the other side of Mind hatten.

    Money, power, sex, influnence..to have them is a natural driving force..but..are they the end result of human existance..

    The advantage and disadvantage of your life Shahriar is that as a child you have been migrated to the west because of the efforts of your parents or grand parents, so the cut throat competetion to have the power and control, the very hellmark of the tribal societeis, you will see only in the movies but not through your eyes..
    The real color of Blood is not photogenic red..

    Similarly Ayn Rand or Osho..the life painted through the words of the best mystics and philosphers is quite a pale version to the realites happenings around them. The real realites…good,best, bad and ugly..

    Therefore my suggestion will be never ever come in contact with an Osho sannyasin or Osho organsiation…it may disturb the romance….
    Someone sho is really in love with love, should not fall in love..because such people are in the forfront to kill their beloveds..once the love gets some wind from somewhere else..

  362. shantam says:

    Shahriar, is there not a single living person in the world of 6.75 billion people, you can think to quote..

  363. shantam says:

    May be you are not aware of the fact that in the offshore accounts with dubious entities, almost half of the black money is Indian. rupees converted into dollers amounting to trillion plus..

    Just one of the many articles in this regard through google search-
    India has over $1,456 billion of black money !
    Revelation by Swiss Bank !
    This is so shocking . . . . . wish black money deposits was an Olympics event . . . . . India would have won a gold medal hands down. The second best Russia has 4 times lesser deposit. US is not even there in the counting in top five !! India has more money in Swiss banks than all the other countries combined !!!!!!

    So it is in this context..i was mentioning my beloved Mother land..The land which is quite famous for the spiritual tourism too.. Most of the esoteric bookshelves in the shops will look deserted if you take the Indian names away….if any doubt..ask Ayn Rand..

  364. Shahriar says:

    I can quote from living persons but I don’t see what relevance this has to what I was saying. Why shouldn’t I quote from a dead person?

    The existence of criminals is not an indictment of capitalism. Criminals exist in all societies, capitalism is no exception.

    As far as savage countries like Africa where tribal warfare exists, what do I care. Let it exist, as long as it doesn’t effect me let the Africans kill each other. I am living in the West.

    And there is no reason why I shouldn’t come into contact with Osho sannyasins. I may disagree with certain ideas which they hold on to, but this is no reason to not come into contact with them.

    I don’t see why living a successful, prosperous, happy life in this would not be the end of human existence.

  365. shantam says:

    Ok..Try from your city, find 5 sannyasins…..
    And if you cannot find…ask the question, why this tribe has almost gone non existing..

    I am remembering a friend. I was buying Osho books from his shop during 1883-1986.

    Around 1988, he started reading Osho and than could understand, why i left my city to be in Pune.
    i was inviting him every year. He visited Pune during 2001-02 two three times on the way to Shirdi.
    Naturally, to see the ashram and its people, his buttons were pushed, his idea of Osho got scratched.

    But yes..by reading and contemplating over Osho´s words, he became the guru himself. Millions of people have not read Osho so if someone tells them the same things but without mentioning the source, they will simply become mesmerised by the “wisdom”. He asks nothing for the person to person sitting but as i have heard, once he got 12 thousand dollars for a single sitting from a businessman. His idea is to propagate the ultimate truth in the way, that CNN, BBC asks for the interview.
    I have to stop him in the middle, ” Listen Dear, BBC, CNN does not cover such people unless they find some world class conman behind.”

    I have never seen a single sannyasin who reads Osho for more than a decade as text books. There is no need and disciples feel related on a more intimate dimension, but the people who want to en cash the words, have to read again and again..in this way..they can visualise better how the Mustard seeds were tasting during Jesus time and how they feel capable to give running commentary about Mahabharta to a willing audience..

  366. frank says:

    so,its established that financially, indians are the biggest rip-off artists,mainly of their own people,worse than the brit enpire…
    they cheat and scam money out of cricket…
    their religion is a bunch of con-artists ripping each other off……
    despiet the majority of the pop being in the shit-shovelling caste…
    the place is caked with shit…
    shantam says he is in germany unemployed…
    that`s why i take what he has to say very seriously indeed…..

  367. shantam says:

    Every Indian knows, Indian subcotinent is a home to world´s most corrupt feudal lords in the grab of politicians and social servents. Atleast in China such people will get public execution.
    What happens in Bangla desh and Pakistan is also does not make surprise. one cannot expect much from the countires of one holy book and that when the book was imposed with the sword.

    India in the world has always played a morally superior role, and have tried to get the maximum leverage because of one Mahatma Gandhi….
    This country, India is at the present is facing the world´s most daring public scams.
    Quoting one after another holy books and cheating not just the others but very own… This hypocracy is almost like a cancer to the soul…

    As far as i know..Osho took the whole system like a matador. But seems like by spending too much time in India, His management people have also learnt the finer art of hypocracy.
    They are not corrupt financially…but in the world of spiritual manipulation and deviation..they have also lost the moral high Osho built built by brick.

  368. Lokesh says:

    I’m not surprised that Shantam is unemployed. He does not seem to be able to work out very simple things. Take this story about black money in Switzerland.
    If you have a lot of black money to deposit in a bank it is an easy thing to do, although Switzerland would be well down in my list for a place to make such an arrangement, due to employees blackmailing Swiss banks that they will sell clients names to Germany etc. Andorra, and Austria would be far better choices. Take Austria; they don’t even want to see your passport. The bank will give you a code and that is it. I don’t think anyone is depositing rupees, more like 100 dollar bills or most smart people’s choice, 500 euro notes. No need for anyone to know where the money came from…the bank definitely doesn’t want to know that. So the fact that governments know there is so much money coming from India into offshore accounts shows only one thing: The Indians are new at the game. Russians are much smarter, they don’t let on that they are Russians.
    Back to the drawing board Shantam. Maybe now you will be able to figure out why the Russians own half of the luxury yachts in the Med and why I haven’t seen any Mumbai wallahs down in the yacht club recently.

  369. Lokesh says:

    Shantam you say: Osho took the whole system like a matador.

    That is a lot of bull. Osho went for the system’s trappings like a true capitalist. Love your new diamond -encrusted Rolex, Osho, dahling.
    Personally I don’t have a problem with that…I like big toys for big boys also….but I have a job digesting all this utter tosh that you feel the need to propagate, Shantam. Osho, made the system work for him and it was going fine until he got caught fiddling the books and just like a normal joe falling foul of the law he had to pay the price. No big deal. It has happened to the best of us.

  370. shantam says:

    Time and again, one can see, how Lokesh enjoys pervert joy to mention the trappings and downfall of Osho during His American stay..
    Somewhere he wants to validiate his disillusion, once Osho started growing out from the reach of a close knit community, where Osho was listening the stories of daily constipation..
    The Master piece discourses of Osho during the 60´s and 70´s are the soul stirring gold nuggets..and there is not a single sentence..which has failed on the fire test of time..
    But yes..Osho got stuck in the whirlwind when the national guru get caught in the googlies of the international dreams. Ex. Christians have definately proven themselves as good whether friends.

  371. frank says:

    fair weather friends?
    what about amrito?
    poisoned by his own cult members…
    arrested at gunpoint by the psycho yank feds…
    chucked out of india by the indians…
    …and still lobbing his gordon`s empties at the crypto-hindus,
    dropping his robe,pointing his finger at his pearly white moons at the marble-kissers….saying…
    “here,kiss this…”

    he`s got stickability i would say…..

  372. frank says:

    what about you,mahatma?
    jacking off to europorn and eating your mum`s chapatis…

  373. frank says:

    devoted to your own orifices,by the sound of it……

  374. shantam says:

    I have not heard or read any refeerance, where any Other Indian Master or religious preacher other Osho has ever spoken a single sentence against the socio politcal enviornement of India before the home audience or before international gatherings.
    Almost all of them have confined themselves with subtle and refined traditions of chivalery, surrunder, devotion and sharing…
    In a country where it is almost a must to have a guru specially when you are a poltical or business class, if there is some divine and poetic justice, the gurus of the currpts have the equal responsibity for the acts of omission and commision because they provide the leverage and buffers in the process of misusing the power.
    No wonder, the ashrams where no entry charges are levied and food is provided on subsidised basis have the real estate and annual collections some time thousands time more than Osho´s organisations.

  375. shantam says:

    Frank, do you think Dr. Amrito to be that smart, to be dangerous to the status quo of Indian establishment.
    As a director of Osho organisation he and his other foreigner colleagues are camped in Pune for more than two decades, the self sufficient meditators who walk their own walk have forgotten the way back home…

    At a certain time in 1985 their visas were cancelled because they were the personal staff of Osho, the spiritual terrorist of his time; A cobra, everybody became afraid of…
    Once the poisonous gland wass being removed,by His very own, One can walk the whole world with Cobra hanged around the neck collecting pennies..

    What a pity to see the representatives of the most rebellious and refined race in the world of Osho becoming Street Snake Charmers…

    Is this, what master meant, The Total Transformation…

  376. prem bubbie says:

    Frank: very nicely said about India…. with regards to india having the greatest number of enlightened people…. were they all shit shovelers? Funny how the cosmos works!!

  377. frank says:

    is sitting on the dole in germany jacking off to euro porn and eating mums chapatis
    “total transformation?”

  378. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam- all of your previous posts about India, was full of nationalistic pride, and hating the fair-skinned people… Now, what is this shit you’re spouting, a hatred for the ruling “elites” of past and present… make up your mind- Mr. Bi-Polar. Is that Jello I see flopping about – from side to side in your head?

  379. frank says:

    i was just shovelling a bit of shit myself ,bubbie,dont want to steal your job,there`s enough unemployment around here as it is…
    over to the night shift…..

  380. prem bubbie says:

    Lokesh- ” they don’t let on they are Russians.” well, only if they keep they’re mouths shut, otherwise they’re a dead give away. Rupees are worthless, but I’d start dumping Dollars and Euro notes pretty fast now… given the dumb Greeks, Irish, soon be Spanish, Portuguese, maybe Italians… Who’s Next? Buy Gold, Silver and land, lot’s of land… So much much for the quasi-socialist/capitalist Euro-trash countries. Where’s my man, John Wayne….. he’ll straighten things out… Hi Ho Silver!!!

  381. prem bubbie says:

    I enjoy “cowpies” after dinner- of course with a bit of whipped cream and a scoop of homemade french vanilla ice cream…. would you like my recipe?

  382. prem bubbie says:

    BTW frank, how’s Anand doing?– haven’t heard even such as a fart from him today… his sphincter must be closed tighter than a snare drum… poor lad.

  383. prem martyn says:

    You can’t have a protest movement based on the search for self. And even if you could its outward maniifestation would always be liable to oppressive and distorted influences….
    Even if we could describe the perfect symbiosis between self and any society, as others have tried.. there would be no guarantee for success in any outward form as the history of utopian liberation has shown . The measure of value in liberatory metaphysics is surely in its discovery … its attempts, its influences, and the provision of resources .What anyone does with that, is unpredictable. Maybe not even ethical.Certainly not 100 per cent sellable.

    And finger pointing works at best in informing of the ways and means to increase the quality of our own endurance in the face of incomprehension or worse… but it shouldnt be hinged upon for successful outcomes.I think Osho knew that, and we are finding out just what being perceptive loving and mutual really can do for any individual with whatever legacy we use. Sometimes,it looks as if its worth shit… but the truth well… its out there….and abstention isn’t an option.
    Why define onself in the search…? Just keep making waves.
    ….There’s no success like failure .. and failure’s no success at all.

    Genji Bobbo Dylanshi

  384. shantam says:

    Bubbie,once in a while a general clarification is not bad..i have criticised only and only those few western people, who have imposed their narrow interpretation on Osho´s main seat at Pune..

    So my criticism is for the people who have stuffed the Word RESORT into Osho sannyasins brain with a coldness..take it like this or simply fuck off.

    It means these 5, 10 people are not the representatives of the western civilisation, on the contrary they make me wonder, how they can be dictatorial when the west has given the democracy to the world and a voice to every of its citizen.

    Secondly, i feel proud on the simplicity and heart fullness of common Indian, who has survived with dignity and they also don´t treat master disciple relation as a relation of convenience, yet they need to learn also, not to treat their master as the ribs, eyes and ears etc. of God, the allmighty.

    But the power of any kind is more dangerous in Indian hand than their counterparts in the west…as national institutions work more efficinetly.

    so the whole point is collective responsibility with accountability and transparency of thoughts, deeds and actions..

  385. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam la douche bag… you obviously didn’t read my post and have forgotten your own. Now, what were you yapping about?

  386. Lokesh says:

    Well, it is good to see Shantam is on top form again, sailing down denile in a leaky boat and rabbiting a serious of ridiculously absurd comments. He is the champ, a real knockout with no real contenders. Whatever happened to Anugrah and Chinmaya? I suppose they simply gave up the fight when faced with a towering giant of an idiot like Shantam. Shantam! Shantam! Shantam!

  387. Lokesh says:

    Shantam: Time and again, one can see, how Lokesh enjoys pervert joy to mention the trappings and downfall of Osho during His American stay..
    Nothing in my comment related to anything that was to do with Osho’ s American stay. What you are doing is projecting an image on me that fits with your idea of an ‘antagonist’. It is an old trick that every novelist knows. All you are actually doing is giving your spurious existence substance by creating a need to defend the true faith against an imagined enemy. For someone who worships a guru who preached letting go of the ego your one is up to the eyeballs in pure shit. You clown.

  388. shantam says:

    You are not an imagined or real enemy Lokesh..You are the watcher on the hill…You are the role model for modern day seeker..for the future disciples..
    You are the torch bearer of the real spirituality, ego slowly slowly disappearing into the vast universe…you are the finest of the finer seeker, who could finally figure out the way out from labyrinth…
    I hope one day west will remember you as the living example of Living Advaita…One street name definitely should be assigned to your name.

    I salute you..

  389. prem martyn says:

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

    vive la revolution (on tuesday, today)

  390. prem martyn says:

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

    hey Kurtz.the french gave you the revolution…

    if you love american humanism..
    do something useful…..

  391. prem martyn says:

    shariar and kurtz see socrates and thrasymachus where socrates disputes justice and egoism….thus sociopathology…

    ( first book of the republic.. plato on socrates… justice produces happiness not egoism.)


  392. Lokesh says:

    Shantam: I salute you.

    You can’t even get that right! It is ‘WE salute you’. Don’t you know I am a big AC/DC fan? I suspect that the band’s music is beyond your cultural understanding. But just in case your curiosity is tweaked check it out. PS it’s the devil’s music, so beware.

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

  393. Lokesh says:

    All things considered this thread got off to a bad start. The opening for example.
    ‘I have always hated lies and secrets, and I think death has become the biggest secret in our society today.’
    This is a cliche and it is an inaccurate one to boot. I mean to say, just switch on TV and watch the news of people dying all over the planet…there goes a piece of the president’s brain! Another suicide bomber kills dozens of people in a Pakistani mosque today. People down in Africa dying for a cup of drinking water. So what exactly is the big secret? Being born is the cause of death? Is there something spiritual about hating lies and secrets. What exactly is bad about a secret? Why hate a secret? Why hate anything. If you don’t dig it, change channels.

  394. prem martyn says:

    lokesh i agreed earlier .. a sort of pre-emptive agreement that i couldn^t decide what the thread was about…and now i have a post modern type agreement that thinks everything has its own value and meaning..
    in fact i’m so totally convinced of this that i was going to say why… but its a secret… so secrets should stay that way .. otherwise they wouldnt be and we’d have to invent new ones..
    look at wikileaks..
    now what are we not going to trust anymore..? now that the illusion of truth has been wikileaked .. its no secret that they lie to us all the time…
    personally i think the americans should have a group of 21 running the state… maybe they do already…
    shantam…could get a full time job then instead of his part-time one looking for the real things in amongst the secrets…

  395. Lokesh says:

    Shantam definitely gets my vote for president of the USA. With him running the show 2012 would be the end of the world for sure and that would be quite a fireworks show. Mushroom clouds on the horizon…oh wow…there goes a piece of Shantam’s brain. The music never stops.

  396. shantam says:

    Have my brethren in the west have ever thought that their so much individualism is not that individual but thinking and behaviour is also being influenced by the prevalent cultural, religious and social trends of your society..
    Some time puppets are not controlled by the strings and the threads..but are remote controlled..

    A brave boy told his grand parents, ” i am not afraid from darkness. at 12 in the night i make round of the city.”
    Grand parents may be have no idea, half of the youngsters are out at this time of the night.

  397. prem martyn says:

    er the answer to your first question is
    the reply to your metaphor is… did you learn metaphors in pune.. which group did you do to learn them..
    i’m puzzled…
    it wasnt the Up the Garden path.. was it.. they do a lot of metaphors like give me your money as if you really want to give away something that is nothing of use to you but which we can use a lot..

    pps do you care that often you make your readership do a lot of work to understand next to nothing.. or is tiring out the others a form of triumphalism…
    i have never come across so many metaphors in my life….or in sannyas
    you would do better writing poetry… as mere prose writing does you no good as an imaginative writer…

  398. frank says:

    haik who?

    metaphors fall on the page
    like human shite
    on barren wasteland

  399. shantam says:

    East meets west.
    Arun Sarin an Indian was the CEO of Vodafone, a truly mutinational brand
    He did the job, shareholders and other directors asked him to make space for the new CEO.

    West meets east.

    Jayesh, a Canadian is the chairman of Osho Resorts Internatioal, a brand becoming really local.
    He will be so till the last breath of his life…
    East has no concept of share holding only the owners.

  400. shantam says:

    How a night guard in the super market can ever accept the relevance of Metaphors..

    Fro sure, the rain drops on the Barren land will fall like the piss of the gods..

  401. Lokesh says:

    Well a night guard in the supermarket is a fitting position for you, Shantam. I suppose I’ll just have to can my Shantam for president of the world fantasy for the time being.
    I just know you have it in you, swami.

  402. Lokesh says:

    Frank: Haik who…very funeeee.

  403. frank says:

    it was written by the not-so-famous zen master dogend.
    i picked it up along the way.

  404. shantam says:

    Lokesh, i think to move to Ibiza and be your appretice in the art of making money.
    And if i remian still alive, the next chairman of the Osho commune International. Reverting back to the original name will be the first priority, droping the entry price to the half will be the second one..
    Definately shantam, the unemployed, chairman of the Osho inner circle will push the buttons of many to the extreme…!

    Mystery school baba, Mystery school…

  405. frank says:

    oh,i see,you think you are “pressing people`s buttons” in a kind of enlightenment,mystery school therapeutic way…
    excuse me,i didn`t get that at all….
    i just thought you were a fat unemployed metaphorically-challenged wanker with mental problems pining for his youth when he still had half a chance of pulling a western chick and trying to cover it in some bogus spiritual mission…..

    i really must try to keep up…….

    btw.check out
    its even better than chapatis….

  406. shantam says:

    Frank, seems like you did not get enough sleep, after your night shift. Sense of humour seems dim..

    Night shift as a doc or a nurse ?(chances are nurse)
    Night shift as a sex worker or a pimp(channces are pimp)

    Night shift as Camella´s Charles or the palace guard…?
    No one knows…Frank is as imagianry name as Anand… who knows he is the next to the throane..

    but chances are not so bright otherwise Wikkileaks would have shed the light…

  407. shantam says:


    May be Moms were watching X factor instead of feeding the child..so the habit to get drunk…..

  408. shantam says:

    WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange, sometime daredevil history changers are born..without listening any
    “The Rebel” discourses…

    Will sheep become lion..if someone goes on playing Osho´s Mp3´s round the clock….

    Will the world become a better place, if the policy makers have to go for mandatory one hour of Dynamic everyday..

    Will all the legal cases in all the courts will be resolved amicably..if people join one week intensive, ” Path of Love”??

  409. shantam says:

    Elizabeth Edwards: Patients’ ‘Gut-Wrenching’ Decisions to End Treatment

    “The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered. We know that. And, yes, there are certainly times when we aren’t able to muster as much strength and patience as we would like. It’s called being human.”

  410. prem bubbie says:

    Lokesh: I thought when shantam said, “I salute you”, he actually meant — “Those of us about to die salute you”. Taken from the movie “Spartacus”- 1959…. are you about to “kick the bucket”, shantam old chap? “Suicide is painless”- M.A.S.H. 1970

  411. prem bubbie says:

    “Big Balls” -AC/DC something Shantam lacks- big time!!

  412. prem martyn says:

    osho’s cock and his shit was full of enlightenment in fact if he could have dribbled his spunk into my mouth without me gagging and i could have licked his arse then i would not have needed to meditate .. just to wank my hard cock off onto his samadhi would be a joy…and to sniff his ashes into my nose would be the best legacy of impersonal divine love better than swapping my girlfriends wet cunt under therapeutic interventionist duress or doing kundalini while she got multiply fucked in a group…

    oh how i miss the ashram…

  413. prem martyn says:

    on the other hand

    i could have left sooner..

  414. prem bubbie says:

    So lokesh- you then support all of the world govt’s keeping secrets- especially the truth and their continued lies to people. Not a Wikileaks supporter I imagine. I’ve never recommended any of Fox News programs, but here is one exception: “Freedom Watch with judge Napolitano”. He’s a big Wikileaks supporter as well as against any government interfering with individudual rights and liberties… as close to a true libertarian as they come… I was genuinely surprised when i started watching the daily program… Even more surprised Fox News has kept this guy on the air…. available on most satellite programming. Sheela and the resort thugs would have a fit if they watched it.

  415. prem bubbie says:

    “There goes Shantam’s brain”… Very funny Lokesh– though if it were to land in someones breakfast bowl, they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between his brain and their farina.. just don’t add any milk….

  416. prem bubbie says:

    I’ve got a “Shantam Translation DVD” for sale on Amazon.com for cheap… free shipping and handling too. BUT you need to by a new Macbook for 2,500 U.S> Dollars first …. regular DVD players can’t handle the software overload.

  417. Lokesh says:

    Bubbie: So lokesh- you then support all of the world govt’s keeping secrets

    Ehm…well…not really….I’ve never paid too much attention to the world’s governments…and as for their secrets they can have them…you see, they are secrets and therefore I don’t know what they are, but my woman’s intuition tells me they probably aren’t worth knowing.
    As for TV and Fox news…I’ll be honest….I don’t watch either of them.
    Wikifuckinleaks…nothing new there…the world is corrupt…yawn…they are losing the war in Afghanistan…snore….Prince Charles has a twelve inch dick…what! Now that is what I call real news. Have to go…I need to take a lokyleak.

  418. prem bubbie says:

    P.M.– you miss the ashram and all of its perks, Herpes for one (No, not Type1 either) but you gave herpes for 2(Yes, Type 2). When i see herpes sores on a stranger’s face, I’ll think of you… Keep those lips puckered, you hear!!???

  419. Lokesh says:

    PS: WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad — including two Reuters news staff. Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-sight, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.

    How come none of this surprises me?

  420. prem martyn says:

    kurtz… right wing libertarianism and social liberty theory have met before… the macmillan publishing house,( a certain macmillan was a famous right wing british prime minister ) via its New York division published Anarchist theory books way into the 70′s. The ongoing discussions are not always antithetical except in praxis. Right wing declarations are deceptive in that they use populist sentiment while re-enforcing partisan power .Its a form of Hitlerian double speak.
    However the discussion is valuable.. just like the Jacobins and the ‘Enrages’ of the French revolution wanted revolution but for different outcomes..we need to keep the issues in the public domain.. and create something better than a security culture.

  421. prem bubbie says:

    Yeah nothing new there, I agree, but it is refreshing to see at least someone taking a big risk and slap some of the arrogant, pompous assed, ruling elites(those who think they are “god’s gift to human kind”, and think they know what is best for the rest of us. Mr. Arrange really tweaked many a big nose, and at this point even more than Osho EVER did.. This guy is wanted big time, the commie fuck faces in china would love to roast Arrange in a rat infested restaurant window in Beijing. The americans are looking to execute him via the gallows. Even Paypal won’t wire this guy any money, and Paypal, from what I hear, is a big time Dope peddlers cash machine…. Osho, as I see it, never came close. Please, Support your local gunfighter…. I hope he can still shoot bullets and not blanks. Maybe, one day the stupid general public can appreciate this guy.

  422. prem bubbie says:

    A “lokyleak”? I thought you had a catheter!!!

  423. prem bubbie says:

    Lokesh- you stated sometime back you supported and admired Gen. Patton…. So, I don’t understand why you are NOT surprised. A closeted Jarhead? A freudian slip? Today is Pearl Harbor Day, for your info. Have you Netflixed some WWII movies? leave off the butter from your popcorn, it tends to get a bit messy.

  424. prem bubbie says:

    P.M. “Kurtz” sounds too german, how about another name?

  425. prem bubbie says:

    Well, P.M. Henry Ford was also a right wing, antiSemite nut job… yet Ford automobiles are driven by millions throughout the world… more proof…. stupid people will support anything and anyone that looks out for their own greedy interests… Stupid people are manipuated by words; intelligent people just grin and bare it.

  426. Lokesh says:

    Yes General Patton is one of my idols along with, Jimi Hendrix, Timothy Leary and…and what’s that guys name?…you know the enlightened guy who sold beedies in Bombay’s red light district…memories acting up…must be all that DMT I’m smoking…where’s my matches….Aleck! Boom Shanker!

  427. prem martyn says:

    bubbie kurtz is marlon brando from apocalypse now…you remember your previous incarnation..??

  428. Lokesh says:

    Perhaps this will jog Bubbie’s memory…’DROP THE BOMB EXTERMINATE THEM ALL’

  429. prem martyn says:

    simplified darwinism via militarism was the response of the german high command in the first world war, .. the American teacher who opposed the teaching of Darwin theory in schools around the famous test case of the 1930′s was an american officer who was seconded to the German Field High command as an observer before US entered the war. He opposed Darwinism, as a Christian, because he considered from his war experiences that materialist mechanical thinking would impoverish mens souls german style.
    In round two they added Nietsche to the mix.
    Pearl Harbour is not a prime example of public US govt truth telling. Roosevelt was fully aware of Japanese intentions via diplomatic and field radio intercepts. The local US commander was made the fall guy , and humiliated even though he had specifically informed the Pentagon of Jap naval build up. To the point where Roosevelt ordered all the aircraft carriers out , but left the oldest battleships in harbour, just a few weeks before on a distant tour of the pacific. The ones that were left were piercable by the latest bombs as in the inter war years the US like the British had not considered heavy weight armour to be necessary, believing that ships would be unsinkable from above following air bomb tests in the 1930′s on their fleets.
    My father was in the field for 6 years making sure we didnt goose step and I remeber him telling me how happy he was when he heard the US declared entry in 1942.It was the only way Roosevelt could force the anti war lobby to commit. Duck Soup the marx brothers anti war film was evidence of part of the huge US anti war movement which prevaricated. Ford and Hitler were friends.He sponsored the VW car factories.
    US were more worried about the commies in Stalins russia so supported Adolf as a bulwark .. just like they supported Saddam against Iran..an agent of US foreign policy.

    end of history lesson

  430. bob says:

    we get bored because we take no risks.

    let’s step out of the box a bit, beyond the accepted story…

    December 7: anniversary of Pearl Harbor “attack” (1941) by Japanese warplanes on US military ship fleet in the Pacific.

    Alternative possibility:
    It never “really” happened. It was a staged event, designed and carried out by US/World powerbrokers to create public support from a very isolationist society for US entry into WW2.

  431. Shahriar says:

    Do you all know how bizare these conspiracy theories are?

  432. bob says:

    synchronicity with you on that one Martyn,
    i was writing that post without having seen yours.
    maybe one day you, me, and frank can do a tri-synchro post. that would be a first.

    though i am taking it a step further, in intimating the Yanks and Japs were in collusion of some sort…

    watch for another expose post from me tomorrow…and then another the day after.

    bing, bang, boom.

  433. prem bubbie says:

    No, Lokesh, it doesn’t, but this one does- “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the War Room”. President Merkin Muffley- Dr. Strangelove. Something shantam can relate to.

  434. prem bubbie says:

    Dr. P. Martyn’s class about the dangers of individuals surrendering their freedom for the sake of the greater good is now dismissed. Next class on how to remain centered while wanking and watching John Wayne films simultaneously will begin after a word from professor Shantam from the Twisted Sister School of Law. his topic for today is… “Ancient Stonehenge Peoples’ theory on living and dying and it’s application in Modern Indian Culture”. Refreshments and tomatoes will be served.

  435. prem bubbie says:

    Bob: you say:.”… lets ‘step out of the box’ a bit…” I recently noticed this has become a catchy phrase in the U.S. A very uptight version of , “being creative”… just say that from now on, please… no more doucey and dull American catch phrases, now a word from our sponsor.

  436. prem bubbie says:

    “a beepda, boppda, boopda, beep” and a “Badda Bing” to you all, have a merry merry christmas

  437. prem bubbie says:

    Bob- you, franky and marty, now that’s a menage a trois. i bet shantam would be jealous

  438. shantam says:

    Some child of presumably incestuous upbringing has written the comment below. It does not hurt my religious feelings, but it makes me wonder , how a bunch of coward run away soldiers will never OBJECT when some of their masturbating buddy stuff his father´s military underwear in their mouths….

    One thigh clear, if enlightenment comes in the west, as i see from the writings of my colleagues here, it must come in abundance…the crowd of so called individuals is unable to shed their personal ego..the whole beach should be nude for them to get the courage..

    prem martyn // Dec 7, 2010 at 10:32 pm
    osho’s cock and his shit was full of enlightenment in fact if he could have dribbled his spunk into my mouth without me gagging and i could have licked his arse then i would not have needed to meditate .. just to wank my hard cock off onto his samadhi would be a joy…and to sniff his ashes into my nose would be the best legacy of impersonal divine love better than swapping my girlfriends wet cunt under therapeutic interventionist duress or doing kundalini while she got multiply fucked in a group…

  439. Anand says:

    I am here Bubbie, but unlike others if I do not have anything to say I prefer not to fill the void with absolute rubbish like you and Prem Martyn. Shantam also prefers quantity of mind trash over quality.

  440. shantam says:


    The disciples, readers, admiorers and hater of Osho are most probably in the front line of Narcissism..

    Even if one of us will leave the city to be hermit, some PR agency will definately be informed, atleast some info. at facebook….

    The beauty of Narcissism is…it blows itself up like a baloon few hours before the birthday celebration..few hours later it becomes useless enough for the family dog to play with..

  441. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    prem martyn // Dec 7, 2010 at 10:32 pm

    osho’s cock and his shit was full of enlightenment in fact if he could have dribbled his spunk into my mouth without me gagging and i could have licked his arse then i would not have needed to meditate .. just to wank my hard cock off onto his samadhi would be a joy…and to sniff his ashes into my nose would be the best legacy of impersonal divine love better than swapping my girlfriends wet cunt under therapeutic interventionist duress or doing kundalini while she got multiply fucked in a group…

    This is why SannyasNews has become the garbage for the world to read. This is how low the Osho Sannyas movement has come now.
    This sort of rubbish should be read carefully by Editors here.

  442. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    Prem Martyn and Bubbie should be removed from SannyasNews if you want people to post comments here.

  443. Lokesh says:

    Gyan you state: This is why SannyasNews has become the garbage for the world to read. This is how low the Osho Sannyas movement has come now.
    This sort of rubbish should be read carefully by Editors here.

    This, to any discerning, reader is utter nonsense. I think at a max perhaps thirty people read what is written on this blog…therefore you are living in a very small world. If the Osho Sannyas movement has dropped to a new low it has absolutely nothing to do with Bubbie and Martyn, because they do not figure in the equation in the slightest. You thing writing obscenities is going to cause such a thing…think again. Nobody enjoyed telling an obscene joke more than Osho himself. Really, it is just good clean fun, although it does not do so much for me on a personal level.
    I think it is great that none of the comments are edited. I mean to say, Gyan, what planet are you living on. If people want to abuse their right to free speach that is their right and nothing to do with you and I congratulate the editor for letting anything at all be posted on hear. Suggested reading for you would be kid’s stuff like ‘Animal Farm’ & ’1984′.
    Your theory that Bubbie and Martyn are stopping people writing comments here is to a large extent exaggerated nonsense. Yes, it is true, one or two people, usually women, have stopped commenting because the language is too rough but so what? If you don’t like the heat stay away from the fire.
    Recently there have been a couple of mentions of Colonel Kurtz from Coppolla’s movie ‘Apocalypse Now’- I’ll leave you with this one.
    ‘They order young pilots to drop fire on people but forbid them to write ‘fuck’ on their planes because it is obscene.’
    This comment was addressed to short sighted conservatives like yourself.
    Big up to the non invasive editor.

  444. shantam says:

    Any kind of censorship over the thoughts is counterproductive, but yes..people have the total right to condemn those thoughts and words which are offending their sensibilities..
    In any case, i am curious what Lokesh and Satya deva kind of “moderate” writers want to say…

  445. Lokesh says:

    If those ‘moderate’ writers want to satisfy your curiosity I am sure they will endeavour to contact you, Shantam.

  446. shantam says:

    Lokesh, I think at a max perhaps thirty people read what is written on this blog……

    not 30 but the Daily page views of sannyasnews is 948. It has almost doubled in recent months.
    Oshoworld and oshotimes have daily readership of 8358, 26010.

    At Oshoworld, many people visit to download Osho discourses, and at Osho.com, only faeture worth visiting everyday is, Osho quotation under the title, No thought of the day.

    The load of daily visitors on the other side is maximum for the porn sites and newspapers.

    More than 4.6 million people read mixture of trash and news at dailymail and yes mind spinning 17.8 million people pay their daily homage at pornhub.

    Thanks to priceofweb.com

  447. shantam says:

    Lokesh has used a poltically correct language and a way of sannyas diplomacy, i am sure many people will still feel, Martyn´s comment about OSHO is a stinky mental diarrhea..

    I think from where he comes from, even dogs are not allowed to put their waste where ever they want.

  448. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    Osho says Freedom comes with Responsibilities.
    The Ability to Respond !
    And Marty and Bubbie are not responding but throwing filth and irresponsible way of presenting Osho in SannyasNews in the name of Freedom of Speech ??

  449. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    Yes Shantam, even Dogs are not allowed to Shit everywhere, and i know which Dogs are Shitting here !!

  450. prem martyn says:

    its for people like you that i put in my oshit devotion…

    and the centuries of lick arse osho spiritopsycho mental muck coming soon that will not create a ripple of anything usable….but will promise everything…

    if we had all been discerning, we would not have allowed anyone to mediate our love or truth or sensibilities in our lives. as it was … osho encouraged multiple finger fucking clit licking and fisting in all manner of therapist -lead acolyte following groups..and more… his name is not worth shit until you include him in the oceans of spunk that were delivered in the search for divine love in cunts mouths and on hearts…

    woof woof

  451. prem martyn says:

    i’ll take swearing anyday of the week over psycho sexual authoritarian institutionalized abuse..
    yours or anyone elses

    or shall we go back to anal discussions on racism…
    thats black and white too

  452. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    ” as it was … osho encouraged multiple finger fucking clit licking and fisting in all manner of therapist -lead acolyte following groups..and more…”

    What you state is absolutely rubbish. Osho never encouraged any of what your peverted mind is stating here. This is where you are, and you wish that Osho was encouraging your filth to justify your freedom !!!

  453. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    And Marty the pevert, needs some Fisting up your Arse.

  454. prem martyn says:

    i also did with a street theatre group completely naked street theatre back in the late seventies….for laughs..and the public appreciation of young girls and mens bodies…

    compare that to this episode
    whilst at the Osho Humaniversity (whose major therapists were/are carnivores)…. i went off to the local village to purchase some fruit and vegetables because the daily menu was pretty totally disgusting.. and i was paying for the privilege remember…
    so i was at the local veggy shop with a dear old dutch lady. serving me….
    i had been followed unknowingly there.by an humaniversitoid sub therapist.. and whilst in the shop i got a barrage at FULL SCREAMING volume of .. ‘you are not allowed to leave the humaniversity ..put the veggies back and come with me ‘
    the old lady was in shock and so was I..
    not a joke to be seen anywhere

    and they got all their authority permission to do this from pictures of the great OshoKhan via i love Osho more than anyone Veeresh….
    it turned out that had i been on the drug rehabilitation programme that behaviour was normal submission stuff… i wasnt …and they had made a ‘mistake’..

    and we took this all and more…as part of the crazy world of osho….for the new man

  455. prem martyn says:

    prickass.. you haven’t lived..

  456. prem martyn says:

    sannyasins doing osho’s work and living his vision?
    by what authority between you and yourself eh?

    authoritarians without at the very least any money back guarantees… thats responsibility ??

  457. prem martyn says:

    and my visceral response to osho trademark issues was front page on oshoworld … until that site was mysteriously cyberhacked for a few weeks and no posts were accessible…about a year back.. to stop the shoot from the hip style…
    thats how i got invited to post here..


  458. shantam says:

    Humanversity and Osho, it is almost like a trade treaty between America and China.There are no figures available, in whose side the trade deficit is in red.
    Who was using whom, Master or the disciple..will be a Zen Quan for the people on Osho´s path..

    There are many people in the world, who pay handsome amount to get humiliated by a dominant and authoritarian prostitute..They know what they are paying and what they are getting, why to complain afterwards….

    People who were so eager to get free love and sex in the name of new age stuff are bound to analyse their gains and the emotional scars, but the language use by Martyn for Osho…is quite too childish…
    May be the child is still the child and anarchism is a mask because of the missing Dad..

    But still…the mystery of life is undefineable..Who knows, Osho feels more at ease with Martyn´s outbrust than those whitecolored suckers..who are just too much plastic..molded in a certain form…and trying their best to create a garden of plastic rose flowers…

  459. prem martyn says:

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

    and i’m
    still full of osho.. with love


  460. prem martyn says:

    shantam yours is a defense in favour of what and whom ?

    and why ? and under what experience?
    what i write is an extrapolated truth for me..and for those who can recognise its use..
    its not usable by those who oppose this version of reality as i describe it….
    and you do a disservice to institutionalize psychosuperiority….
    as you or others cant use that unless you are at the top…

    and yes truth or its memory is variable…in context.. but at any point a position is taken.. staying on the fence wont help…unless you like fences…
    .and finally–. try being naked in india for street protest.. unless you are a mahaviran male…

  461. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    Martyn, your stupid story just not justify your rubbish on what you state about Osho, So again i say try Fisting up your own Arse for your personal satisfaction. All you throw here is your crap with the easoning of a pevert, and try to play the cool guy who has done it all.

  462. prem martyn says:

    dream on mr orthodoxy….

  463. shantam says:

    from the circular mail of ma prem jeevan-

    Once upon a time lived a beautiful Queen with large breasts and Nick
    the Dragon Slayer was obsessed over the Queen for this reason. He knew
    that the penalty for his desire would be death should he try to touch
    them, but he had to try.

    One day Nick revealed his secret desire to his colleague, Horatio the
    Physician, the King’s chief doctor. Horatio thought about this and
    said that he could arrange for Nick to more than satisfy his desire,
    but it would cost him 1000 gold coins to arrange it.

    Without pause Nick readily agreed to the scheme. The next day, Horatio
    made a batch of itching powder and poured a little bit into the
    Queen’s bra while she bathed. Soon after she dressed, the itching
    commenced and grew intense.

    Upon being summoned to the Royal Chambers to address this incident,
    Horatio informed the King and Queen that only a special saliva, if
    applied for four hours, would cure this type of itch, and that tests
    had shown that only the saliva of Nick would work as the antidote to
    cure the itch.

    The King, eager to help his Queen, quickly summoned Nick to their
    chambers. Horatio then slipped Nick the antidote for the itching
    powder, which he put into his mouth, and for the next four hours, Nick
    worked passionately on the Queen’s large and magnificent breasts. The
    Queen’s itching was eventually relieved, and Nick left satisfied and
    hailed as a hero.

    Upon returning to his chamber, Nick found Horatio demanding his
    payment of 1000 gold coins. With his obsession now satisfied, Nick
    couldn’t have cared less knowing that Horatio could never report this
    matter to the King and with a laugh told him to get lost.

    The next day, Horatio slipped a massive dose of the same itching
    powder into the King’s underwear. The King immediately summoned Nick.

    The moral of the story – Pay your damn bills.

  464. Shahriar says:

    Really great shantam. Made me laugh my ass off.

  465. anugrah says:

    The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.”
    Gloria Steinem quotes (American Writer and Activist. b.1935)
    Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
    Oscar Wilde
    Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
    Oscar Wilde
    I am not young enough to know everything.
    Oscar Wilde
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you.
    Oscar Wilde
    In California everyone goes to a therapist, is a therapist, or is a therapist going to a therapist.
    Truman Capote (1924 – 1984)
    The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
    Dorothy Parker (1893 – 1967),
    I don’t care what is written about me so long as it isn’t true.
    Dorothy Parker (1893 – 1967)
    This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.
    Dorothy Parker (1893 – 1967)
    The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.
    Albert Einstein (187

  466. frank says:

    in 1987 at the biggest group of the humaniversity year.
    a marathon took place.
    title:”coming together”
    in this group veeresh told the 200 or so paticipants to masturbate.
    this took place,maybe some mimed.
    everybody masturbated while the band played “sexy music”
    veeresh was standing in front of osho`s picture.
    he said “bhagwan,(as he was,then)says its ok”
    the event was video`ed by a therapist walking around the crowd with the camera.
    veeresh announced that the video would be sent to osho.

    this was “therapy”
    veeresh was the no1 osho therapist,set up personally by osho to train “the best therapists in the world”.

    i know that “judgement” is of “the mind”
    but when you make them,be informed.

  467. frank says:

    and what about arun…..
    he is keen on the idea of “westerners abusing osho`s freedom”
    i wonder how he would rate this kind of osho therapy…
    oddly enough,there are recent pictures of them together smiling away.
    its a funny old world….
    he must think the masturbation meditation is a good way to get rid of your hang ups….

  468. Lokesh says:

    I participated in a three day tantra group in the group rooms in Poona circa 1978. I will always remember it as the most unsexy three days of my life. At one point everyone lay in a circle and masturbated. I suppose there was something to be learned from the experience…in my case communal masturbation did not turn me on. The point is, so what? What exactly is the big deal about that?
    We live in a world where people are starving to death in some countries, while in others countries food is dumped because of oversupply. People drop bombs on other people and fire pieces of hot lead into their bodies. Capitalists exploit the world’s communal resourses to the extent that it can quite honestly be said that they are raping the earth. Many of the world’s cities are unsafe. In my homeland, Scotland, adolescents knife each other for entertainment. But a few crazies masturbating and using obscene language…oh no, we can’t have that…call out the thought police…this is an emergency situation!.
    Gimme a fucking breaK!

  469. shantam says:

    Frank..nobody stops to question the authorties, clergies, gurus and their sub branches..
    But the lanaguge used by Martyn in the morning is beyond all the permissible limits..same is about individual or institutional violence…..

  470. Chinmaya says:

    Bloody Jokers, fanatics and Orthodox.

  471. shantam says:

    If few dozens or hundred adults with their written and verbal consent are willing to participate in sex related groups and workshops…i don´t think it should be an headache to Osho sannyasin…..

    I won´t mind to participate..my problem is i am unable to take instuctions from someone…
    so my way is only to listen Osho, ” Now close your eyes..and go deeper”

  472. frank says:

    the point of “wankileaks”…

    one man`s obscenity is another`s therapy…

    and when your`re moving beyond good and evil on the good ship tantra….

    unfasten your seat belt…..

  473. shantam says:

    For the sexually starved Europians.. (not all, but those with low self esteem ) as they are the biggest clients of humanversity and tantra groups all around, it is worth a deal to spend few hundred Euros and have the guilt free opportunity to enjoy the fruits of human body…
    If these processes uplift the spirit..i think the purpose is well served.

    And i hope…the sannyas movement has learnt much during the last 3 decades.. We are the only big movement who has integrated SEX with meditation.. so we can offer more refined and better spiritual products.. with honesty and transparancy..with pride and humility…

  474. frank says:

    the ranters,a 16th cetuty antinomian group in britain.
    thay used to hold meetings where they took it in turn to strip naked,sit in a seat or standing and then let out a stream of as much sacreligious profanity and anti-religious abuse as they could muster,for as long as they could keep going…
    of course god,saints,priests and religious attitudes etc were their targets…
    it was their ceremony to free themselves of the tyrranny of oppressive religion.
    they were much persecuted,and ended up disappearing within a few years.
    not without their contribution to the english language.
    ranting is alive and well and not a million from here,too..

    also there was one other breakthrough that they apparently made,judging by the other inclusion into the language of the time…
    to ride rantipole..
    which means to have sex with the woman on top.

  475. prem martyn says:

    thanks guys.. i’m now going to sweden to get myself arrested for using descriptive osho therapy language….

    shantam ..you have to see that it was and is part of authoritarianism…to be abused and never to be able to say ‘back off.’..because everything is wisdom of the master and resistance to his way

    i’m not sure if i get your drift..
    but i’ll chatter here anyway..
    … i have no problem with the sex part .in fact i welcome use of language and clear motive and intent as displayed previously by me here and open sex for the sake of sex.. not for the sake of ‘intimate’ commune building..by priests.. which it failed to do.. at my expense..

    i do have a NO now with the ideology that its good for you.. run by the master…and ‘helps’ openness to spirituality to have your emotional life pissed on with untouchability and complete disregard for you..or me or anyone else…via the priests and priestesses…and catharsis routines and the super ego they get from it…
    and there are more important things to discuss and address thats why i left the scene…Anal isnt always sexual…. you can have instituanal

    see teertha
    sudha (deceased)
    osho for details

    the reason i take it to the extreme is because mr osho did via his priests.. and maybe someone somewhere still now needs to say back off and give me my money back…

    thanks for the episode frank.. did you ever see the video…i guess it got er …wiped…

  476. prem martyn says:

    frank..love the ranters…
    better than the bogomils..those buggers from bulgaria..less anally fixated–

  477. prem martyn says:

    shantam.. you only just manage to answer what you represent..the combination of sex and meditation a la osho…
    whatever that means to you i dont know.. do you fuck regularly with a blindfold?

    and you do that by refusing to address the vacuity of sannyas in its day to day institutional tendencies…for fear of not being an osho lover.. and assuming you’ll get kudos from your own inexperience.. i address you as part of the never ending soup of interference any one of us had to endure amongst oshites … as yet i dont sense your insight .. but a hell of a lot of plagiarism..typically insecure and mundane .. but it would get you by amongst most sannyassins…but not all…
    and not me…

  478. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, Martyn does have a point…you say: We are the only big movement who has integrated SEX with meditation
    Lets forget about the big movement for a moment and concentrate on the small movement…ie…you. How have you integrated sex with meditation on a personal level? Or is it the usual case with you…hollow headlines with nothing of substance to back it up? I suspect you don’t have much of a sex life or why this obsession of yours that raises its head and starts ranting about panties in the mouth….this sounds kind of weird to me.

  479. prem bubbie says:

    Mr. Prakash: yet, you forgot osho’s story about the two zen masters who had a chance meeting. One of the masters caught the other master “spacing out” or daydreaming”, so he cracked that guy in the head….. Yes, even “enlightened” beings space out or daydream, and do stupid things, and it doesn’t take another “enlightened” person to wake the other up, just a person(s) with half an eye open, and forget about it after they die, all bets are off!! So idiots like you, shantam, anand, shahriar, and others just keep on licking his books and prostrating yourselves to the ashrams and its leaders…. like sheep so easily led to the slaughter. Otherwise called-”Get a fucking life”, and stop being pussy boys!!!

  480. frank says:

    integrating sex with meditation/religion simply means you can now be “spiritual” and have sex too.
    a major change ,especially in india.
    so you can put on the robes,act holier than thou,waffle about consciousness,enlightenment etc etc..and still get your end away…
    even boast about who you`ve shagged instead of boasting about your celibacy….

    the new man….
    homo novus
    homo knobus
    homo religioso bozo…..

  481. prem bubbie says:

    P.M. just read your fruit and veggie encounter…. too bad you didn’t bitch slap that cunt(of either sex). it would have been worth seeing.. ciao

  482. prem bubbie says:

    Prakash: would you like to be bitch slapped? That can be arranged…. also worth seeing or doing.

  483. frank says:

    mr prakash is otherwise occupied.
    he is meditating,and watching his mind from the hills as it conjures up dreams of fisting martyn…..

    as chogyam trungpa said
    “fist thought best thought”

  484. prem bubbie says:

    “Bitch Slapping” is the 21 century version of “Zen Stick to the head.

  485. bob says:

    that’s probably true bubbie, that ‘out of the box’ has turned into a cliche these days…ok, let’s call it looking at the world from a clearer perspective, one untainted by the naivete of an unquestioning belief mentality – that would be more accurate…

    Case #2,
    December 8: this is the 30th anniversery of John Lennon’s reported murder in 1980 in NYC.

    Alternative view:
    I would say it was a bogus event – never happened, he wasn’t shot, and has been alive for the last three decades, probably living still in that Dakota building with Yoko, and producing music at the age of 70.

    Reason: Survival instinct, for himself and family. i’m sure he had death threats, kidnapping threats, etc.
    Probably a good idea, at least from his personal perspective. Also a good move business-wise.

  486. frank says:

    as we speak,he`s probably in a beach bar on a hidden tropical island sipping cocktails on the barstool next to osho and vivek….
    its easy if you try…..

  487. prem bubbie says:

    Hey Veeresh must have gotten that wanking meditation idea from the “How to remain centered while wanking and watching John Wayne films” seminar….. talk about plagiarism.

  488. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam says” my problem is I can’t take instructions from someone… so my way is only to listen to Osho…” HUH? What the fuck? Now, that’s pure, unadulterated Double Talk… Well done, you moron!!!

  489. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam: You’re a fuckin’ idiot!!!!

  490. frank says:

    i didn`t see john wayne.
    but wayne carr was there
    and wayne kerr
    and if my mind serves me right
    wayne corr
    and that spanish guy
    juan cor

  491. bob says:

    frank, don’t jump the gun now, and spoil the fun for everyone…
    vivek is tomorrow’s Case…December 9.
    see you there.

  492. prem bubbie says:

    Frank– how about the “Huffers”, a group of american youths started this movement during the early ’70′s… “Sitting on a park bench” all day long with faces stuffed in paper bags with opened tubes of glue… it then morphed into taking long strolls around the “hood, after the “authorities” started chasing them off the benches…. This movement is still going strong today

  493. prem bubbie says:

    Frank- wasn’t it actually Graham Kerr wanking into the salad bowl during his tv show? Or was it O-Bee- Wanker-nobee, shooting all over Princess Frito-Lay-a? Her chips and his dips, yum, yum!!

  494. prem bubbie says:

    Wasn’t that Spanish guy’s name actually- Juan Wayne-kor? I thought i saw that movie recently on the Bollywood channel.

  495. prem bubbie says:

    I like “Chapati” westerns better than “Spaghetti” westerns, at least they have subtitles.

  496. prem martyn says:

    are we having an online mass debate now ? Can I watch?

  497. shantam says:

    Martyn, you have a valid point, ….you have to see that it was and is part of authoritarianism…to be abused and never to be able to say ‘back off.’..because everything is wisdom of the master and resistance to his way.

    As the time has shown again and again such surrender out of fear, out of greed takes the master, disciples and the whole vision down the garbage lane.
    The people who read only the books, holy and sacred books will never see face to face this backdoor reality..

    As i have seen and met many people of Pune one phase who have enjoyed unlimited choice of partners, many of them, more than average compared to average Joe are unable to built meaningful relations. There is a sense of being cheated, molested..a kind of guilt feeling.
    So may be it is out of this reason that you have done a good Catharsis..all the vomiting on Osho..

    The managers are trying their best to white wash the old mistakes,..but not the mental attitude, not the inbuilt authoritarian attitude…
    We decide…you follow can exist..if Osho is still there ..but not otherwise.

    Because the Pune 1 was the raw phase, till pune 2..the emphasis went more and more on love. Allow the emotions to take roots..

    This was the reason..from 1987 till 2000..Pune was full with visitors..not for few weeks but hundreds were coming for more than 3 months.
    It was the success of Pune 2 model that Osho before leaving the body expressed the sense of relief..” Soon whole Koregaon Park will be ours. It will be the spiritual and cultural capital of the world.”

    Few people may not be aware that Osho gave the instructions to Amrito in 1988-89 for Academy of creative art science and consciousness…He has even written a paperback about this vision.

    Seems like Doc has thrown this with his medical box into the river…

  498. shantam says:

    The problem with these old sannyasins is that there inner mobile battery is running on Low, the system is unable to revive the courage and a sense of wonder..holding to those pune one stories of wounds and mastrubatory joys..and the solace and hope of having the master of the masters..
    If the new generation of sannyasins are reading these posts, atleast they can have a sense of relief, ” by not being with a Living Osho..they will not miss the real growth..level of growth can be the same or even more…but yes…those stories of golden days…as one sees..there is not much gold into that..
    Only the hype..

  499. frank says:

    “soon the whole koreagon park will be ours.
    it will be the spiritual and cultural capital of the world”

    delusions of grandeur.
    archetypal inflation.

    terminal disappointment
    obsession with the past
    a lot of wanking

    none known

  500. prem martyn says:

    nice and clear for a change shantam….

    in reply i may summarise my experience

    1.. we have a lot to do just to be human…

    2… there is no 2.

    3….Osho is laughter for me…… and if they the therapists cant get the joke because they are too busy polishing their egos… then too bad…i’m laughing… my original post for me was giggle material…nice to know it hits too..


  501. prem martyn says:

    bubbie .. your wish is my command.. see film above…

  502. shantam says:

    “soon the whole koreagon park will be ours.
    it will be the spiritual and cultural capital of the world”

    I am anot ashamed to admit this forcast of Osho has also not taken the wings. Neither Bombay, New York kind of cities have disappered..nor Aids has killed two third of world population nor India is dying out of hunger and starvation…

    But the above statement has not taken place because the front line sannyasins have shown they were together like the logo chips. No substance..
    and the sannyasins in the back rows…..The convinient store buyers…!!!

  503. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, do you have hair on the palms of your hands and bad eyesight?

  504. shantam says:

    Like everybody, i have lines on the palms of my hands….Five years before, someone touched my hands and said, ” you have never worked with your hands.” I have forgotten who was this gentleman as i want to show him my hands again..They are the hands of a worker…

    And bad eye sight..47 years old Indian needs reading glasses, but i can peep into the people without glasses too.

    Your diagnose..?

    Don´t worry..be cruel!!!

  505. prem bubbie says:

    P.M. nice one…. the film cut off, did she gag? Did she get in free or was she given a rain check?

  506. frank says:

    he said:
    “these are the hands of a a worker…?”
    sounds like your hearing has gone too…..

  507. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam, you should have told that person that you used latex gloves…. in this day of AIDS. if you’re still unemployed you can come to america and work on 42nd street giving hand jobs in a massage parlor… supposedly pays well too,,, after 5 years you can apply for a green card…. they need “professionals” here, desperately, especially from India, just tell them Bill Gates sent you…

  508. shantam says:

    work on 42nd street giving hand jobs in a massage parlor…
    Do the receivers have lost their hands in the accidents or wars?

  509. shantam says:

    “Irina Palm” is the movie regarding hand jobs…one feels proud on the woman, who did this job.

  510. frank says:

    have you heard the one about the leper who was playing cards?
    he threw his hand in

  511. frank says:

    and the other laughed his head off…

  512. shantam says:

    China to have its own peace prize

    I wonder how long the world will bear the growing clout of China or one can say, how long west will depend upon Chineese goods, how long China will remain intact…or how long China will stop the people´s right of democracy
    Some where down in the future..all this military hardware will get their time or they will remain idle for eternity??
    Can past life Chineese Scholar/mystic Osho´s Bob shed the light.

  513. prem martyn says:

    no but i heard the one where he laughed his head off..

  514. prem martyn says:

    ….and they all fell apart laughing

  515. prem martyn says:

    and got carried away …on a trolley….

  516. prem martyn says:

    it was an infectious laugh

  517. prem martyn says:

    and there was no end to it

  518. prem martyn says:

    armless too

  519. prem martyn says:

    lepers .. one will be round in a minute and another,… to-marrow.
    you dont want to be left hanging around waiting until you drop off

  520. prem martyn says:

    you could be left in stitches..and blind to the consequences….
    if you didnt cough up some donation…

  521. prem bubbie says:

    And they all wore leper skin tights for stretching class… bought at the second store with a few holes in them.

  522. prem bubbie says:

    How about the Leper Hills Golf tournament held every leper year, pardon, leap year, outside Aberdeen, Scotland Look out… there goes a hole in one!!!

  523. prem bubbie says:

    The inventor of the golf ball was a Scottish leper, he used his face as a template.

  524. prem bubbie says:

    He used his leg as the first golf club.

  525. prem bubbie says:

    the first irrigation system was designed by a leper… he got the idea once while taking a leak.

  526. shantam says:


    Osho´s sannyas was once like this..All sorts of things for all sorts of people and races.

    The finest contribution to the world of spirituality where new pdodcuts are crushed from the very bigining, so that the monoply of the centuries old names remain intact.

    What happened to His world..why it looks like only a kind of suburb?
    Easy to maintain…A little rabbit in the cage…

    How long?

    please, ask yourself if you are not a REtired sannyasins…

  527. shantam says:


    This is the spirit of the west, i admire with my heart on the sleeves.

    Julian assange deserves to be chosen for Time magazine´s “Man of the year award.”

  528. prem martyn says:

    … because he’s dead….
    au revoir
    see ya

    gone gone

    but you refuse to get it and instead get offended…
    by one of his main reputations which was..
    provocation in the face of absurdity….for a laugh…

    just like all the people wanting a religion … cos the world is still shit…
    and then they make more shit….

    you have nothing to sell shantam…
    not even a wankathon…
    what are you going to offer..

    blindfolds to lepers?
    and a list of words and some toothy smiles?

    love is

    including wankathons or without them.

  529. shantam says:

    … because he’s dead….
    au revoir
    see ya

    gone gone

    Martyn and the similars, will stand at Oxford street with the placard..when Xmas rush is at the peak..

    With the same placard..than he will go to the church near by..when people with their children will be entering for celebrating the life of Jesus..(a real or created personality??)

    With the same placard he will go the family home for Xmas dinner…

    And finally one of the cousin wil call the ambulance…

    with the same placards he will enter the psychiatrist clinic…

    I think it will be full…Dr. Amrito will be also there but without stethoscope….

  530. shantam says:

    When there is a doubt and conflict about the will of the father, legacy of the master, politics of the country..

    what are the possible ways…??

    Kill the weak..
    go to the court
    follow the majority opinion..

    and the problem with too much Osho words in the brain is…every mind fucker thinks himself a genius…and therefore is expert in repeating…only the crowd follows the majority opinion.

    The lickers get benefits from the organised and democratic societies…and believe in the laws of anarchism in their bathroom.. …

  531. shantam says:

    The resort managers, well educated white and rational in approcah..will die out of panic attack..if someone uses the past tense with Osho…
    Osho is…. is is is…

    Though everybody knows…

    Osho was..was was..

    There Osho has not died..He left the body…

    and still..

    In every single act, behaviour and gesture they know very well…dead men never rise from their graves…

    This is what priestism is all about..Selective thinking..that which makes life convinient and easy..for the people who are in control of belief mechanism..

  532. prem martyn says:

    shantam if you realise the power of what wikileaks represents.. then you BECOME an anarchist..(small a) in your words and interactions.. so that through life you pay the price for non cooperation etc etc

    xmas with the family… .. .. try guessing what that means to me…!!

    and according to studies done by Dr Timothy Freke, Jesus was not at all an individual in the cosmic sense but a patchwork of teachings from diverse near eastern mystery schools.. diluted for use though still retaining some of its numerological etc metaphors(you should like that part)

    and yes i go into churches very occassionally for listening to good singing because they have my favourite kind of music mediaeval and baroque …and i think choir boy fucking is a proud catholic tradition…..there is no comparison between the musical legacy of osho and centuries of christian/armenian/ georgian /slav music…. hopefully someone will put that right.. but not anytime soon….. most are too busy wanking with veeresh…
    and where do you think the intellectuall basis is for democratic societies..their legitimacy ? in the internal anarchy of self and the moral authority of freedom..historically … the self that has no higher and lower..the one you use every day… but mistake in believing it is created in the dogmatic democracy of education.etc… to acknowledge that as curious , creative, hopeful, sincere, genuine, loving… and yes… anarchist..would be more precise…..anarchism : availability to the highest common multiple…… currently available across the world… somewhere…just look..
    to think that society could exist WITHOUT constantly referring to the right brain or intuitive anarchic influences of our natural state is ridiculous….

    and not only that… it was what osho was
    implicitly in his energy..
    free flowing…open

    but yes it will not exist in our lifetime externally… but just look around at the bedevillment of people without mutuality. and the industrialization of the brain.. personally ive hardly operated in society.. and when i have its been with a big mouth…(cant help it ever since i was 11 years old in the 60′s )….. but only occasiionally some individuals pop up outside… they should be your hope…not society…
    … and india will never ever ever become dynamic enough to understand or enact the emotive baggage of rebelliousness..

    and the west is likely to go to war again….in fact we never stop fighting…

    but in the meantime…have fun trying…

  533. prem martyn says:

    and yes i actually strangely felt in my one face to face interaction as a youth..with Veeresh that he’s actually a genuine approachable guy…. he said i was ‘frank’… which was actually very nice to hear… i just dont like what he created… just like i dont much like sannyass the corporate undiluted version…..
    because people have no grounding in the anarchist mutuality.. but instead rely on it to sponsor egotism….through a ready made package of apparent rebelliousness…
    you cant buy it …

  534. Lokesh says:

    Inspiring comment. Martyn.

  535. shantam says:

    The power of Surrunder, the power of Devotion…

    Sorry, the English spekaing ladies and gentlemen, These are not the words from Hindi language..neither Indians cultivated these feelings..

    may be when humanity was in the primitive stage, every culture developed such feelings, out of helplessness, may be.

    Now …in this age, we don´t have helplessness..Industry and business give us every daily bread and butter, Pharma and insurance industry takes care of our health..and we pay to these sukers..

    So why to keep the words like Surrunder and Devotion in our life?

    True..if they have fullfilled their pupose in your life, put them away like old clothes, old books..
    but don´t forget in this high..somebody else may still need them…

    It takes all sorts to make a world…

  536. shantam says:

    It is very nice..Martyn, the way you are…..
    May be it is the end station of human intelligence..
    Few of your tribe may still think…to be Punja ji is the last junction…where earth train leaves the boarder for eternity in our system.

    (no need to shout on me or oneself, if metaphor goes beyond the head and heart…)

  537. shantam says:

    xmas with the family… .. .. try guessing what that means to me…!!

    Don´t you have any blood relatives Martyn?

    or the friends having the Xmas food and wine together..

    Without religious tones too, it is the sensible creation in the west.. Warmth for the emotions..warmth for the economy..
    and more and more manufacturing jobs to little Chineese and clerical work for double bellied indians like me…
    Thanks you west…

  538. prem martyn says:

    you surrender beyond yourself as an extension of love..

    just dont believe in someone else who says they have..
    you can give your trust but you cant wait for someone elses credibility..

    thus the area of devotion remains functional at the level of interaction.. not as an abstract…

  539. prem martyn says:

    is fine

    whatever happens.. as long as its with fun and no smelly turkey lunch

  540. prem martyn says:

    altough maybe i should start a new thread for Prickass

    how to fist a turkey withoiut it screaming fuck off

  541. prem martyn says:

    ta lokesh…
    by the way can you send me your email again at


    i just saw that my inbox has been wiped.ouch !. (agents of Tharg again)… cos you never know.. you might have to unglue your wallet and buy me a drink in ibiza…one day


  542. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    Yes Martyn, We know that you are Fisted Turkey here screaming fuck off here.And your starting a new thread will be another matter for peverts.

  543. shantam says:

    ” I’ve become a born again Christian. I can’t believe it, I’ve let Jesus enter my heart…”
    Lokesh..this is the sentence..on the facebook page of hairbrush girl….

    No need to shout on the old religions..Best way is to create the better ones…

  544. shantam says:

    Miss Goodbody is teaching sex education to her ninth-grade class. Sitting in the back of the room, reading Playboy, is Chester Cheese’s kid, Wise-guy Willy.

    “Class,” begins Miss Goodbody, shakily, “today we will discuss sexual intercourse.”

    Wise-guy Willy puts down his magazine, smiles, and winks at Miss Goodbody.

    “Uh… there are eight basic positions for sexual intercourse,” Miss Goodbody says nervously.

    “Nine,” comes Willy’s voice from the back.

    Flustered and blushing, Miss Goodbody begins again. “There are eight basic positions for sexual intercourse,” she stammers.

    “Nine,” interrupts Willy, again.

    This time Miss Goodbody takes a deep breath and continues, “The first is called the missionary position: the man is on top of the woman and facing her…”

    “Aha!” says Willy, winking again, “Ten!”

    This is Osho..
    sharp,humane, provocative, intelligent.
    and REAL…
    No cut and paste religious figure head..
    and he should not be cut and pasted by the vested interested disciples in search of a new
    (e)go and (i)cum business..

  545. prem martyn says:

    hey prakash

    thats your contribution ,is it, for today…?
    i’m impressed

  546. prem martyn says:

    The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

    happy xmas everyone! in advance.. i cant wait…

  547. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    Hey Martyn, I am not impressing you, as you are not worth. All your postings are deranged and rantings of a pevert. Your Sannyas is only your imagination, and your love for Osho seems less intense than your research on Porn sites and Fisting expertise.

  548. prem martyn says:


    any chance of sucking my cock before you go?

  549. prem martyn says:

    i’m finding osho’s guide to perverted meditation and religious experience fascinating ….

  550. prem martyn says:

    uh ohh.. indians….call in the seventh cavalry…

  551. prem martyn says:

    im also reading osho’s
    ‘ taking the piss out of serious reverence for dead people …for a laugh’

  552. prem martyn says:

    and the companion volume.. how to use collective reverence for a religious intermediary as a tool for social manipulation and personal credibility through fisting the arsehole in involuntary sexual activity…and love

  553. prem bubbie says:

    hey breaking news…. London– prince charles and his concubine attacked by student mob protesting tuition hikes… the protesters were led by the late Sid Vicious’ ghost and Johnny Rotten…. ‘god save the queen’ and anarchy in the U.K…… the shape of things to come.

  554. prem bubbie says:

    more breaking news… Indian ambassador to the U.S. frisked by security agents at Mississippi airport…. was that actually you, Shantam? How many times did i warn you not to sneak into this country looking for a job…and Mississippi of all places… Mississippi Masala… wasn’t that a movie?

  555. frank says:

    driving around the west end in a maroon rolls royce the middle of a riot…..?
    let`s face it,charlie`s a few fries short of a happy meal..
    about as smart as a bag of rocks…
    most of the time,he doesn`t know whether to scratch his watch or wind his ass..
    he`d probably lose an argument with a sign post…
    still,he`s a shing example of why you should avoid inbreeding…..

  556. prem martyn says:

    looks like the site has been attacked by the silent meditators group..

    posting gaps instead of words….

  557. shantam says:

    Swami gyan Parkash..Don´t feel bad..The fruits show what kind of seeds were there.,,As i have heard from Osho..something like Buddha´s saying..”That which looks sweeter in the bigining turns bitter in the end.”

    More or less this is Osho´s story with the West Sannyas is almost a newspaper which is out of publication, last edition with declining circulation was somewhere till 1995.
    Martyn and Bubbie are the symptoms of a right medicine for the wrong people or viceversa..

  558. shantam says:

    Without doubt, for us Indians west is almost like a seduction..gives good boosting to the self esteem. Recognition from the west, B.A. LlL.M or M.BA degrees from education shops in UK, and we start thinking us from another planet. It is so easy to recognise non resident Indians, how more American than American they behave..as if to get the grren card is the ultimate on the earth..
    Not just the normal folks but gurus too have seen the drug like effect of American dream…and very few like Osho have paid a very very heavy price..

  559. prem martyn says:

    metaphor attack…..look out…they’re falling all over the place…

  560. bob says:

    …and on to the next case…

    Case #3
    December 9:

    21st anniversary of Ma Vivek/Christine Wolfe/Nirvano “death” in India. constant companion and caretaker of Osho since the early 70′s. reportedly died of an overdose of drugs, and was cremated without much ado, a series of events attended by only a handful of disciples.

    the only record of this that i have seen is the account given by Ma Shunyo in her book “Diamond Days with Osho”, published a few years after the time. no photos, no videos, no ‘death celebration’ as you would have expected amongst the sannyasins.


    most likely a bogus story all the way around.
    given the propensity of the Osho group to lie at the drop of the hat about anything and everything – a tendency emanating from Osho himself – the strangeness, the secretiveness, and the out-of-joint look of the whole thing, it appears to have been a staged event to take the pretty and sensitive English girl out of the public focus. no manic/depressive structure, no overdose, no death.

    Vivek’s role as a public figure in the Osho drama was finished, and it was deemed she should be “deleted” from the action, for any number of good reasons, and there are many.

  561. frank says:

    when you chase a dream
    the price you have to pay is waking up


  562. frank says:

    ok bob,
    so where is she now?

  563. prem martyn says:

    who is this gyan Park-ash ? You mean the parking lot next to Pizza Vib-Hut-i ..?

  564. prem martyn says:

    frank, are you sure you spelled ‘waking’.. correctly…?

  565. frank says:

    prakash is a brian rajneesh supporter.
    he thinks the inner circle are baboons….

    he should check out the bonobo baboons…
    they are not in the least bit interested in politics..

    btw.how is the old doppelganger these days?
    still doing that 3rd rate tribute band osho impersonation?
    and getting his kinky ass whacked with a hairbrush by that chick…?

  566. prem martyn says:

    mr tibura is out with friends tonight…drinking to forget …

    as its his round he’s decided he has a short memory…

  567. prem martyn says:

    bonobos are our closest relatives, closer than chimps… they are very social.. do not hunt other monkeys unlike chimps are essentially veggies apart from the odd insect..(all jungle insects arfe odd) lie around all day…unlike chimps
    and fuck like crazy…
    vegetarians really are amazing…
    oh so brian rajneesh has stopped short of advocating group sex…well that would be a hard act to follow.. hence parkash’s disilusionment with reality…and refusing to believe the historical necessity of sharing girlfriends.. okay i’ll shut up on that one then…

    vivek..she met the buddha on the road..and killed herself… surely a case of mistaken interpretation

  568. prem bubbie says:

    Mr. Brian rajneesh just might be an inbred baboon ,too. Hairy palms, quarter moon eyebrows, a tiny fellow, strutts around like a chimp…. Btw, i do believe, geneticists have traced human origins to only a few thousand “original” humans… seems a great natural catastrophe several hundred thousand years ago culled the human population. It would be more accurate to say that the entire human race is inbred… that would account for our strange behavior… i wonder why “Nature” hasn’t noticed…. another creature “asleep at the wheel”

  569. bob says:

    i would assume, frank, that she’s with the old man, wherever he is.

  570. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    Prem Martyn is sending homosexual advances now, seems fisting himself did not work, real desperation here. Perhaps a proposal to Bubbie may win him some admiration and a new realtionship will flower for these peverts. This Sannyas News has come to it lowest with these two here.

  571. prem bubbie says:

    Vivek not having the great send-off like her beau bhagwan… Sannyasins are very two-faced, stupid, fly-by-nighters, also, backstabbers, sneaks, and hypocrites… did i forget anything? So, given osho’s constant double talk and about face on issues…. maybe he turned on her and told everyone not to give her a respectful send-off.. sannyasins are always very eager to comply with any order given them, no matter how idiotic it maybe…. one exception is, if you’re loaded with cash, they’d even hire the Indian national marching band to play “Higher and higher” for the right price…. With “Friends” like these, who needs…..

  572. prem martyn says:

    bubbie if you dont stop being a reductive darwinist.. i’m going to have to throw the book at you…

  573. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    If Sannyas News did not have Shantam posting it would seem a desperate bunch of peverts making advances, and all trying to out do each other. All claim to be disciple of Osho, what a sick group of lost people, desperate.
    Shantam, save your valuable breath and your sanity, these people need a madhouse and porn sites to express their love for Osho.

  574. prem bubbie says:

    Prakash–”Lower and Lower”,, Lower and lower…. take me to the sewer, take me to the slop…. bhagwan come on don’t you stop….Lower and Lower…lower and lower”… do you feel better Prakash?

  575. prem martyn says:

    hey parkash… would you like to do some back to back shitting together (yes thats shitting not sitting ) like in the tantra groups.. then wipe each others arses……you know osho therapy style….
    i have two free tickets….

    burn the unbeliever burn him i say

  576. prem bubbie says:

    Prakash- you’re birth is the ultimate in perversion… now be a good monkey and throw shit on yourself.

  577. prem bubbie says:

    you’re=your….. ooooh, ooooh, ooooh….
    I’m A Monkey!!!! (The Rolling Stones.)

  578. prem martyn says:

    yes shantam save your breath .. i agree.. please ..
    not one metaphor more .. no really.. shantam please obey parkash the priest… please parkash is right… you have entered the humourless pervert zone…with a darwinist and a vegetarian… get out while you can….

  579. prem bubbie says:

    P.M. I think something has slipped your mind… Darwin was the grand daddy of genetics. Genetics didn’t research maturity until the development of genetic testing (est.1990). everything preceding this lived in the ether-world…. Kinda like hypothesizing that other planets exist outside the solar system… nice idea but…. show me the proof… So kindly forget everything you learned about genetics and human origins pre-1990… now that dna can be manipulated and mapped, look to the modern genetic theories for guidance…. otherwise you’ll just morph into Prakash, Shantam, or Mr. Brian rajneesh…. Heaven’s to murgatroid!!!

  580. prem bubbie says:

    Prakash– Why the obsession with porn and fisting? All of your fisting porn tapes worn out from excessive viewing? Need new ideas? Advice? Counsel? Please contact Shantam about when he’s come to the U.S. for work… tag along with him… you might get lucky and also find work in your field… don’t forget the diapers.

  581. prem martyn says:

    a post darwinist.. i knew there was hope.. hurrah…..
    definable material yes…but it cannot create possibilities only discover them… ie if they werent pre-existent as a possibility then how could they be discovered… therefore if they were always a possibility , there must be something that is substantial and not finite…and if it is substantial.. then so are we. or all is.. and if we are that… we cannot be terminally reductive..
    therefore we are not made of finite matter but of substantial form..as in the platonic sacred forms..
    yours holographically

  582. anugrah says:

    just ignore these two prem bubbie or prem martyn and continue to write and read here……it is part of life …..shantam posting looks even more good and meaningful when you have bubbie and martyn on this site

    these two helped us and provide us wrost of wrost and shantam and few others provide best gossips…….

    prakash take it easy and i grantee some day bubbie will be tired and relax if he hangs around here little more………..let them do gibrish………..

  583. prem bubbie says:

    Anugrah: What is “Wrost of Wrost”? and who is actually doing “gibrish”? you guys deserve each other… one yanking; the other sucking; and Prakash-fisting….. happy osho’s b’day

  584. prem bubbie says:

    “shantam posting looks even more good and meaningful…” says Anugrah…monkey see, monkey do.

  585. prem bubbie says:

    P.M. – the only videos from Britain I’m interested now, are those of riots, fires, water cannon, cops on horses beat protesters and of course, the stoning, and egging of the royals’ motor vehicles…. it must be winter in England…. I have several hundred empty Guinness bottles for sale…. any takers?

  586. Anand says:

    Strange what kind of sick people believe they have some kind of rlation to Osho or are his sannyasins like ‘Prem’ Bubbier fart brain and sicko fisto Prem Martyn.
    Why don’t they get a job in the porn industry? Osho’s energy is for those with a certain sensitivity to life, love and all creatures.
    Sannyas news has become Sicko News.

  587. shantam says:

    25 YEARS ago, osho like an existantial winner was taking shelter in a Manali hotel after losing a city state, Rajneeshpuram…
    World has become very interesting, confident and developed in these 25 years. Individually, we sannyasins are moving towards the recycling system of existance-old age, Death and last minute Enlightenment…

    I am not sure, whether my eyes will be able to see the system change at Osho´s main seat. if the present leadership remains custodians of Osho´ work…next 25 years will see the END OF SANNYAS in the western world..
    (end of sannyas has nothing to do with the inner longing and ethical development in the west. More and more people live a very pious, clear and spiritual existance without formally involved with some Master)

  588. shantam says:

    The impact of Indian gurus during the feel good times of Indian economy has grown tremendously…almost like getting bonus for not much for all..

    When in December-January news media will publish the list of 100 most influential people, two three gurus will be in this list of politicians, sports persons, actors, businessmen.

    One can ask is there a single book being published by these gurus in the line of Osho´s or J krishnamurti..

    Most of them have simple books..A for Advaita, B for Bhakti. C for ….

    No wonder, peace time generals have always the best military credentials..

  589. Lokesh says:

    Shantam: you say,The impact of Indian gurus during the feel good times of Indian economy has grown tremendously.

    This is hardly surprising. When the money thing begins to be well and truly sorted for some, it is time for a guru in the family. This is is a result of the fact that happiness does not come as a direct consequence of having it in abundance. People are led to believe that if you get enough money you will be happy. Thus everyone wants it. Those who have it begin to feel their inner emptiness. They can fill that hole, or at least try to, with things or inner values. And so it happened that Osho declared that poor people could not be truly spiritual because they were always hankering after money, which is only a half truth because rich people are also always busy with money, but on a different level.
    Spiritual ideas about enlightenment have in many ways become the new golden carrot for the wealthy. Thus we have chaps like Chopra pandering to their need. Enlightenment is for many today’s must have. Ibiza is full of meditation centres, therapies and feel good programmes that cater to this need. The thing is, when you ask most people what they think enlightenment is they think it is a state of permanent joy to be enjoyed while driving to the health food shop in their eight-cylinder gas guzzler.
    The more I think about it the more anti-guru I am becoming…well, at least on the level of being against masters who are only interested in gathering followers. I am all for men and women who set people free of the need for a master and help people become masters in their own right and thus create love where love did not exist before. Getting out of your own way is the name of the game and anyone who tells you otherwise is in the game of deception.

  590. Lokesh says:

    Anand and Anugrah, it is too easy for people like yourselves to complain about the likes of Bubbie and Martyn, but in my opinion they contribute more to this blog than you guys.
    If you don’t like Bubbie and Martyn’s comments why bother giving energy to what they say by complaining? This is an uncensored blog. They have as much right to voice their opinions as you do, not matter if they can easily be judged distasteful. But apart from complaing what exactly are you contributing, Anand and Anugrah? Nothing much as far as I can see. Anugrah seems to be a bit of a bleating sheep and Anand your efforts are half-hearted at best.
    I sugget you try writing something inspirational, or at least mildly interesting. I am not so interested in the vulgar myself but I’d rathe have that than reading about you guys pointing your finger at the imagined bad guys.

  591. prem martyn says:

    Hi Guys.. I’m in Khajuraho at the moment.. its full of Indians looking at disgusting positions… the one with the cow is particularly disgusting.. and the elephant one is well disproportionate … she couldn’t could she.. ?anyway ive asked around and a lot of indians say these were built by westerners in the porno industry…because none of the women are smiling…just like in the films….

    anyway my western babe is getting a lot of weird looks from the rickshaw drivers.. you know the pune cat calling and breast feeling of the old days….
    oh ohh looks like they are burning one of the temples …. and oh dear another one is building a corner shop selling barbie doll replicas..

    I guess those old tantrik fisters never really understood the thing about being vulgar and offensive…Its better not to know really .. why didnt they make curtains?

    There is a sect in India which finds everything disgusting … in fact they go around making India a shit hole…looks like theyve been doing really well lately…

    Frankly i think that the word impermissible is spelt wrong… what moral offence is there in a word… though on second thoughts it contains the male ejaculate .if you rearrange the letters.. so on that basis the word impermissible should be made impermissible. Its highly offensive when you look at it or think about it..
    so here’s a trick I learnt from Osho ..dont think about pussy (that you’re not getting )

    tricky eh?

    Gotta go there’s a tantra therapist talking to my babe.. must run… and smash his face in…

    see ya

  592. shantam says:

    Lokesh at 9.50 AM

    What a relief and joy ..i agree 100%

  593. prem martyn says:

    i have an inalienable right to offend criticize insult denigrate and sexually humiliate betray sabotage anything and anyone…
    including guru’s who no longer exist as an individual I, but are only consciuosnarse ….

    so do you…
    its called therapy and you usually have to pay for it…
    in osho centres ..( shhh its been a well kept secret for about 30 years…)

  594. shantam says:

    What an ironic symmetry between the rioters and royalty.

    Both have exactly the same philosophy:

    “we want everything handed to us on a plate, free.”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1337088/TUITION-FEES-VOTE-PROTEST-Charles-Camillas-car-attacked-thousands-students-descend-Parliament.html#ixzz17huMzO5B

  595. Alok john says:

    A second extract from ‘Survivors’ Stories: an Enlightening Journey through the Differing Lives of Child Abuse Survivors’ by Morven Fyfe:

    “My secondary school was Orange Hill Grammar School for Boys, Edgware, where boys were also caned on the backside. My problems were certainly compounded by the cold and harsh atmosphere in that school where we were only known by our surnames. On the very first day at Orange Hill our class was told it had to recite the register by memory. The teacher would not call out the names. Each pupil had to call out his name in alphabetical order. I can remember it quite clearly: Long, Maass, Martindale, Martin-Ross…

    When a boy was to be caned, he was sent to the headmaster’s study to knock on the door and ask for the cane, which he then carried back to his classroom. As he came back from the headmaster’s study carrying the cane in his hands, everyone would witness his humiliation as he walked on, carrying this implement of pain. Then the teacher took the cane off the boy, told the boy to bend over and carried out the beating in front of the whole class.

    I will never forget Mr Reffold, a teacher of French, whom for years I lived in terror of. You see, if you took great care to obey all the rules at Orange Hill you were generally safe from beatings, but not in Reffold’s class.

    It was the first lesson of the autumn term, 1962.  We had not met Reffold before. We were in class waiting for him to come in making a bit of noise.  He came through the door. We all stood up as he entered, this was the rule.  He was very angry at the noise, told us to shut up and demanded complete silence. He told us to sit down and made us sit in complete silence for about five minutes.

    Then he told us of a new rule. His class would be conducted in complete silence. No boy would speak unless he was spoken to by Reffold (usually in French). If any boy spoke or made a noise (like dropping a pencil) without a request from Reffold, he would be caned.

    I was terrified. Then Reffold joked around a bit, talking in French and English.   This relaxed the class a bit, but I was still terrified. The class laughed with Reffold for a good five or ten minutes and he did not seem offended. He joked around a bit more and a boy, Rennie I think it was, said quietly “Very funny, Sir.”

    Then  Reffold said “Rennie, go and get the cane.”  We all laughed quite loudly because we thought Reffold was joking. Then Reffold repeated “Rennie, go and get the cane.” This time the laughter was a little subdued. For the third time Reffold quietly said “Rennie, go and get the cane.” This time we were silent because we realised Reffold was not joking.

    Rennie said “But Sir, I only said ‘Very funny, Sir’”. Reffold shouted angrily “I told you that anyone who spoke out of turn would be caned.  Now go and get the cane.”  Rennie again said “But Sir?” Reffold screamed “Do you dare to defy me, boy?”

    Rennie said “No, Sir” and headed meekly for the headmaster’s office to get the cane. The class just sat in silence waiting for him to return. After about ten minutes Rennie returned with the cane.

    Reffold motioned him to the front of the class, told him to bend over and said “This will teach you not to break my rule.” He then administered several hard strokes of the cane to Rennie’s backside. Rennie went back to his seat.  He didn’t cry. The class was shocked into complete silence and we didn’t learn much French that day.

    Reffold must have engineered the whole situation deliberately to “establish authority”,  telling us the new rule and then joking around to relax us so that someone would break it.  

  596. shantam says:

    If you still have the balls Martyn..use the same langauge for queen or other dead Masters, prophets etc. on the sites related with them…
    Not more than 100 Pounds for a Fatwa on someone like you..

    Somehwere liberty is being utterly misused… Definately in the virtual world..nobody can control..but in reality…you will be a right case to be Banned..

  597. prem martyn says:



    intellectually redundant
    but i’d fuck your swiss ( ex)wife so you can experience going beyond jealousy osho style

  598. shantam says:

    Hallo Readers of sannyasnews…

    If you are spending few minutes of your time here, at least here you can make your presence felt. Here you can avoid the tag of a silent consumer, a subject, a victim of other people´s mind games.
    May be it will take too much courage to be a witness against the Mafia, also it will be a gut wrenching experience to stand against your boss and get fired or to tell the clergy about their utter mediocrity..

    If during the last days, you have felt offended by highly derogatory language used by someone here, any you feel nauseating and want to slap the person..than do it.
    Express your anger,

    You can also stop reading sannyasnews. But don´t forget to be indifferent is a way of sheltering the culprits..dead silence is a simple way of making one´s own soul sick..

    At least here you don´t have to pay heavy price. Now a days, just to get banned from the resort is too heavy a price for many seekers of ultimate truth..
    So..tell to any one..with whom you are not agreeing with that you don´t want to see the dirty private toilet of someone..

    Therefore if i say SHUT UP to those old, wounded frustrated, lonely men who are still carrying the trauma of some group done in last seventies like a leukaemia in the blood, and therefore abusing Osho and the people who are following the path, it is only in my individual capacity.

  599. prem martyn says:

    always welcome… anytime…to reveal corporate abuse…

    and its sponsors….

  600. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, that last comment of yours sounds really daft. Abusing Osho and the people who are following the path…what a lot of baloney. It makes me smile, though.

  601. shantam says:

    Atleast i have not read in my life, the way few thankless people are throwing their venom out on Osho. In this way they are simply disgracing their genes, their village, their race, their own search…
    Osho may be the biggest conman in the hostory, in the realm of spirituality he may be not even worthy to be the dust of Jesus and other reverened names…Still…few hundred thousand people have dared to walk with Him, they may not have got the promised prodcut on the contrary they may have lost much of their life in this hocus pocus world of make belief…
    Stil..there reverance and devotion for Osho is intact..
    Loeksh, by writing in favour of such people is a clear case of complicity, a collusion of intention..

  602. prem martyn says:

    upset ,? betrayed ?, thankless,? frustrated? stuck?
    sounds like a group to me… and i’ve only been virtual…you wouldnt wanna do a weekend with me shantiboy .. you might get hurt emotionally.. i might even piss on a photo of osho… help.. call the therapy police… i’m being offended

  603. shantam says:

    Once i have read somewhere, ” Don´t dare to feed the slaves with your hands.They will bite the fingers as they are used to lick the dust of their Masters.”

    So true it seems….in the world of political and religious domination…

    it is true Osho movement is far far away from perfection and neither Osho seems to be the model of a perfect human being specially modelled by divinty as a future referrance.
    But who is that perfect..in the past or in the present..
    Is there a single name..which has done better than Osho..and if yes..why the fuck one is wasting the time here at sannyasnews..why not use it productively with that person..

    Yes..through our expectaions and imaginations we can create a Buddha statue…a jesus on the cross..the symbols..just the symbols of complete men, the most compassionate men or out of some unknown greed we can trust the you tube videos of some guru, from Canada till Karnatka, from Tahiti till Tamilnadu..

  604. shantam says:

    What a bloody stupid and low IQ a person must be, who will waste his piss on one person´s photo.
    even an ant can piss on a single go, on the photos of hundred and one people, who dared to put their feet on her/his small stature.

  605. prem martyn says:

    while i’m alive i thought i’d better do what i can… so i did… and i do….
    and its not your fault shantam… so dont take it personally..OK… not unless you wanna get down and dirty….like sannyassins always have…
    i’m not intersted in gurus saving the world…

  606. shantam says:

    Today i am taking it personally Martyn..It is not the big guns who misuse their power..little unknown yobs are also not behind..

    The only uncensored Osho media is this sannyasnews.. Self imposed discipline is required..
    Instead of feeling some kind of remorse, you are showing adamancy… Defiance is good, very good but not upto this extent that one loses track of other people´s feelings, limitations and boundries..

  607. Lokesh says:

    Shantam, you say, Lokesh, by writing in favour of such people is a clear case of complicity, a collusion of intention..
    Now you are starting to sound like George W Bush..if you aren’t with us you are against us. That is a stupid standpoint to take. Besides that, I am not interested in taking sides in this current debate because I’m not identified with any of it.
    Shantam by holding up something or someone and saying this is holy you are bound to attract those who will want to defile that thing…in this case Osho. It is all in the name of emotional reaction. Some people take pleasure in winding other people up. As I said to Anand and Anugrah if you don’t like what someone is writing on here ignore it rather than feed it if you want it to stop. Today you actually announce…. i am taking it personally Martyn. That is exactly what Martyn wants to hear, because finally he knows he’s punctured that thick skin of yours and he has gotten through to you.
    None of this makes the slightest bit of difference to Osho…only you, due to your identification with the external. Good chance for you to learn something from this situation Shantam. Key to Osho’s teaching is adopting a non-serious attitude about yourself…why? Because by not taking oneself seriously the ego loses it’s grip. Whenever we are serious about such things it is usually an indication of the ego being involved. Better to laugh about it and move on to higher ground.

  608. Anand says:

    Prem Martyn obviously has not overcome his group traumas with Osho Therapy. So now decades later he blasts his wounded soul here on SN. Prem Martyn move on, watch it and drop it. And take responsibility for oyur own actions. You are a stinking pathetic looser, since you did not follow Osho’s guidance: meditate and watch.
    Dynmaic Meditation would have been a good help for you to dismantle your grief.
    Prem Bubbie the former CIA agent, now located in a dog asylum outside of Portland Oregon: God bless his deranged soul, he needs it.
    Lokesh: be a light unto yourself. And be aware that you are always taking side on the anti Osho position. You are hiding your wounds well and better then Prem Martyn, since you are more intelligent, but your disappointment with Osho always shines through.
    Shantam: come back to India. Leave that German shit behind, you do not belong there. Your mother India waits for you up in Chandigar.

  609. frank says:

    the notion that we have of ourselves..our “ego”,
    is a compound of an image of ourselves which does not fit the facts,
    and a sensation of muscular straining that is futile…..

  610. Lokesh says:

    Wow…Anand..it must be amazing to be able to understand people so well…do you use Brainiac Vitamins or is it a case of developing supernatural powers? It is incredible that you have managed to nail me just like that…what is it you said…ah yes, hiding my wounds well…golly, I’ve hidden them so well I’m not even aware of them but hey, that does not matter because you Anand have it all worked out,,, gee whizz, I’ll bet that makes you feel so good and warm inside..smug as a bug in a rug. XXX

  611. frank says:

    and the winner of the
    “”how many sannyasin cliches can you get into a paragraph”competition is…….

    no need to pick up your prize,
    or even respond…
    just move on,watch it and drop it,swami….

  612. Swami Gyan Prakash says:

    prem martyn // Dec 10, 2010 at 4:32 pm
    upset ,? betrayed ?, thankless,? frustrated? stuck?
    sounds like a group to me… and i’ve only been virtual…you wouldnt wanna do a weekend with me shantiboy ..

    you might get hurt emotionally.. i might even piss on a photo of osho… help.. call the therapy police… i’m being offended

    Tomorrow is 11 december The Day of Birth of the Greatest Master that every lived and walked this Earth, and spread his love and compassion endlessly !!

    Yes, Prem Marty, you can Piss on Osho photo,
    This is You, The Real You !!! Disgusting how Sannyas News allows such peverted and retarded people to express views here.We are not offended, you are below the level of sannyas or even decency of human behaviour, This is the Real Hell you are facing. YOur True Face.

  613. Lokesh says:

    ‘That’s right!’, said the mascara snake.

  614. Lokesh says:

    Deary me, Martyn, is it hot in hell or is it, as the Tibetans believe, cold? Let me know how it is going. Do they play Rolling Stones and AC/DC music 24/7 in the Hades dance hall? This is so exciting. Having first hand reports from beelzebub dimension.

  615. frank says:

    aint no reason
    aint no rhyme
    aint nothin i would rather do
    goin down party time
    my friends are gonna be there too
    season ticket on a one way ride
    i`m on the highway to hell
    i`m on the highway to hell….

  616. prem bubbie says:

    hey mr. anus anand… if we weren’t “sensitive to life , love and all creatures” we wouldn’t be on here smacking idiots like you in the head…. it just shows how much of an imbecile you and most of the rest of you are… please, keep sailing to fantasy land on your “Good Ship Loolipop’ cruiser. yet another one talking gibberish, this time with your anus.

  617. prem bubbie says:

    Shantam– you obviously have never lifted a finger in your life… regarding the rioters wanting everything handed to them just like the “royalty”… If you ever manage to develop a callus on your hands, just one would suffice, you would understand the rioters position and actions…. Talk about shit in India, at least many people in England refuse to be shit upon by pompous assed politicians and their corporate masters.. oh, i forgot, you are a big time corporatist. You have no idea what i’m talking about? yes, shantam shit- for brains. the best place for royalty is in an indian sewer… Can anyone tell me why you Brits still have “royalty”? for that matter, in many parts of the world… i have a few ideas but would like some feedback from you Limeys…. cheers

  618. prem bubbie says:

    Sorry Prakash… Osho was not the “greatest” master that ever lived on earth… You still are carrying your organized “religious” baggage of yours… what you say is typical propaganda a Christian, Muslim or Jew would say….. “Come, step right this way– Sannyasin Brothers and Sannyasin Bailey Circus”… see the 3 headed swami, 8 foot tall African with a 2 foot long penis. Come see the Europeans hopping on one leg along with their Indian and Nepalie friends chanting, “Osho, Osho” while wanking to Frank Sinatra tunes…. Hurry , Hurry.. Step right this way…. Yes, Prakash… it is a circus and particularly bizarre circus at that, when it involves Osho sannyasins.

  619. prem bubbie says:

    To add to the circus advertisement: “Come see Prakash and anand fist themselves- without “Astroglide”!! an impossible feat made possible by arduous training at their local ashram”. Shows are free after midnight.

  620. frank says:

    anyone going to enjoy the fistivities at the osho winter fistival?

    will they invite all the different folks who think osho is the master of masters?

    all the ones who are united in their “love for the master” yet call each other “baboons” , “criminals” ,”drunkards” “fascists” “dictators”
    “bastards” ,a fair bit of racist slagging,
    have injunctions out on each other,only communicate through lawyers,indulge in vitriolic abuse,backbiting,propagandarising…

    the notion that we have of ourselves,our “ego”,is an image of ourselves which does not fit the facts….

  621. bob says:

    can’t think of any bogus story exposes today,
    December 10,
    ohhh, except…
    isn’t this the day the big fat guy with a white beard in a red suit says to his elves,
    “ok, boyz, we’ve only got 14 days to go to finish up making and wrapping all these presents for the kids of the world…i jump in the sleigh for my World Tour on the 24th…on Rudolph, on Donner, on Blitzkrieg, you know the script, we go through this every year… let’s get crackin’….!”

  622. prem bubbie says:

    If osho made the claim that he was indeed Santa Claus,or at least the reincarnation of Jolly St. Nick, you would have the likes of Anand, Anugrah, Prakash, and Shantam believing him and conjuring up theories and “facts”, that indeed he is/was Santa Klaus…. along with slamming and demanding censorship of those who offer proof that he was full of shit or just saying No. We’d might even see the good old boy Mr. Brian Rajneesh donning a bright red suit and dying his beard white to mark this festive occasion.. Can most of you now see the simple stupidity and idiocy of many so-called sannyasin lovers of osho possess. Faced with the truth of the matter, anand and company just love the feel of sand covering their heads instead of basking in the sunshine of the spotless mind…. Wasn’t that a title of a movie? might be a good one.

  623. prem martyn says:

    you can lead a horse to water…..

    as jack nicholson said…
    you want the truth … you cant handle the truth….

    or as i say..

    i take full respnsibility… for blaming others…

    for me
    a lot of shit went down right up until 2003 when i stopped bothering to redress the imbalance in person….

    now i’m retired…. and the only thing i regret is losing some people who i thought visiting the planet was for.. i dont miss osho… but the promise….

    no hard feelings ….
    just using sannyas medicine on sannyas…

    and a lot of belly laughs whatever happens


  624. Shahriar says:

    Shantam: I am not sure, whether my eyes will be able to see the system change at Osho´s main seat. if the present leadership remains custodians of Osho´ work…next 25 years will see the END OF SANNYAS in the western world..

    Shahriar: Doom and gloom as usual Shantam. Osho’s work is going to be here for a while and the present leadership is doing fine. Osho’s sannyas is not going to end in the western world, as long as there are seekers who are discontent with christianity and are looking for an alternative vision sooner or later they are bound to come across Osho.

    All the other spiritual masters and gurus currently existing are pygmies in comparision to Osho and the following quote from Shantam sums it up nicely:

    “Most of them have simple books..A for Advaita, B for Bhakti. C for ….”

  625. prem martyn says:

    ps .. lokesh … its a nightmare..

    loads of people who wouldn’t understand negotiation in the search for living together….

    gotta go.. i’m booked on an eternal therapy group….

    ….in french

  626. Shahriar says:

    “Music is the voice that tells us that the human race is greater than it knows.” -Napoleon Bonaparte.

    I was thinking of Darwin and his theory of evolution when I was reading this quote. How far man must have evolved from the monkeys to get to the point of being able to compose such music as Mozart was composing.

  627. prem bubbie says:

    Well sadly, mozart is only one in a million, at best… so fuck the evolution of man… nature obviously doesn’t want mozarts, or buddha’s running around en mass… it would spoil the sick game she’s running. there are billions of monkey men running around… same with seekers or sannyasins… so many and only a few buddhas… a perverted game indeed….now, that’s the REAL perversion happening, right Prakash?

  628. Lokesh says:

    As Osho used to say, it is not fair to the monkeys to say man is descended from them. And what kind of monkey are you descended from, Shahriar? Perhaps quite n pseudo-intellectual one and thus you will never quite grasp what Osho was about, because his whole effort was to aid people to enter a no-mind state.
    You are in tandem with Shantam when you say: All the other spiritual masters and gurus currently existing are pygmies in comparision to Osho and the following quote from Shantam sums it up nicely:
    This to me signals that neither of you guys are very well read. There exist books that are on par and in some cases better than Osho’s discourses, not to say that there exists a need for comparison, but you have created one by your dumb and uneducated statement.
    It is an incredible accomplishment that Osho has had over 400 books published in his name, which makes it seem even more paradoxical that his words are a distant second to the energy field that he created around himself. Shariar, you have not an inkling of what that means and, not for the first time, I can only conclude that you are completely out of your depth and do not really know what you are talking about. Don’t worry about it because as far as this blog goes you are not alone in your condition.
    As for Mozart….not bad….but ranking maybe number 453 in my list of musical composers.

  629. prem martyn says:

    this is a sort of socratic forum really..

    nearly as good as this years Boring conference this week.

    Among the subjects which will be tackled at Boring 2010 are the history of dust, the purpose of vending machines and the reasons for draws in cricket Test matches. Organisers are also considering holding a live game of computerised solitaire transmitted on to an overhead screen together with a live commentary.

  630. Lokesh says:

    Wow, who needs to watching paint drying with fantastic diversions like those described above.

  631. prem martyn says:


    its disgusting…. ban it , burn it but…. try it…

    is it vegan?

  632. Lokesh says:

    I say , Martyn, are you a a sheep-shagger? Hence your attraction to SN. Bah-bah! Oh-oh here comes Anugrah and Chinmaya. The Lord is my shepherd etc.

  633. prem bubbie says:

    Personaly, i enjoy watching water boil—- whenever i’m “steamed” about something that is— more puns later… now on to the next thread.

  634. prem bubbie says:

    p.m.– is that shantam standing behind covering his eyes? or is it prakash? pretty close resemblance…. why couldn’t someone in ancient times carve a scene showing a guy shagging the crack of dawn? I’ve been acquainted with several chaps who would have shagged dawn’s crack if it would have rose in the evening….( they were late sleepers)

  635. Alok john says:

    Bubbie wrote :
    Can anyone tell me why you Brits still have “royalty”? for that matter, in many parts of the world… i have a few ideas but would like some feedback from you Limeys…. cheers

    Who knows? We are just stupid?

    One answer is that there is a small privately schooled upper middle class that get most of the good jobs and run the country. In England you can more or less tell by looking at someone whether they had private or state education. Retaining the royal family helps legitimise this inequality. If you went for an interview for a good job and got chatting in the interview, and mentioned you were against the monarchy, this would stand against you in many jobs.

  636. Alok john says:

    In a blistering diatribe against Britain, Iranian minister Mohammad-Reza Rahimi said: ‘They have plundered the world in the last 500 years and the young lad in charge now is even more stupid than his predecessor. …

    Iran’s First Vice President added: ‘England has nothing. …(They are) a bunch of thick people ruled by a mafia.’

  637. prem bubbie says:

    A truly inbred lot, these Brits, with Charles leading the bunch. Just look at those ears, those teeth…..for anyone to believe they have a direct connection with god and the heaven’s would have to be mad… same with those Japs, yet it took 2 atomic bombs to wake them up…. some insane shit happening on this planet. And with England, it just took a bunch of greedy bankers and stock market players to smack some sense into the locals. Now, what will it take to wake up the “sannyasins”?

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