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Open Letter to Indian Sannyasins

(This is part of an edited letter that Ma Anupamo sent us. Sannyasnews wishes to make clear it does not agree with this letter from Ma Anupamo, but respects her right to be heard. We welcome letters of reply.).

Beloved Friends,

The Osho Samadhi downgrading, happening in the last year, was done on the orders of Sw. Amrito. But why did Amrito (Dr. George Meredith) order such a spiritual downgrading?

First -- So, one thing is clear: Amrito never transformed himself in the presence of Osho and thus is still unconsciously living the old British imperialistic spirit. It was a great miss of Amrito that he never went deeply enough into therapy to face himself -- not in Pune One, nor in Rajneeshpuram, nor in Pune 2.

Secondly -- if you look closely at Amrito's behaviour, you will understand that it is simply out of date. As we all know, currently India is on her way of becoming one of the world's leading powers. Today, the whole India is definitely healing from the impact of the Spirit of the British Imperialism, which exploited the country for more than 300 years. It must be a joke of Existence that out of all the places in India, the Osho International Commune, the space where our beloved master Osho has created a Buddhafield for the New Man to transform, is still dominated by the old British ghost of Imperialism. And the real pain now is, it is the very place on Earth where, after his death from the after-effects of poisoning and radiation by the American Christian Fundamentalists, Osho's ashes have been put. Osho himself has designed his Samadhi and gave that place to his people to meditate in.

Thirdly -- one must understand that the Christian Fundamentalists are the heritage holders of the British Raj Ego structure, as far as Imperialism is concerned. And the Christian Fundamentalists of America are directly responsible for poisoning our beloved Master and destroying our Commune Rajneeshpuram. The British Imperialists and the American Imperialists are brothers in arms to go against the whole work of Osho. Osho over and over told us, that it is too painful to be in his body after the poisoning done by the Christian Fundamentalists.

We all know, that Osho left the worldly administration of his place to 21 people, who were called the "Inner Circle". But today, a functioning Inner Circle does not exist any more. All the (material) power is in the hand of Jayesh. We have to go a little deeper into this, too. Osho never gave the Osho International Commune into the hands of Jayesh, in fact Osho asked on his deathbed Jayesh a very simple question:? How much money is in your bank account?? Jayesh told the amount to Osho and our beloved master told to Jayesh:? This money belongs to me.. And he ordered Jayesh to spend that money for an upgrading of the capacity to host new guests at the commune. Jayesh could not take Osho seriously. And Osho told him to just spend the money according to his instructions. Take the money and invest it into the commune, my work will expand beyond your imaginations after I have left the body. This was a simple device of our beloved Master for Jayesh to drop his ambitions and to free his energy to transform himself. Osho ordered Jayesh to devote all his money to the wellbeing of the commune. But Jayesh missed. Today, Jayesh pretends that he owns the place. Osho told him to simply devote his money to the commune and Jayesh turns around to us and says Osho gave me his place!? Not only that, but Jayesh claims he has all the legal rights over the whole work of Osho. Now we can see that Jayesh suffers an Imperialistic Ego structure, just like poor Amrito. Jayesh`s father always wanted his son to become the Prime Minister of Canada. Jayesh got trained by his father to live that imperialistic spirit to its optimum. Jayesh and Amrito are brothers in arms.

Today Amrito pretends to know what is spiritual in and what is spiritual out and Jayesh owns on a material base the work of Osho. We should call this situation at the Osho International Resort what it is: A colonialism in the 21st century. But what is then the difference between Osho International Commune and the rest of the world? When we, Osho's people, cannot rebel against that old imperialistic climate, who else can rebel in the world? And moreover, Osho always wanted us to be rebels.. So that situation of today at the Osho International Resort shows our miss. Each one of us is responsible for letting Jayesh and Amrito get away with this behaviour.

Now Osho:

"Many sannyasins go on writing to me, strange questions that surprise me. Just the other day in the newspapers, one sannyasin has given an interview. In the interview he was asked, "When Osho was in the jails of America, were you disturbed? He said, "One day Osho is going to leave the body. He cannot be eternally in the body, so we have to accept it; it was a good opportunity to accept his absence." The answer on the surface looks perfectly right. It is true, I am not going to be in the body forever. But are you going to live in the body forever? -- the sannyasin has completely forgotten that. There is every possibility you may pop off before me. You are becoming accustomed to my absence, and sannyas is to become accustomed of my presence. Underlying it, the invisible writing is that you are saying, "I am enough unto myself." (Osho: Satyam, Shivam, Sundram, chapter 17, 15.1)

This is what Amrito wants everybody to repeat in his heart: "I am enough unto myself and I have forgotten Osho" But I must point out at this moment: One who is transforming himself can never say he is enough unto himself. He is all for being in the presence of our Beloved Master and his Buddhfield and his Samadhi.


Ma Anupamo