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Chinese Commune forced into Exile

Open Letter from Leela to Sannyasnews

We have been chased out by our government again from the commune we created — and from our country. You can see on our website, linked below, how beautiful our space had become. Our organic farming had succeeded wonderfully. Our vegetables were growing beautiful on land where no farmer had previously succeeded to plant vegetables — poor earth above 2400 metres.

We succeeded with our organic methods and were ready to share our experience with the farmers around us. We gave English courses for the village children. 15 children came every week to attend English classes. We also got visitors for our meditation groups. But for the Chinese government it was not acceptable that a group of educated people who liked to live together, and have new ideas, should find rest there — even if many of these ideas were helpful for the villagers around us. We were ordered to leave again. Many people in Laxhihai, where we lived, were sad about our leaving. But we were left with no choice.

This happened all in the first week of November. To take minimal risk to ourselves we left in one week after the message from the government. It was the second time we had got such a message. We had got the same message where we had settled before last year. The first time we came to be on good terms with the local government officials. We were allowed to stay. The local police did an investigation in what we did, everything had been checked and it was still okay. But then the Central Communist government came into the game. Then it was an order to leave.

This time every commune member hurridly went home to arrange passports. We had to go abroad. After a short time in Nepal, we are now in India. The future is very insecure. To get long term visas for us for India is not easy. We rent an apartment in Dharamsala. We connect with the Dalai Lama and hope he will write a recommendation letter for us. A recommendation letter to go somewhere on this earth to live our live in nature, sharing meditation and our experience with organic farming. The new idea now is to try and connect with the UN.

Please share our website and our very valuable experience with organic farming to any organization who can be of help for us Chinese sannyasins. .We have had to run out of our own country and are looking for a new home.

Love, Leela


Here you can see the commune life we created, and our ideas about living and sharing together.

Our email address is: greenfieldchina@yahoo.com.cn