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Osho and the 16th Lama Karmapa.

The Preservation of theTibetan Occult Sciences

In 1972, Swami Govind Siddharth, an Osho sannyasin, visited the Tibetan Lama Karmapa, who had fled from Tibet and who then lived in Darjeeling. When Siddharth arrived, accompanied by his wife and two young daughters, Karmapa's place was completely closed. He told, in an interview at the time, of his initial disappointment at not meeting the Karmapa. Then all of  a sudden, one monk came running out to tell him that he was immediately wanted inside by His Holiness. He went in and was greeted by Karmapa as if he was expected there. Karmapa never even knew anything about him beforehand, as he had never made any appointment... he never knew anything about him except that he was dressed in the faded orange of early neo-sannyas.

(Of Larma Karmapa, it was said he was a ‘Divine Incarnation’, a Boddhisatva. In Tibet, they believe that whosoever attains to Buddhahood, and then by their own wishes are born again to help people in the world, they are divine incarnations — boddhisatvas. His Holiness was said to be the sixteenth incarnation of Dsum Khyenpa, the first Karmapa, who was born about 1110 AD.)

When Swami Siddharth first entered, the Karmapa immediately told him that he knew where he was from. He said, "I am seeing that you have somewhere some photograph or something which is printed on two sides, of your Master.” Siddharth answered that he had nothing like that which is printed on two sides. He had completely forgotten about the locket hanging from his mala of Osho’s photograph on both sides! There was an English woman who was acting as an interpreter, since the Lama Karmapa did not know English. She immediately saw his mala and said, "What is this?” He then remembered that the locket was printed on two sides and he said, "This is the photograph of my Master.” She was curious to see it, so Siddharth took it off and showed it to her.

Immediately, Karmapa said, "That is it.” He took the locket of Osho in his hand and he touched it to his forehead and then said: He is the greatest incarnation since Buddha in India — he is a living Buddha!” Karmapa went on to say, "You may be feeling that he is speaking for you, but it is not only for you that he speaks. Osho speaks for the Akashic records also, the records of events and words recorded on the astral planes. Whatever is spoken is not forgotten. That is why you will find that he goes on repeating things and you will feel that he is doing this for you, but, as a matter of fact, he speaks only for a few people.  Only a few people realize who Osho is. His words will remain there in the Akashic records, so that they will also be helpful to people in the future.”

Karmapa went on to say that Osho had been with Siddharth in past lives. "If you want to see one of Osho’s previous incarnations — who he was in Tibet — you can go to Tibet and see his golden statue there which is preserved in the Hall of Incarnations.” He continued to chat about Osho and his work, "My blessings are always there, and I know that whatever we are not going to be able to do to help others, Osho  will do.” He explained that one of the main aim of the Lamas in coming to India was to preserve their occult sciences. Osho from his side also confirmed this in his Kashmir lectures given in 1969. He said then, "The Dalai Lama has not escaped only to save himself, but to save the Tibetan religion, the meditation secrets and the occult sciences"

Karmapa carried on to explain, "We have gotten these things from India in the past, and now we want to return them back. Now we have come to know that here is an incarnation, Osho, who is doing our job in India and the world, and we are very happy about it. The world will know him, but only a few people will realise what he actually is. He will be the only person who can guide properly, who can be a World Teacher in this age, and he had taken birth only for this purpose.”

All this still rings true today much as it did thirty years ago. (Ed. Sannyasnews. com)