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Simon Tzu: If I Ran the Commune

Anyone who spent time with Osho (when he was alive) will tell you the same thing - Osho Commune International (in Pune, also called the Resort) is flat, and lacking in life. One walks around and wonders where is the boisterous laughter? Where is the exhuberance of spirit? Where is the juice? Where - for fuck's sake - has the swearing gone? It feels like what once once an island of rebellious bliss is transforming into a tofulike mush.

First of all - why "solve" things or propose changes, as perhaps it was Osho's will that his followers, these Buddha Buds, spread far and wide across the world and bring his energy and ideas to people everywhere... Well this is now being done, this work is happening and will not stop regardless of what happens here in Pune. It would be nice to have a place where we can all gather from time to time - reconnect with Osho and with each other. Osho Commune International (OCI) is here already, so it would be great if we could use it, and not have to build something from scratch.

Here's what I would do

- Reveal Osho's last requests to be in full. OCI to be audited and the books opened to anyone who wants to see them.

- OCI be incorporated as a public company, and all of its shares issued to sannyasins. You guys who put the money and juice in should be the owners too.

- No more contract staff. Not for anything. Cleaning, construction, everything should be done by sannyasins. The sannyasins working in this way would be paid a mixture of cash and shares.

- The top therapists and group leaders will all be invited back and encouraged to praticse at OCI. OCI will only take a fair percentage of their income from these courses and charge a reasonable fee for the facilities, leaving them with the rest of their earnings.

- Osho's videos, audio recordings and books will be released free of charge for download on the Internet. His message should be available to anyone anywhere at no cost.

- Other enlightened teachers would be invited to come and give satsang. Nobody spoke more about all the currents in world religion than Osho. This tradition will be continued by inviting other teachers to come here and share. Such a unique approach could make this place a true flower of global awareness.

- There will be a number of online diaries (weblogs) kept by those running the place so all sannyasins know what is happening at all times. Everything will now be done in a 100% open and transparent manner.

This article was originally published at www.simontzu.org